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Lrms Are So Op! They Destroy My Mech, My Ability To Take Cover, And Basic Military Logic Of Not Fighting Out In The Open Where Everyone Has Los!

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#241 MischiefSC


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 02:48 PM

View Postarivio, on 30 December 2016 - 02:43 PM, said:

a nice Thread with players talking about noobtube need more skill then PPFLD in 3D movement and Bishop talks nonsense about comp. im so tired about MWO...

Go make an alt. Play FW for IS as a pug with trials.

This thread will look like particle physics being debated in peer review.

#242 H I A S


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 02:58 PM

allready done but CW is even more boring.

#243 Kalimaster


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 03:10 PM

If you are in the open...you die. Simple. Oh, I have some LRM's. Lots of LRM's. BWAH HA HA HA HA HA......

Yes....I'm that evil.

#244 MischiefSC


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 03:46 PM

View Postarivio, on 30 December 2016 - 02:58 PM, said:

allready done but CW is even more boring.

Have you tried boating LRMs?

#245 MacClearly


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 03:55 PM

View PostI_AM_ZUUL, on 30 December 2016 - 07:40 AM, said:

what you just said is an outright lie or total ignorance of map design... there are certain positions that are stronger on every map, some more so than others depending which map. So there is clear distinction on which is the worse option to do... at a minimum you are again ignorant of the total picture of that "first wave" as well, it was 12-3. I pushed in with my TDR-9SE specifically to steal kills with the 3 LPLs, which i did claiming a bunch of their first wave mechs as the tail end of our first wave died. So it being 13-8 on the 2nd wave was a DIRECT result of my pushing my 2nd mech forward to farm what i could selfishly since the match was already lost, we do not have a King to tip over so we have to play the match through to its bitter conclusion but its conclusion was already determined. I listen to anyone who is worth listening to... when dropping with larger +8 man groups I let them run the show cause they are not going to listen to me, when dropping with PUGs or smaller groups I dropcall almost every time. so again... It was only the 4th Wave that was 11v12 in a match that was lost 27-48, so are very clearly trying to make a distinction that makes absolutely no difference to the outcome of the match like it means a single solitary thing of any real value. It did not... even a little.

FYI... I am playing a different level game in my mind, since I am playing the strategic TT game. Its why i call almost every drop I play, cause i want to move the pieces around the board for victory. The Leaderboards are people who are amazing at the Twitch aspect of shooting their Mechs, those are not mutually inclusive aspects of this game. In many ways they are apposite goals, since playing very selfishly is how you get to the top of the Leaderboards but playing as a Team member can be punishing to the pieces that are spent to achieve victory. It is actually one of the reasons that PUGs are much better in FW, because the flawed Reward System in this game is not so punishing for Team play since we get 4 Mechs and no one has to be sacrificial each drop wave. So, in conclusion the standards that most people are judging by are not what i am judging by... they are functionally just a couple lucky die rolls to me. Nice to have high die rolls but since i have been consistently a bad roller my entire life across all games, I learned how to overcome them in whatever system i was playing & in BT that is by always having superior positioning on the maps

Others that were there could confirm what you said. You also finished with the lowest damage so what you are saying doesn't make any sense. It also doesn't make sense to play another game in your head while messing up the one in front of you.

I see that you attitude is that you don't care about the people who are playing the game that is in front of them, because you have a different game going on in your head is very helpful information. It makes it abundantly clear that there is going to be no possible chance to get through to you.

Calling me ignorant makes sense under these circumstances because I am not playing the game you got going on in your head. So the conclusion is that you will be an unfortunate liability to any team in an FW drop especially in Invasion mode. I know you won't accept this either and I am basically talking to a wall, but I have to say it. The day a person is not willing or completely unable to accept that they still have things to learn is a very sad day. Compounded by throwing out empirical evidence by top teams and experienced players to base success not on the leaderboards but some metre stick that exists in their head is very frustrating.

