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(In Fw) Clans Stronger In The Morning, Is Stronger In The Evening (Eu Time)

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#21 El Bandito


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 06:07 PM

View PostBumbleBee, on 31 December 2016 - 02:33 PM, said:

Wait, hold on.
You mean to tell me that it is players that make one side seem stronger than the other, and it may not be Tech?

Both. Base tech is still far from balanced. Which means meta chasers and money makers (usually more competent part of the population) swarm to the better side, which snowballs things even more. I have been raking in 1.5 million C-Bills on a good CW match as Clans, and I am not even used to piloting Clan mechs in CW.

See IS heavies
Shoot side torso
Watch them pop
Call next target

Edited by El Bandito, 31 December 2016 - 06:14 PM.



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Posted 31 December 2016 - 06:42 PM

View PostRestosIII, on 31 December 2016 - 04:47 PM, said:

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The "You-know-who's" were fascists. They called themselves a "socialist" party. Smoke Jaguar is basically just them. That's it. That's all the joke required, and it definitely didn't need to be "corrected".

Nope... learn actual history not modern day propaganda that tries to deflect "you-know-who's" out from under the umbrella of Marxist-based Authoritarian Ideologies, since they still are currently Marxist-based Authoritarian Ideologues. Italy formed Fascism and it is very distinct from National Socialism... cause National Socialism is still Socialism. Heck after the Monarchists kicked Mussolini out and he retreated to Northern Italy... that is when he went hard left and became basically a Socialist, because the "Right Wing" Fascists were who formed the basis of the Monarchists that put King Victor III in power.

so you misrepresenting things is wrong, it is not good to spread false information as if it is true.

Edited by I_AM_ZUUL, 31 December 2016 - 06:43 PM.

#23 Johnny Z


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 06:52 PM

I noticed in the regular queue that Clan mechs stay at the rear more. Go ahead see if I am wrong.

#24 Snowbluff


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 07:21 PM

View PostRestosIII, on 31 December 2016 - 03:44 PM, said:

People always ask why Clan Diamond Shark doesn't sell insurance usually. You know the reason why? Clan Smoke Jaguar. They forced us to raise our rates to levels that no sane person would pay, and we had to close down shop because of it.

[Grumbling about space "socialist" parties intensifies]

Ugh, and now they've taken over our drop captains as well. Seriously, who pissed in that Jag's coffee?

View PostAndi Nagasia, on 31 December 2016 - 04:10 PM, said:

dont worry your Good Friends @StarAdder will Gladly Aid you,
Posted Image

Thanks for the shipment of MAD IIC, by the way. I am very pleased. The sales are going well, too.

Edited by Snowbluff, 31 December 2016 - 07:21 PM.

#25 RestosIII


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 07:27 PM

View PostI_AM_ZUUL, on 31 December 2016 - 06:42 PM, said:

Nope... learn actual history not modern day propaganda that tries to deflect "you-know-who's" out from under the umbrella of Marxist-based Authoritarian Ideologies, since they still are currently Marxist-based Authoritarian Ideologues. Italy formed Fascism and it is very distinct from National Socialism... cause National Socialism is still Socialism. Heck after the Monarchists kicked Mussolini out and he retreated to Northern Italy... that is when he went hard left and became basically a Socialist, because the "Right Wing" Fascists were who formed the basis of the Monarchists that put King Victor III in power.

so you misrepresenting things is wrong, it is not good to spread false information as if it is true.

Posted Image

You see, they- WAIT A SECOND!

This isn't Reddit or 4chan! Why the hell am I arguing about brownshirts!?!?! Bloody hell, you're great at baiting. Good job.

#26 Kasumi Sumika


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 07:41 PM

So basically Clans is Superman and Inner Sphere is Batman? Posted Image

#27 Snowbluff


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 07:44 PM

View PostRestosIII, on 31 December 2016 - 07:27 PM, said:

Posted Image

You see, they- WAIT A SECOND!

This isn't Reddit or 4chan! Why the hell am I arguing about brownshirts!?!?! Bloody hell, you're great at baiting. Good job.

Hold... if everything in the clans is made decisions from higher up in certain castes... which are all determined tightly controlled by their government... with economic futures almost entirely driven and dictated by the warrior castes, aren't most clan technically socialist?
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#28 Bombast


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 07:46 PM

View PostKasumi Sumika, on 31 December 2016 - 07:41 PM, said:

So basically Clans is Superman and Inner Sphere is Batman? Posted Image

This thread has already become a political **** show. Let's keep the 'Worst Argument Ever Postulated' out of it, please.

That also includes the 'Who's faster, Superman/Flash' argument, and the question 'Who would win a fight between Superman, Goku and One Punch Man.'

Just... don't. Let's start 2017 off not that way.

#29 Kasumi Sumika


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 08:10 PM

View PostBombast, on 31 December 2016 - 07:46 PM, said:

This thread has already become a political **** show. Let's keep the 'Worst Argument Ever Postulated' out of it, please.

