Greyrook, on 22 July 2012 - 01:16 AM, said:
This thing prompted me to find out what "bronies" were. I guess I don't participate in too many forums. But, it seems like the hatred of the my little pony fans is based around their injection of it into unrelated topics. SO, I question the logic of creating hate threads against a thing, when that action is doing the same thing by proxy. As a follower of Kantian morality, it seems like a clear contradiction of the will.
I know we all like to jettison anger against things, but I guess I just don't get the premise unless it differs from my impressions.
EDIT: I guess I should add that I haven't watched the show, but it seems too cloying and reductive to appeal to me regardless. That said, there's no accounting for taste so I neither approve nor disapprove of people who do like the show. Live and let live and all that.
I can somehow understand why some people have a bias towards bronies, I haven't been in forums where it happened, but some of them seem to be quite invasive. There's trolls everywhere though, and especially in this forum you will hardly find ponies outside of the pony-topic, but almost never outside of off-topic, so I don't really get why people tend to carry their grudges from other forums to this one as well, risking another flamewar in a forum that has been quite mature about the topic so far...
As some said, this seems to be a vent for peoples anger, but none of them being able to explain properly why they specifically target ponies instead of things that really deserve it so far, makes it hard for me to take this whole thing seriously, which is the reason I keep coming back!
That said, I suspect that many in here would much rather hate on Bronies themselves, but since they aren't allowed to, target their subject of interest. The funny thing about that is, that many of the better pictures on the topic, and stories like the one posted earlier, were actually made by Bronies themselves.... oh the irony! ^^
Besides, how can you seriously hate something as adorable as
this, unless you hate cuteness itself? (didn't embed the image on prupose, doesn't really fit the topic)
As I said, I can understand where that bias comes from, but I don't get the reaction it produces. I mean, wouldn't it be much more desirable, from a social standpoint, to strive for a serious/reasonable debate on the topic, rather than hating on each other? Especially when you notice that there are actually reasonable people on both sides.
Given german history, following the same logic, you'd have to conclude that every German has to be a Nazi, which some people still do unfortunately, but that point of view is very narrow-minded. As far as I'm concerned, it's okay to hate on Nazis though, those scumbags don't deserve any better...
The reason I bring this up, is that the connection between Germans and Nazis is pretty much the same for Bronies and "Pony-trolls".
Many people still judge the fandom, by looking at it's roots (4Chan etc.) and the trolls that seem to inhabit that place. It's really nothing else than judging Germans by their history, and the moron who started WWII...
It's simply not right! I've never been involved with any Nazis and plan to keep it that way, and I have never been at 4Chan and plan to keep it that way as well...
Here, have some anti-pony-pic
ForceUser, on 22 July 2012 - 03:21 AM, said:
Edited by Sesambrot, 22 July 2012 - 03:31 AM.