#246 I_AM_ZUUL


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 04:38 PM

View PostMacClearly, on 30 December 2016 - 03:55 PM, said:

Others that were there could confirm what you said. You also finished with the lowest damage so what you are saying doesn't make any sense.

everything i said happened... happened exactly like i said it did, and while i finished fairly low in damage compared to normal i would be willing to bet a decent three figure sum that i still wasnt the lowest overall


It also doesn't make sense to play another game in your head while messing up the one in front of you.

why? i am playing the role of the player in Battletech, as well as being one of the pieces in MWO. If anyone is ever dropcalling that is what they should be doing as well. Playing the overall board not just their individual Mech, I have been asking for years to have a feature where you can have the full screen map open on a 2nd monitor at all times. I would get a 2nd monitor immediately to have that information at a glance, similar to that peripheral that Razor was going to make for MWO that had a screen in the center of it. the game "in front of me" is just the view out of my cockpit, its what makes people think that this is a FPS but the reality is that is just a component of the game that is actually taking place. I am just playing attention to the overall game as my primary concern because that is how you win


I see that you attitude is that you don't care about the people who are playing the game that is in front of them, because you have a different game going on in your head is very helpful information. It makes it abundantly clear that there is going to be no possible chance to get through to you.

again... very untrue. i want others to play the game that is directly in front of them, i want them to be good pieces! Good pieces that move around the board where i tell them & remove the enemy pieces from the board. I am even more super excited when i find someone who is worth being a piece for because they know what they are saying... its way simpler to just be a piece and focus exclusively on being the best piece i can be, instead of having to watch all the other pieces and track everything, and call all the targets, and anticipate the enemy, and... and... and... and...


Calling me ignorant makes sense under these circumstances because I am not playing the game you got going on in your head. So the conclusion is that you will be an unfortunate liability to any team in an FW drop especially in Invasion mode. I know you won't accept this either and I am basically talking to a wall, but I have to say it. The day a person is not willing or completely unable to accept that they still have things to learn is a very sad day. Compounded by throwing out empirical evidence by top teams and experienced players to base success not on the leaderboards but some metre stick that exists in their head is very frustrating.

How frustrating do you think it is to have to play this game with people who have to be earnestly resisting learning what i learned in the first week of playing 22 years ago when i was 12??? How do you think it made me feel to watch a team that was so good they made it to World Championship do the worst possible opening move for the map & side they spawned on and about the 4th worst opening possible of map/side/mode in the game... TWICE??? A move that has me screaming incoherently at PUGs in QP matches when they do it cause its an autoloss against even other PUGs... that was done twice in the world championships.

ok.. maybe i was a bit facetious there. Things i learned in the first MONTH not week I started playing

#247 MischiefSC


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 04:42 PM

I_AM_ZUUL, I don't care much for leaderboard rankings save in some basic analytics stuff.

You're close to 400 matches at less than a 1 W/L. Having you on my team literally makes me more likely to lose. This makes it really hard to take your opinions seriously. This is compounded by a over 1.5 KDR. This means you're playing in a way that screws your team for your own benefit.

Literally the situation that creates those results in a sample size much over 80 matches (and your almost 5x that) points to playing the game in a terrible way.

I'll trust and prefer someone with a 1.5 win/loss and a KDR of 0.99 way before the opposite. That's someone who understands how to drive a win, even at their own detriment.

#248 I_AM_ZUUL


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 05:21 PM

View PostMischiefSC, on 30 December 2016 - 04:42 PM, said:

I_AM_ZUUL, I don't care much for leaderboard rankings save in some basic analytics stuff.

You're close to 400 matches at less than a 1 W/L. Having you on my team literally makes me more likely to lose. This makes it really hard to take your opinions seriously. This is compounded by a over 1.5 KDR. This means you're playing in a way that screws your team for your own benefit.

Literally the situation that creates those results in a sample size much over 80 matches (and your almost 5x that) points to playing the game in a terrible way.

I'll trust and prefer someone with a 1.5 win/loss and a KDR of 0.99 way before the opposite. That's someone who understands how to drive a win, even at their own detriment.

Matchmaker puts me on truly atrocious teams... I care very little about how "good" a player is in the conventional judgement, cause I can make you appear good if you just do what i say to do. Good players are good die rolls & bad players are bad die rolls and over the course of a game of BT I fully expect to have both, positioning & focus fire is what wins games. But yes... as soon as the game is lost then I bail on trying to win and focus on getting the most I possibly can out of a losing situation. When the entire team scatters or even just a lance (especially when it is Charlie Lance) runs off by themselves into chokepoints, when people will not push to take a strong point and lets the enemy have it basically uncontested, when a whole range of things happens that sinks the game... you definitely do not want to be on my team. Especially since I am going to verbally berate by providing a running commentary of how & why the failure happened... then laugh as I point out exactly what I said was going to happen when it happens. I get 3-5 friend request a day normally but i found that I get more on those games then the games that are easily won... where I am giving a running Play-by-Play commentary on the utter failures as they unfold and exactly why they unfolded that way. In the game of Chess, they tip the King because they see how the game is going to end long before the end happens... it is the same in MWO except we do not have a King to tip and have to play it all the way to its bitter conclusion even though the match had been lost 5-7 minutes previously (and I am not talking about chasing the cancer mech RVN-3L or ACH around the map forever.)

