- "How'd you like this sandwich son" offkey dubstep whilst watching randoms drink beer at a table.
- "%@^! Yeah! , @&£! Yeah!" on repeat as the MWO logo shows for 15 minutes.
- 3 second zoom shots of random people (the caterer, a bald guy, somone bending over)
- The audio for battletech playing whilst stream of new 1v1 arena.
Personally I found it hillarious for the hour or so that I watched, but I do care about this IP (see founders badge). The huge announcment will have brought in a new crowd, and future productions need to be more professional and fun e.g.
- Vetting music before stream
- Music matching demographic
- More care over audio/vid in general
- More fun stuff to do on stream (interactivity) or player interviews etc.
- Less splash screens and more inteviews / tornament pics or even playing some choice regional final matches as a buildup to the tourney.
- More competative teams at the finals , and a better format to mix things up (More map randomisation perhaps).