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New Pilot, Day 2. Need Advice.

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#1 Spiderz


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 03:24 PM

So i started playing yesterday morning and today is a new day (8am currently in Australia) had plenty of games, i saved money using a WARHAWK WHK-C trial mech and eventually bought a TBR-S and fitted it with a "Gauss vomit" i found on meta mechs, so far i've got mixed feelings about it. On some of the more spacious snow maps i found myself using cover and ruining all the other players with my lasers and bullying them with my Gauss. One of my best matches i had mvp 750 damage, 4 kills and 4 assists. Although i'm quickly finding this gauss timberwolf doesn't have the maneuverability in brawling sized maps nor the best damage application on some of those lava maps. Sitting down yesterday i knew this battletech game would have a learning curve, specifically fitting them. Also i have a question about skills, it says i need all the basic efficiencies for 3 of this hull, does this then mean i need to buy 3 more timberwolves? my reason for doing this was i'm seeing "advanced zoom" under modules and the mastery says it's a module slot? i'm not entirely sure if i'm understanding this right but i'd like to use the zoom camera i'm seeing youtubers use.

So i haven't spent any money on this game yet, but i feel like doing so now. Really i'd like to use a mech that i can play as a survivalist. That is turtle, trade and repeat aggressively at medium and marksman ranges. This timberwolf i built was really meant to do this but seems map constrained. Suggestions welcome, after playing with it i understand the mechlab much better. Which mechs do the absolute most damage, even high risk? that's something else i'd be curious about.

~ Spider

#2 GenghisJr


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 03:57 PM

Firstly, welcome aboard, I look forward to the opportunity of shooting you. Secondly, the whole skill tree system is about to change and this will remove the modules as well, instead you will be able to customize the skills of your mech - dont yet know much more about it but others do.
There is no perfect build, what works on one map will be a disadvantage on others, else everyone would use the exact same set up. the omni-pods on your TBR will allow you to experiment with different builds, buy a some torso's and arms that have different hard points if you want to try different builds.

#3 no one


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 03:59 PM

View PostSpiderz, on 12 December 2016 - 03:24 PM, said:

Also i have a question about skills, it says i need all the basic efficiencies for 3 of this hull, does this then mean i need to buy 3 more timberwolves?

No. Well. . . yes under the current system, but the skill system's due to change VERY soon so you're better off saving your money until that drops. Since the timberwolf is an omni 'mech there's no real reason to buy more variants, all parts are interchangeable. Modules like adv zoom are currently separate from the skill tree (will also change soon) and you just buy the skill (a couple thousand gxp) and module (a couple mill per module) and add them to a 'mech in the lab.

View PostSpiderz, on 12 December 2016 - 03:24 PM, said:

Really i'd like to use a mech that i can play as a survivalist. That is turtle, trade and repeat aggressively at medium and marksman ranges. Which mechs do the absolute most damage, even high risk? that's something else i'd be curious about.

Damage is not king in MWO, focused damage is. Cover, ECM and ams are some of the most important things for survival when you're playing peek-and-poke. If you're invested in Clan 'mechs then the 2xLPL shadowcat is a solid if expensive choice for a medium, but suffers from having few hardpoints. The hellbringer's a respectable heavy with ecm and good hardpoints, but limited free weight. Hunchback IICs are mobile and have variety and well positioned hard-points for poking but have no ECM and are non omnis, which can be a blessing since it lets you change engines and add endo/fero.

#4 Bohxim


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 04:04 PM

First, you don't need mastery to use modules, just unlock an extra mech/weapon module slot. All mechs come with at least 1 mech and 1 weapon module slot(some more but not too impt). To unlock modules (like ur advanced zoom), first you'll need to buy the skill in the pilot skill tree with GXP, which is significantly harder to earn than mech exp. Then once you unlock the skill, you can buy and slot the module into the correct slot in your mech. As of now modules are a finite resource, you will need to buy 1 for each mech you want it on, but can be swapped around to save cost.
Secondly, you need 3 variants of a mech to gain elite/mastery. You already have 1 timber, you just need 2 more, not 3.
If you're looking for a mech that have a low kill priority, and try to wither them down, maybe you shouldn't have bought the timber haha. It's got a pretty high kill priority generally. If you're talking about high damage even with high risk, kodiak and dwf have lots of guns but are extremely high priority targets. Cyclops-Q and mauler are good dps machine but large and some builds use XL and/or are short ranged. Nova allows some good options too but hot and generally short ranged, but has speed jump jets and low profile