so there are plenty of people who are happy to drop with me because I know what I am talking about as proven by when the team does what I say we win every time (in full honest disclosure I have lost 4 matches in the past 5 months because I called it incorrectly and I remember those clearest of all cause I truly hate making the same mistake twice) and there are people who absolutely hate me... mainly because I rub it in their faces & usually come from a game that sticks out clearly in my memory like the one MacClearly brought up. The countless easy rollstomps of others on Canyon & HPG are a blur but I remember the ones that were rough and I remember the players who made it rough and what they did that made it rough... not only to bring it up in the future but to make sure that they can serve as an example of failure that I do not want to follow suit in.

Edited by I_AM_ZUUL, 30 December 2016 - 05:26 PM.

#249 JudauAshta


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 05:36 PM

i dont think these players realize how good the lrms were back in beta, they were the best weapons by a mile.

what else could melt a atlas in 3 secs.

thankfully they have been nerfed and more counter play to them has been introduced.
that module that makes you invisible outside of LOS single handedly destroys lrms.

#250 Bilbo


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 05:41 PM

View PostJudauAshta, on 30 December 2016 - 05:36 PM, said:

i dont think these players realize how good the lrms were back in beta, they were the best weapons by a mile.

what else could melt a atlas in 3 secs.

thankfully they have been nerfed and more counter play to them has been introduced.
that module that makes you invisible outside of LOS single handedly destroys lrms.

The only time they could melt an Atlas in three seconds was when they invariably headshot said Atlas.
They were still never better than other options though.

#251 MischiefSC


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 05:52 PM

So a bunch of excuses. You have the exact same matches everyone else does. Full stop. The only common factor in your matches is you.

The math is pretty honest. How you play the game is not condusive to your team winning. Conversely someone like Quicksilver Kalasa who wins 3 out of 4 matches with almost 100 for the sample is swimming in the same pool of players, I'm going to confidently guess isn't making excuses but is instead consistently doing what wins.

All that matters is who wins and who doesn't. More importantly, who wins consistently and who wins sometimes.

You're trying to make excuses for why you're not winning consistently. Quicksilver Kalasa is winning consistently and doesn't need excuses, he's instead able to provide guidance of why.

Hence, again, why all advice is not equally valuable. One person is explaining why they consistently win and what behaviors drive that. The other is explaining why it's everyone else's fault they don't.

My advice would be to set your ego aside and pay attention to advice give by people who are demonstratively better at something that you so you can learn something. Be that a computer game or anything else.

#252 I_AM_ZUUL


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 06:40 PM

View PostMischiefSC, on 30 December 2016 - 05:52 PM, said:

So a bunch of excuses. You have the exact same matches everyone else does. Full stop. The only common factor in your matches is you.

The math is pretty honest. How you play the game is not condusive to your team winning. Conversely someone like Quicksilver Kalasa who wins 3 out of 4 matches with almost 100 for the sample is swimming in the same pool of players, I'm going to confidently guess isn't making excuses but is instead consistently doing what wins.

All that matters is who wins and who doesn't. More importantly, who wins consistently and who wins sometimes.

You're trying to make excuses for why you're not winning consistently. Quicksilver Kalasa is winning consistently and doesn't need excuses, he's instead able to provide guidance of why.

Hence, again, why all advice is not equally valuable. One person is explaining why they consistently win and what behaviors drive that. The other is explaining why it's everyone else's fault they don't.

My advice would be to set your ego aside and pay attention to advice give by people who are demonstratively better at something that you so you can learn something. Be that a computer game or anything else.

Playing in a Group is different than QP... I play almost exclusively QP, so the matchmaker starts punishing you whenever you start doing well. Go on those 7-9 games absolute $hitshow matches where people dont know how to walk and fire their guns at the same time bad... i cant control it and definitely try my hardest to get people to listen but so many clearly relish being terrible & losers, cause i get accused of being a Try Hard for wanting to win.

