They say the pugs are to blame. That they are terrible and that there is a lack of skill and coordination and perhaps there is some truth to those claims.
But not here, not in the Free Rasalhague Republic.
Nearly two hundred worlds have been lost to the clan Invasion and we have suffered heavily from such loses, but this is not our SHAME for look upon our statistics!
The only IS faction who has won more battles than we've lost, the only IS who has a positive kill/death ratio! We are WINNING.
It does not feel like we are winning because our worlds still fall beneath the clan invasion but it is not our fault. We are the center that holds while the flanks collapse, we are the shield-brother who gives no inch while those around him crumble. We are the Free Rasalhague Republic and we have been forged in the fire of untold invasions and we are BETTER than anyone imagines.
We are the only faction to have a better score than one of the clans, more wins than the pups of Clan Wolf.
So my brave and true warriors of our still great republic take heart in your victories, take heart in your shield-brothers strengths and take heart in our future. For we are great and we have earned more than our share of glory.
For our battles are dedicated to Odin and He is pleased.
Edited by Mech The Dane, 24 December 2016 - 01:01 PM.