#5 Van mw


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 04:24 PM

Hi Spiderz.
Check this tutorial if you haven't seen it yet.
There you can find answer on a lot of questions. As well as about current modules system that is going to change in about 2 months (ETA - February, at least it was told so). Short asnwer - you need 2 more Timberwolfs variants to go past "Basic" and then "Elite" skill levels. 3 variants in total and you already have 1 .

Don't hurry with money here, you might as well just enjoy the matches and quite quickly accumulate enough C-bills and XP for mastering mechs. Tiers 4,5 can be done with trials mechs only in Quick Play.

As for your question about "survivalist" mech - check trial ShadowCat. I think it matches your description very well. And it have MASC by the way (press left ALT button while running to use Nitro Posted Image ).

"most damage, even high risk" - KDK-3. UAC10/5 or Gauss/PPC.

Also Gauss rifle is going to be cut in range in today/tomorrow patch. So meta mechs might update it's builds after a while.

And general best tip in this universe - find unit you are comfortable with, this will boost up your "learning curve" magnificently. More than just money ;)

Edited by Van mw, 12 December 2016 - 04:36 PM.

#6 Spiderz


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 04:52 PM

Thanks for the help everyone, so i ended up having another great match with my timberwolf, range killed 2 LRM mechs in the cabin/face. Just noticed the "pilot trees" button under skills. Kicking myself i wasted GXP. Definitely seems like i have slots or some such. Just built this kodiak and going to try it out. You've all mentioned the shadow cat, does anyone have a link for a build? i've been using those build sites as a basis because i imagine if i'm going to learn to play, it should be with the right tools and not a kitchen sink monstrosity. So to confirm, should i not spend GXP at all? will it be refunded on this revamp? Thank you heaps this is all very helpful, this is my first discussion about the game with players outside my own experiences.

#7 JC Daxion


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 05:00 PM

I'd pick up a couple more timbers... They are great mechs, and can run tons of builds. Lasers, ac's, missiles.. what have you. Grab the Prime and C, both are pretty solid.

If you really want to spend money, i'd say spend 7-14 bucks, and pick up some MC,, and then buy mech bays as needed. Id suggest picking up a timber hero, but i can't seam to find how to buy one at this point.. Not sure if the pre-order was the only way to get it early.

I'd defiantly get more time in the timber before you started jumping around.. See how unlocking elites changes how the mech plays, and get some time in with the other weapons. So many builds that play different on timbers..

2 Large pulse + 3 ML's

4 ML's or SLP's + 4 SRM6's

dual AC5's with lasers

ac20+ lasers

Even lrm+laser builds

Just so many ways to mix and match and they all play very different.. and yea, a Gauss on alpine or polar is easy button if people don't know how to use cover, which seeing you are new and most likely in t5.. most don't.

Having good aim in t5 is a big bonus.. but once you go up, you quickly learn that there is lots more to playing. though maybe you are just a really good player,, in that case.. t1 awaits you.. :)

#8 no one


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 05:16 PM

View PostSpiderz, on 12 December 2016 - 04:52 PM, said:

Will it be refunded on this revamp?

All current XP is supposed to be refunded as legacy GXP, or something to that effect.

For builds, this site's a good resource.

For the shadowcat I like to make use of the high shoulder hardpoint, so I run this loadout :

Usually people will go full poke with 3xCLPL or 2xCerPPCs, but nothing's to stop you from doing something silly like 6xMachineguns and a uAC/10

Edited by no one, 12 December 2016 - 05:21 PM.

#9 Van mw


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 05:17 PM

Trail shadowcat is available in game, so you can check it there.

"Wasted GXP" (and C-bills on modules) will be refunded/returned, although if you feel really terrible about "a waste" - create another account and do things right this time.

Personally I would recommend to spend GXP, just check all the options. Again, tutorial will help with that. One more reason to spend it - have personal opinion/experience about them because replacing them in new system seems like will cost more than in current.