Since Quicksilver has repeatedly failed to offer anything insightful or cogent for me to learn from... that directly contradicts your assertion that i should be learning from someone like him. He much like you failed to refute a single point I have made and has offered zero concrete examples... saying flowerly nothing still qualifies as nothing. I recognize the people I run across consistently in QP... and when you play as much as I do, that means that I recognize the players who are playing the game in QP and who is playing is Group by their absence.

Edited by I_AM_ZUUL, 30 December 2016 - 07:02 PM.

#253 MischiefSC


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 07:13 PM

I've not dropped a single match in group queue in months and I'm still at a 1.27 w/l and I'm pretty scrubby.

There are tens of thousands of players, you not seeing most of them is irrelevant. Group queue is significantly harder as the MM is almost irrelevant and you take steep tonnage penalties for playing in a good sized group.

You play the same matches we all do. What's different is how our own playing affects the teams ability to win or lose. That plays out over the average of matches in your win/loss.

You're trying to get people to tell you why you're wrong and they're right - which has happened. However they've already *proved* it by winning more than you. There is nothing to explain, the facts have already shown out what wins and what doesn't, consistently.

Play how you want, do what you enjoy. However what wins is what wins. End of argument. Opinions on that are dun and all but winning trumps all other factors on determining what wins the most.

#254 I_AM_ZUUL


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 08:05 PM

View PostMischiefSC, on 30 December 2016 - 07:13 PM, said:

I've not dropped a single match in group queue in months and I'm still at a 1.27 w/l and I'm pretty scrubby.

There are tens of thousands of players, you not seeing most of them is irrelevant. Group queue is significantly harder as the MM is almost irrelevant and you take steep tonnage penalties for playing in a good sized group.

You play the same matches we all do. What's different is how our own playing affects the teams ability to win or lose. That plays out over the average of matches in your win/loss.

You're trying to get people to tell you why you're wrong and they're right - which has happened. However they've already *proved* it by winning more than you. There is nothing to explain, the facts have already shown out what wins and what doesn't, consistently.

Play how you want, do what you enjoy. However what wins is what wins. End of argument. Opinions on that are dun and all but winning trumps all other factors on determining what wins the most.

"tens of thousands of players"...? between 800-1300 playing at any point throughout the day... if your premise was true then why do I consistently see the same players over a time span of months, on my team or the enemies. I truly am jealous of the fact that you get these amazing PUGs to play with... I sure do not, and unless I am in my AWS-8R it is hard to carry them all to victory and even then they break my back many times. While I am doing my normal mode of Mastering Every Mech even though the new skill tree has tanked that motivation, I am still finishing the last 15 or so I was working on just because... It is extraordinarily hard to carry in subpar Mediums & Lights that I have left to Master. So unless your premise it that Matchmaker is non-existent (which I would totally concede as a point) then you are saying it is just dumb luck who we get stuck with on our teams... and that somehow you being luckier in the PUG lottery than me makes you a better player with a better understanding of the game. I do well above my part as a piece on the board AND I dropcall almost every match... and I teach people who are interested in learning the reasons why I made the calls i did that led to victory if they want during the wind down clean up phase of the match or berate people for being failures and the reasons why they were failures (though they generally do not ask for that... actually they never ask for that but they are the ones who need it the most.)

What wins is a TEAM... that is what wins, unfortunately PGI has a broken Reward System that actually encourages Individual Play and outright punishes Lights for being Lights & Assaults for Assaults if they play as team players doing the roles their mechs were designed to do. The Assault that pushes a corner like a boss and dies doing so that is directly responsible for the Team winning is outright a$$r@ped for doing so at the end of the match but the useless Pokebear that does not contribute to the Teams victory because he is hiding 900m away in a fresh Kodiak is greatly rewarded for staying alive by hiding in the back whether the Team wins or Loses. That is a Moral Hazard that PGI has created and I take zero responsibility for... in all reality i would prefer to play with Tier 3 & 4 players over the vast majority of Tier 1 & 2 players, they have not had the Moral Hazard of the Reward System beaten into their heads yet.

Edited by I_AM_ZUUL, 30 December 2016 - 08:06 PM.

#255 Quicksilver Aberration


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 08:12 PM

View PostI_AM_ZUUL, on 30 December 2016 - 08:05 PM, said:

Assaults for Assaults if they play as team players doing the roles their mechs were designed to do.