That also includes the 'Who's faster, Superman/Flash' argument, and the question 'Who would win a fight between Superman, Goku and One Punch Man.'

Just... don't. Let's start 2017 off not that way.

Who would win in the fight?

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Posted 31 December 2016 - 08:18 PM

View PostKasumi Sumika, on 31 December 2016 - 08:10 PM, said:

Who would win in the fight?

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Easy.... A Pommel
Posted Image

Edited by I_AM_ZUUL, 31 December 2016 - 08:37 PM.



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Posted 31 December 2016 - 08:23 PM

View PostRestosIII, on 31 December 2016 - 07:27 PM, said:

Posted Image

You see, they- WAIT A SECOND!

This isn't Reddit or 4chan! Why the hell am I arguing about brownshirts!?!?! Bloody hell, you're great at baiting. Good job.

Position in the political spectrum
Fascism was influenced by both left and right, conservative and anti-conservative, national and supranational, rational and anti-rational.[39] A number of historians regard fascism either as a revolutionary centrist doctrine, as a doctrine that mixes philosophies of the left and the right, or as both those things.[40][41] Fascism was founded during World War I by Italian national syndicalists who drew upon left-wing and right-wing political views.[/color]
Some scholars consider fascism to be right-wing because of its social conservatism and authoritarian means of opposing egalitarianism.[42][43] Roderick Stackelberg places fascism—including Nazism, which he says is "a radical variant of fascism"—on the political right, explaining that, "The more a person deems absolute equality among all people to be a desirable condition, the further left he or she will be on the ideological spectrum. The more a person considers inequality to be unavoidable or even desirable, the further to the right he or she will be."[44][/color]
Italian Fascism gravitated to the right in the early 1920s.[45][46] A major element of fascist ideology that has been deemed to be far-right is its stated goal to promote the right of a supposedly superior people to dominate, while purging society of supposedly inferior elements.[47][/color]
Benito Mussolini in 1919 described fascism as a movement that would strike "against the backwardness of the right and the destructiveness of the left".[48][49] Later, the Italian Fascists described their ideology as right-wing in the political program The Doctrine of Fascism, stating: "We are free to believe that this is the century of authority, a century tending to the 'right,' a fascist century."[50][51] Mussolini stated that fascism's position on the political spectrum was not a serious issue to fascists: "Fascism, sitting on the right, could also have sat on the mountain of the center ... These words in any case do not have a fixed and unchanged meaning: they do have a variable subject to location, time and spirit. We don't give a damn about these empty terminologies and we despise those who are terrorized by these words."[52][/color]
The accommodation of the political right into the Italian Fascist movement in the early 1920s created internal factions within the movement. The "Fascist left" included Michele Bianchi, Giuseppe Bottai, Angelo Oliviero Olivetti, Sergio Panunzio, and Edmondo Rossoni, who were committed to advancing national syndicalism as a replacement for parliamentary liberalism in order to modernize the economy and advance the interests of workers and common people.[53] The "Fascist right" included members of the paramilitarySquadristi and former members of the Italian Nationalist Association (ANI).[53] The Squadristi wanted to establish Fascism as a complete dictatorship, while the former ANI members, including Alfredo Rocco, sought to institute an authoritarian corporatist state to replace the liberal state in Italy, while retaining the existing elites.[53] Upon accommodating the political right, there arose a group of monarchist fascists who sought to use fascism to create an absolute monarchy under King Victor Emmanuel III of Italy.[53][/color]
After King Victor Emmanuel III forced Mussolini to resign as head of government and placed him under arrest in 1943, Mussolini was rescued by German forces. While continuing to rely on Germany for support, Mussolini and the remaining loyal Fascists founded theItalian Social Republic with Mussolini as head of state. Mussolini sought to re-radicalize Italian Fascism, declaring that the Fascist state had been overthrown because Italian Fascism had been subverted by Italian conservatives and the bourgeoisie.[54] Then the new Fascist government proposed the creation of workers' councils and profit-sharing in industry, although the German authorities, who effectively controlled northern Italy at this point, ignored these measures and did not seek to enforce them.[54][/color]
A number of post-World War II fascist movements described themselves as a "third position" outside the traditional political spectrum.[55] Spanish Falangist leader José Antonio Primo de Rivera said: "basically the Right stands for the maintenance of an economic structure, albeit an unjust one, while the Left stands for the attempt to subvert that economic structure, even though the subversion thereof would entail the destruction of much that was worthwhile".[56][/color]


So... no matter how much garbage they try to say currently, "those who can not be named" were never in point of fact Fascist!!! I means seriously... we are talking about events that transpired in the past century here, its not like this is some obscure philosophy only available to be studied in ancient Sanskrit. No excuse to not know basic level things like this... if only to be able to recognize it and stand vigilant against it!!!

oh yeah... go F*CK YOURSELF for calling me a Brownshirt, you ignorant piece of garbage

Edited by I_AM_ZUUL, 31 December 2016 - 08:24 PM.