#10 Jingseng


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 05:20 PM

Heya, played a game with or two with you yesterday (roughly same ish time zone, let me know if you are looking for a unit, will put you in touch with our commander).

Generally, I would say: Don't worry about the skills and exp and 3 mech rule... it is changing, potentially in as little as two months. And as a result of that change you wont need as many mech bays (as you would otherwise; you wont need 3 open bays for a mech you want to get into, just one). Whatever exp you spend is getting refunded. likewise on modules.

I'd say, mess around with the exp and skills, but don't take it too ARRRGHHH seriously. It will serve as a foundation for the new system (understanding what different bonuses do, how useful they are), but it's not a make or break thing. A mastered mech is great, a basicd mech is fine. Is that gap worth money? Meh.....

I would also say, keep using trials and get a feel for different types of play styles and tactics. That will do more for you in terms of getting better, etc. It will also tend to suggest to you what mechs you might like, what features or characteristics to look for or customize for, how many mech bays you might need, etc., and perhaps most importantly build up cbills to customize with.

There's no rush. One of the advantages of using a trial(!) and a trend I am seeing, is the exp bonus... which feeds into the future changes. So you're not wasting any time or anything.

If there IS a mech you know you like, that you feel you are good at (or willing to make the effort to become good at), then I'd say consider throwing cash/mc at it for a Cbill bonus variant... basically any variant with a (X) where x = a letter other than C.

#11 Jingseng


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 05:28 PM

Hmmm turtling is... usually a losing strategy =x But mechs for the engagement profile you described:

Kodiak (cbills, mc, cash in mech pack) [assault class, clan]
Linebacker (cash only atm) [heavy class, clan)
Huntsman/Hunchback IIc (cash only/cbills, mc, cash in the origins pack tier 2) [Medium class, clan / medium class, clan]
Ebon Jaguar (cbills, mc, cash in clan wave 3 tier 3) [heavy class, clan]
Stormcrow (cbills, mc,... i think cash? clan wave 1?) [medium class, clan]

Marauder (cbills, mc, cash in mech pack) [Heavy class, IS]
Warhammer (cbills, mc, cash in mech pack) [Heavy class, IS]
Stalker (cbills, mc & mastery bundle) [Assault class, IS]

there's more IS, but cannot brain right now

#12 Void Angel


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 05:30 PM

It's still worthwhile to pick up three Timberwolves. Normally, you just pick the one or two Center Torsos that you want to keep (the only thing on a given variant, e.g. Prime, A, B, that isn't exchangeable) and sell off the rest. However, with the new skill system including a respec cost (with MC to avoid resetting your skills bought,) there is a strong incentive to maintain a stable of Omnimech variants in order to have different builds available. In effect, you'd have your GaussVomit Timber Wolf, your SRM/Laser Brawler Timber Wolf, etc.

As an aside, the Timber Wolf has amazing mobility for its chassis weight. In fact, one of the things some players complained about when the Clans were released was that they could not drop the "extra" engine rating in order to fit more guns. The game has since adapted, with faster 'mechs becoming more the norm - but this still tells you how fast and agile the Timber Wolf remains for its weight class.

#13 Jingseng


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 05:32 PM

oh, forgot to mention... don't put too much stock in meta mech, and such sites. they presuppose a certain type of player, skill, and playstyle that may not be right for you. Again, take the time to learn what you like and experiment now... you'll be a much better player for it compared to sheep that can't think for themselves.

as for shadowcat... imho, always ecm in torso.

then, i run with:

1 er large laser in each arm, er ppc in torso

1 er large laser in each arm, 1 asrm 6 in each arm

1 mpl in each arm, 3 asrm6 total (1 ea arm, 1 torso)

(three different loadouts)

#14 Void Angel


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 05:32 PM

Additionally, you're getting the 'mech experience back as "legacy GXP" that you can use to buy the new 'mech skills, so there is no reason to avoid spending mech experience or developing your skill trees - and it'll make your 'mechs a lot easier to play while making some builds viable.