What assault is punished for doing assault things XD? This is the same class that is the strongest class since the introduction of the Whale?

View PostI_AM_ZUUL, on 30 December 2016 - 08:05 PM, said:

The Assault that pushes a corner like a boss and dies doing so that is directly responsible for the Team winning is outright a$$r@ped

Assaults shouldn't be pushing around corners first, that's a common misconception.

Edited by Quicksilver Kalasa, 30 December 2016 - 08:15 PM.

#256 Dee Eight


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 08:45 PM

there are tens of thousands of players still yes. Just for december, I'm ranked in the 40 thousands for total deaths and there are folks with far more deaths than me.

Edited by Dee Eight, 30 December 2016 - 08:46 PM.

#257 MischiefSC


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 08:48 PM

View PostI_AM_ZUUL, on 30 December 2016 - 08:05 PM, said:

"tens of thousands of players"...? between 800-1300 playing at any point throughout the day... if your premise was true then why do I consistently see the same players over a time span of months, on my team or the enemies. I truly am jealous of the fact that you get these amazing PUGs to play with... I sure do not, and unless I am in my AWS-8R it is hard to carry them all to victory and even then they break my back many times. While I am doing my normal mode of Mastering Every Mech even though the new skill tree has tanked that motivation, I am still finishing the last 15 or so I was working on just because... It is extraordinarily hard to carry in subpar Mediums & Lights that I have left to Master. So unless your premise it that Matchmaker is non-existent (which I would totally concede as a point) then you are saying it is just dumb luck who we get stuck with on our teams... and that somehow you being luckier in the PUG lottery than me makes you a better player with a better understanding of the game. I do well above my part as a piece on the board AND I dropcall almost every match... and I teach people who are interested in learning the reasons why I made the calls i did that led to victory if they want during the wind down clean up phase of the match or berate people for being failures and the reasons why they were failures (though they generally do not ask for that... actually they never ask for that but they are the ones who need it the most.)

What wins is a TEAM... that is what wins, unfortunately PGI has a broken Reward System that actually encourages Individual Play and outright punishes Lights for being Lights & Assaults for Assaults if they play as team players doing the roles their mechs were designed to do. The Assault that pushes a corner like a boss and dies doing so that is directly responsible for the Team winning is outright a$$r@ped for doing so at the end of the match but the useless Pokebear that does not contribute to the Teams victory because he is hiding 900m away in a fresh Kodiak is greatly rewarded for staying alive by hiding in the back whether the Team wins or Loses. That is a Moral Hazard that PGI has created and I take zero responsibility for... in all reality i would prefer to play with Tier 3 & 4 players over the vast majority of Tier 1 & 2 players, they have not had the Moral Hazard of the Reward System beaten into their heads yet.

W/L is an indication of how your behavior impacts the odds of your team winning or losing.

You're currently ranked # 17,297 for W/L ratio on the scoreboard. Certainly not the bottom. There's over 20k players (or, I should say, accounts).

The MM actually does work. It groups you with people very closely related to your own point value (apparently you have a point value that's laying underneath the Tier ranking that we don't see). Make an alt, you'll see different names. If you have a T1 alt you'd see different names there too.

You're mistaking your own anecdotal experience for reality.

Pretending that it's not your fault when you win or lose is why your W/L is so low. All you're doing is trying to make excuses. You have a lot of room to improve in the game and there are a lot of people much better at it than you and me.

If your opinions and habits for playing MWO were actually successful you'd win far more than you lose. At any tier. Pretending that 'luck' has a 20% impact on the swing of averages over sample sizes of 70+ (honestly even 40+ is enough to shake out variables to just a couple of %).

I get that you have a bunch of excuses. They're all utterly and completely irrelevant. You may as well copy and paste in your Christmas wishlist because only you and Santa care. Doing what wins drives wins. It's that simple. MWO, any business, any sport, any profession. Someone who knows what wins consistently and does what wins consistently drives consistent wins. This isn't magic. There's no anthropomorphized sentient AI MatchMaker deciding who gets 'the good pugs' or 'the bad pugs'. There's not some crazed digital MWO Norns, weaving pug match fortune for some and ruin for others. What, is your W/L low not because of how you play but because you don't pour Mountain Dew libations or make burnt offerings of Taco Bell to the Matchmaker Fairy?

