Arugela, on 30 August 2016 - 03:57 PM, said:
I would like melee damage, crash damage,(if it would come to much naturally, although I would like it even if it's very small amounts and realistically calculated so it damage based on realistic surface to surface contact and other factors with potential self damage.), crouching, and other things like the ability to knock mechs over.
And balancing these things out would not be a nightmare. All they have to do is calculate it realistically and wallah!(this is literally what computers were made for!! ><) If it's not right it means they need to add more of the proper factors into the game to make it right. They don't even have to think about it much. if they can't figure this stuff out then they really need to think about what they do for a living. Or start letting engineers run their companies or something. It's sort of spitting in the face of the entire culture that made all of this. the culture that makes your food, and cars, your houses and is the only reason you live comfortably, or at all, day to day.... literally! You know, the ones that are the only reason you can be on the internet, and developed all of this before you got here..... made and designed every inch of it.... Including, even, every table top game and math puzzle that makes all of this stuff up.
I think you could deal with melee realistically. You just need to add the stuff to do it. Like basic armor consideration or composite materials or material science. anything wrong will literally just be a "lack" of consideration and need a few more things added in. Like arm servos at an angle applying force. Or they could automate some of it, as a mech probably would) and consider the forces of the mechs parts and it's abilities before hand and put it in a number. I would just hope it's a proper number. 8) Like, 5!
My favourite is the "You just need to add the stuff to do it.". It's like saying "Just give everybody food to end world hunger". While the later has a very tragic background and someone saying that would just be borderline ignorant and naïve, I am not putting you in that place. But your proposed "solutions" suggest PGI is just to dumb and/or too lazy to do it because it's laughably easy and you would know how to do it . Then apply there and save us all, since it is so friggin easy.
A full on, physically correct, collision and damage model would require constant and complex calculations parallel to game mechanic calculations. The Cryengine in it's used version already puts a cap on what's possible. And don't think "just using a higher version of the Cryengine would be instant paradise". Changing versions of gameengines can most of the time be as complex as changing from one engine to another. Let's pretend for a moment, that it would be as easy to implement full-on collision simulations ( a: for the rendering, b: for the damage c: for points). The thing is, that these collisions will have to be calculated within the game client as they will have to be real-time and on-time. You can stretch the nvidia physix engine only so much and since not everybody sports a nvidia gpu it'll end up in the CPU. And MWO is already a CPU hogger. Not everybody has a gamer pc grade machine and MWO is more the Mecha enthusiasts game, than playin ground for hardcore esports aficionados. If the minimum system requirements have to be upped to 4 GHz i7s, 8-16 GB RAM and a minimum of GTX9xx, this turns into a rich mans game. Don't get me wrong, I'll be game with that requirements easily. But other's don't. So PGI will have to take into account that they simply can't put anything into the game. Not for the lack of possibility or capability. But to be able to sustain or grow the player base.
I am acting quite the advocatus diabolii at that point and I have many beefs with PGIs decisions or why they aren't doing what I am wishing etc. But I am always trying to emphasize and understand their side too. They have business concerns I as a customer will never be able to see objectively from my point of view. They are not spending their day discussing how to piss their customers off or make their lives massively misserable.
Consider this: Demanding the level of realism observed in blockbuster multiplayer 3rd person shooters like Battlefield or Call of Duty is mute due to the fact that those game had budgets in the 100-200 Million Dollars and hunderts if not thousands of employees. And you can imagine that the manufacturer of the game engine will provide any help and support to those game developers as the game will very prominently promote their product with the game. PGI is a 60-70 people indie-style game developer, trying to make a game out of a franchise that has been there for decades and whose user based is quite "lored". Not an easy task. They will never ever make it right for everybody and sometimes the best compromise is the one where nobody likes it. At least I am ready to give them the benefit of the doubt that they are still trying. I'll be outspoken, when it's required (bmho) but always with a maximum of information regarding the cause.
Bottom line: It's not as easy as you like it to be (still).
Edited by Thomster, 01 September 2016 - 11:46 PM.