#15 Van mw


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 05:45 PM

1 more note - there should be discounts on mechs right before the holidays. So be a little patient and get additional profit ;)

#16 Spiderz


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 06:47 PM

SO i read about ECM in the PDF Van mw linked. Regardless of locks on mechs, if i land the correct shot placements by eye are they still equally effective? is the locking just for the sake of the damage scan and LRM support? of course i want to lock sure but does it direct contribute to damage done? Lately i've been seeing people use some kind of MG cannon that shoots incoming missiles almost like real life sea-whiz. Been actually trying to shoot them myself with whatever i have if i'm way out of cover but it doesn't work, for the most part i move from tall cover to tall cover. Can't find related stuff in the PDF, only a reference to "AMS bubbles" does any kind of flak gun exist? i'll look at builds on mechspec, plus try more of the trial mechs considering the boost. So i'm in the T5 skill bracket, if i was to join a unit would i be pulled into a drastically harder skill level? i was thinking playing by myself for my first week would be the mature thing to do. Wouldn't want to be burdensome or/and bad.

#17 Koniving

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Posted 12 December 2016 - 07:31 PM

Locking is for the sake of homing. If you do not lock the missiles do not turn.

Note they are not fire and forget. Locks must be held. The missiles in MWO's eyes are cheap and guided not by a computer in them but by your computer through information sent to them. Thus if you lose the lock they turn stupid. If you are jammed they turn stupid.

You can regain the lock any time.
Sadly you cannot "relock" a new target with already fired missiles. The same target is fine to relock.

Ams also known as anti missile system is an automatic VADS on a turret that shoots them for you. They must be mounted in specific places (hardpoints ) on your much. Usually left torso.

Tier won't change. But if you went into a group queue you would be facing any level of opponent in their own group.

Edited by Koniving, 13 December 2016 - 11:13 AM.

#18 JC Daxion


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 07:38 PM

I dunno if anyone mentioned it.. But DON'T use GXP to unlock mech skills.. it is earned to slow,, use it to unlock consumable upgrades.. those are not going anywhere, and you need them to make good use of them. the UAV's work ok with out, but cool shot totally sucks with out both upgrades, and both airstrike, and artillery strike, both are greatly improved with the GXP upgrades.

So yea.. spend your GXP on that.. don't worry about modules right now, they will be gone in about 2 months, and they are pretty expensive anyway. My clan account i've had for a year, i've yet to get any weapon modules, and only one radar dep that i never even bother to swap between mechs half the time.

unlocking your elites, and consumable upgrades will be a better help, now and in the long run :)

#19 Spiderz


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 07:38 PM

Thanks Koniving, i haven't been using missiles not my kind of thing i imagine, but i try my best to have locks for the sake of LRM users. But yeah, loving the kodiak-3 with UAC holy damn! its so wild! so happy with it, definitely hurts people.Posted Image Posted Image

#20 Jingseng


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Posted 12 December 2016 - 07:49 PM

the weapon system you described is AMS (anti missile system)... afaik, you cannot manually shoot down missiles. Moving perpendicularly from the flight path of incoming missiles is generally the most effective way to avoid them, provided you are not still locked/visible.

Locking does not provide additional damage (like +10 damage or whatever). It is, however, still essential. That information provides you with the damage state and weapons loadout (and status) of your target. It allows you to engage and deal damage effectively. For example, knowing that your target is all lrms, so charge. Knowing that your target's AC's are jammed or destroyed. Knowing that your target is missing a leg (the visual cue is a limp, not a missing leg) or has an open torso.

It also provides your teammates (the smarter ones anyway) with a general knowledge of where the enemy is, and how the battle may be shaping (if they are along a broad front, if they are flanking, if they are split into pockets), as well as the weight class (gee, i've got three teammates chasing a light mech already, should i join them?). So while generally used for streak missiles and lrms, still a pretty darned useful thing to do for everyone, regardless of weapons loadout or mech class.

Tier is much like education. There are stupid people in every level of education (even into post grad); there are bad pilots in every tier. Don't place too much stock in tier.

edit: that said, your tier wont change just from being in a unit. But if you drop with your unit more and more, you may find yourself gaining more tier-exp (moving up) due to units generally being more coordinated than pugs and more motivated to help each other/watch out for each other/pick mechs that complement each other, etc. Of course, you don't have to drop with unit members if you dont want to.

Edited by Jingseng, 12 December 2016 - 07:52 PM.

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