Stop it. It's just silly. W/L is a reasonably accurate measure of how your behavior impacts the odds of your team winning or losing a match. You're about 8% of your teams performance and after about 40 matches you'll have largely settled out any anomalous variance and by 80 matches you're pretty well dialed in. Your team will vary but you are the same 8.333% of your teams ability. We're all swimming in the same pool and same potentiality so it's largely a wash.

What you're doing and how you're playing is not winning matches far more consistently then it's losing them. Your opinion of that is irrelevant, who you want to blame for that is irrelevant. What is reality is that if you were better and understood the game better you would win more often.

There are a lot of players who play better and understand the game better than you and I (and most players) and as such win more often. Quicksilver Kalasa is one of them. If you played as well you'd have the same win/loss, or very very close to it. You don't, so your stats are not there.

This isn't intended to be insulting or critical but just starkly lay out a problem most players have. People play poorly, make poor choices, make assumptions based on bad information and continually and habitually make bad mistakes. Practice doesn't make perfect - bad practice makes you very good at being bad. Perfect practice makes perfect. Arguing with someone who's better at the game than you about how to play the game is a pretty silly thing to do. Put your ego aside, quit making excuses and try to learn. That's the best choice anyone can make.

#258 Tombs Clawtooth


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 09:28 PM

View PostMischiefSC, on 30 December 2016 - 08:48 PM, said:

W/L is an indication of how your behavior impacts the odds of your team winning or losing.

You're currently ranked # 17,297 for W/L ratio on the scoreboard. Certainly not the bottom. There's over 20k players (or, I should say, accounts).

Ehhhh... Trying to use W/L ratio from the leaderboards is kind of screwy. Thousands of people high in that leaderboard have 1 and 2 matches.

Mine is 1.15 after 932 matches. Meanwhile I have a 2.28 W/L ratio over 118 games in one of my heavies that all the forum warriors try to tell me is inferior to a more meta mech.

It is largely luck whether you have an assault that thinks 8 ERLL is a viable build, or have a 100 tonner decide to disconnect at the start of a match. It's largely luck whether you get a team that will listen to orders and do objectives instead of buggering off throughout the map spreading out as far as possible against the words of the better players on that team. War is largely a matter of luck, in some cases plans can be made and executed, and in some success depends on the actions of a few.

You can always bump things in the right direction, but without being able to create consequences for people disobeying orders, there's not a whole lot you can do when they decide to throw the match.

Try playing any competitive level game just joining by yourself. Unless you're a LARGE deal better than the competition, you aren't going to carry. You can get lucky, sure. People can ignore your actions, you can get into the perfect positions every time, and always make every shot count. That isn't reliable or skill dependent though, especially not with good match making where everyone knows that positioning and you have to play it on an even level.

So far from my experiences here, if you're doing your damage, and you're doing it to focused locations, you're making the difference you need to make. You can do more and help, you can do less and harm your team... But in the end, you're 1 mech that can only do a specific amount of damage in a specific amount of time. If you're focusing it all where it belongs, and you're hitting for your tonnage, there's not much else you can do if your team completely fails to hit for their tonnage.

When I get 5 solo kills in a match and we still lose, what exactly do you expect me to do? Call out targets that the team consistently ignores? I've also had plenty of games where I've done basically nothing, didn't even make it to the front line in time, and we still won. That's luck.

Edited by Tombs Clawtooth, 30 December 2016 - 09:55 PM.

#259 MacClearly


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Posted 30 December 2016 - 11:11 PM

View PostI_AM_ZUUL, on 30 December 2016 - 04:38 PM, said:

everything i said happened... happened exactly like i said it did, and while i finished fairly low in damage compared to normal i would be willing to bet a decent three figure sum that i still wasnt the lowest overall

why? i am playing the role of the player in Battletech, as well as being one of the pieces in MWO. If anyone is ever dropcalling that is what they should be doing as well. Playing the overall board not just their individual Mech, I have been asking for years to have a feature where you can have the full screen map open on a 2nd monitor at all times. I would get a 2nd monitor immediately to have that information at a glance, similar to that peripheral that Razor was going to make for MWO that had a screen in the center of it. the game "in front of me" is just the view out of my cockpit, its what makes people think that this is a FPS but the reality is that is just a component of the game that is actually taking place. I am just playing attention to the overall game as my primary concern because that is how you win

again... very untrue. i want others to play the game that is directly in front of them, i want them to be good pieces! Good pieces that move around the board where i tell them & remove the enemy pieces from the board. I am even more super excited when i find someone who is worth being a piece for because they know what they are saying... its way simpler to just be a piece and focus exclusively on being the best piece i can be, instead of having to watch all the other pieces and track everything, and call all the targets, and anticipate the enemy, and... and... and... and...

