However, there in lies a problem.
A mech GXP unlock is universal... meaning, shared by ALL your mechs.
A mech XP unlock is variant... meaning, shared by ALL mechs of that same variant
HOWEVER, a module is a specific chasis dependent, meaning... equipping seismic is NOT shared by all the variants.
Is the new skill tree suggesting that EACH and EVERY chasis must be individually grind? Cause... holy fok...
You are not talking about 8 types of mechs with 4 variants each. For me, I have 8 EBJ of 4 variants, grinding 4 was hard enough... now I have to grind 8????
And I can't be the only one with multiple single variant. I have 50 odd mechs as of now. Imagine the people with 200+
Do they have to grind ALL 200?????
Then I REALLY hope the grind to max skill points is not as tedious as released right now. Cause what's the point of releasing new mechs if you are NEVER going to be able to play it at maximum capacity due to the sheer grindiness?
(And it would be terrible if the skill tree is variant shared... what if my B variant can support both a LRM and a Ballistic build? I don't want one chasis of the B variant to be ineffective because I chose to have skill points in the LRM tree)
Edited by razenWing, 04 December 2016 - 10:24 AM.