Appogee, on 28 November 2016 - 08:43 AM, said:
Not every planet has the same mass as Earth.
So the different maps we fight on, and the different planets we fight on in FP, should have differing gravities.
Differing gravity would affect the effectiveness of Jump Jets, fall rates and fall damage.
CryEngine has
variable gravity built in. MW:LL used it to good effect on its asteroid map.
Give us variety. Give us one more tiny step towards sim. Give us variable gravity.
Ah my dear friend.. it took them YEARS to implement time of day.. how much do you think will take them for variable gravity?
Sorry to say, they really have bigger fish to fry than this idea.. altho good, but still.. maybe after a working FW, a viable skill tree, and some PVE?
Yeah.. then..
Also, considering it logical that most "habitable" or "colonised" planets would be earth-like in nature, the gravitational conditions should be similar.. maybe only slightly higher or lower.. especially in low atmosphere maps.. but not on temperate maps like river city..
Also.. you do realize your idea would make them make new maps?
We cant have that, can we now? ;-)
Edited by Vellron2005, 29 November 2016 - 06:08 AM.