How frustrating do you think it is to have to play this game with people who have to be earnestly resisting learning what i learned in the first week of playing 22 years ago when i was 12??? How do you think it made me feel to watch a team that was so good they made it to World Championship do the worst possible opening move for the map & side they spawned on and about the 4th worst opening possible of map/side/mode in the game... TWICE??? A move that has me screaming incoherently at PUGs in QP matches when they do it cause its an autoloss against even other PUGs... that was done twice in the world championships.

ok.. maybe i was a bit facetious there. Things i learned in the first MONTH not week I started playing

Well you would lose that bet.

"why? i am playing the role of the player in Battletech"

No you are actually playing a first person shooter with big stompy robots that are based on Battletech and previous Mechwarrior games. What you have been asking for does sound very appealing though. However that is not what is going on. The other issue here was you were not in command. Remember in that drop you and I went left trench and were focused down quickly being the first two mechs in. This path is often taken in either by split or whole team especially playing IS when Clan mechs are at Echo 2, Delta 2 and using their range advantage. Despite your beliefs that Beta gate is the wrong choice, Alpha is generally not taken unless your team has appropriate ranged weapons because of the defenders having superior overwatch at Fox 3, and Fox 4 corners. Now while I agree with you that a bigger minimap would be good, we disagree why. Knowing positions of the enemy is important to shoot them or win trades favourably, but that is all. This despite your role playing, is in actual function a FPS. In invasion, the way to win is very simple. Kill all of the enemy and then destroy the objectives uncontested. Another option is to destroy the objectives while under fire from the enemy. While there are variantions and combinations of these two strategies, that is the focus and that is what will bring a player to the victory screen.

"again... very untrue. i want others to play the game that is directly in front of them, i want them to be good pieces! Good pieces that move around the board where i tell them & remove the enemy pieces from the board. I am even more super excited when i find someone who is worth being a piece for because they know what they are saying... its way simpler to just be a piece and focus exclusively on being the best piece i can be, instead of having to watch all the other pieces and track everything, and call all the targets, and anticipate the enemy, and... and... and... and...'

This does not address my comment which was that you are unteachable and unabashedly so... The biggest part of what is wrong with the above statement is that you were not in command. This also runs around that underlying issue which you refuse to accept is that you were in error to reinforce. To your credit however you did so only with your second mech. While I get that you won't admit that, I again assert that what you said over comms was heard not only by me as to why you decided to reinforce first wave. Also think that it is a mistake for you to decide when all hope of victory is lost especially since you do not actually seem aware of the guys you were playing with and their capabilities. However I think that if anything this may be the one area next time you might consider.

"How frustrating do you think it is to have to play this game with people who have to be earnestly resisting learning what i learned in the first week of playing 22 years ago when i was 12???"

Well, I don't know what you learned when you were twelve but it is not clear to me what you think people are resistant to learning. What I can tell you as someone who has played a great deal of FW over the last 10 months is that none of the veterens of FW or better players are going to listen to someone who doesn't respect the drop caller and his calls, and reinforces instead of grouping up at designated rally. It is something that will piss people off. Kinda think you won't care but maybe if a new player reads any of this they will learn.

"How do you think it made me feel to watch a team that was so good they made it to World Championship do the worst possible opening move for the map & side they spawned on and about the 4th worst opening possible of map/side/mode in the game..."

The issue I have with this statement is that you have not shown any capacity to succeed in the game as it is right now, and do things that are detrimental to a teams success. Why on earth would anyone follow what you think is right or wrong? Especially if you are the kind of player who when things don't appear to be going the way they think they should be going does things that are going to aggreviate other players???? This thinking doesn't make sense to me if you want to be a leader in this game.

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Posted 31 December 2016 - 12:44 AM

View PostMischiefSC, on 30 December 2016 - 03:46 PM, said:

Have you tried boating LRMs?

tried it in scrims and my team did it against Lords.

Edited by arivio, 31 December 2016 - 01:58 AM.

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