#32 Snowbluff


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 08:23 PM

Well the Sword with a Sworded Gun has the range advantage... wait...
Posted Image

#33 El Bandito


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 08:37 PM

View PostJohnny Z, on 31 December 2016 - 06:52 PM, said:

I noticed in the regular queue that Clan mechs stay at the rear more. Go ahead see if I am wrong.

Cause they tend to have longer range and bigger alpha, but need time to cooldown. Such deployment makes sense.

#34 Johnny Z


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 08:51 PM

View PostEl Bandito, on 31 December 2016 - 08:37 PM, said:

Cause they tend to have longer range and bigger alpha, but need time to cooldown. Such deployment makes sense.

Ok cause I thought they were chickens.

#35 MacClearly


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 09:16 PM

I have been staying up really late and have been on 4 am to 8 am eastern and have thought the exact opposite. Things change in my time zone in the afternoon when some top guys from Russia seem to get on.

#36 Gyrok


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 10:54 PM

View PostI_AM_ZUUL, on 31 December 2016 - 04:35 PM, said:

except he was not a Fascist, he was a Socialist. Fascism while Authoritarian takes from both what is normally considered the Left & Right wing elements... Fascism is the most modern form of Authoritarian Ideology. There is a reason why the Communists of that country supported that leader rise to power under the logic of "First the Brown then the Red" philosophy, and it wasnt because he was a Facsist but because he was a Socialist. Socialism being one of the many forms of Marxist based Authoritarian ideologies.... forms we are still having to deal with today.

I got the joke... it was not that funny, but it was incorrect.

He is referring to the National Socialist party of Germany...who were fascists, and were also allied with the fascist regime in Italy during WWII, and who ultimately betrayed and attacked the socialist regime in Russia, which was ultimately their undoing.

EDIT: Your post above insulting him even outlines that National Socialist Party were a radical form of fascism.

Edited by Gyrok, 31 December 2016 - 10:56 PM.

#37 Shard Phoenix


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 11:34 PM

I was looking for the MWO Forums, but seem to have somehow found the World of Warships forums instead...

#38 Snowbluff


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Posted 31 December 2016 - 11:36 PM

View PostShard Phoenix, on 31 December 2016 - 11:34 PM, said:

I was looking for the MWO Forums, but seem to have somehow found the World of Warships forums instead...

Sometimes they are so close I worry that the neckbeards might get tangled together.

Edited by Snowbluff, 31 December 2016 - 11:36 PM.

#39 Mystere


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Posted 01 January 2017 - 12:25 AM

This thread:

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Posted 01 January 2017 - 02:51 AM

View PostGyrok, on 31 December 2016 - 10:54 PM, said:

He is referring to the National Socialist party of Germany...who were fascists, and were also allied with the fascist regime in Italy during WWII, and who ultimately betrayed and attacked the socialist regime in Russia, which was ultimately their undoing.

EDIT: Your post above insulting him even outlines that National Socialist Party were a radical form of fascism.

so much wrong here here where to start.... National Socialists were SOCIALISTS!!! They were aligned with Italian Fascists, true... then the "Right Wing" part of the Fascists went back to being Monarchists and put the King in charge who arrested Mussolini, the "Left Wing" National Socialists rescued Mussolini and he essentially set up a Communist system in Northern Italy because only the "Left Wing" Fascists were still left supporting him (Germany ignored him and refused to implement any of things he tried to establish.) The "Left Wing" National Socialists attacked the "Left Wing" Communists... but it was not because of any ideological reasons, just the natural consequence of two aggressive nation states who needed a continuing influx of new capital to make their Socialist/Communist systems function well. Since I mentioned several times that currently there are those who trying to say National Socialism was a form of Fascism to distance themselves from it since they are still currently Socialists, that dude telling those lies was exactly what I referencing. At exactly zero points throughout the 20s or 30s did anyone think or the people who were doing it define National Socialism as Fascism... nor did the Fascists consider themselves National Socialists. Fascism was a conglomeration of the both "Left" & "Right" wing forms of Authoritarian Ideology... basically what America really is currently if the Republicans and Democrats stopped pretending to oppose each other for public theater, while always colluding with each other to advance their Authoritarian Ideologies.

But people are so ignorant they can not even understand the reality of today let alone the history of less than a century ago... makes me sad and hate humanity for not being worth saving & angry I am not ignorant as everyone else. whoever said "Ignorance is Bliss" had to have been the smartest man who ever lived and he had to have hated every second of it.

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You are trying to argue about 3 different sects of Authoritarian Ideology that are all next to each other at the very bottom tip of the diamond in the less then 20% if not 10% chunk. There is a vast amount of overlap there between them, but that does not make them less distinct brands of Authoritarian Ideologies than saying that Baptists are Catholics are Mormons.

Edited by I_AM_ZUUL, 01 January 2017 - 03:07 AM.

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