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River City Feedback

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#1 Thorqemada


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Posted 08 June 2016 - 02:49 PM

Imo one of the most beautyful maps that offers also a good amount of variety of combat areas regarding to the match mode.

#2 Danjo San


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Posted 09 June 2016 - 03:25 AM

What really annoys me is the dynamic time of day. It changes way to fast. This is not only a problem on this map it is the same for the other dynamic change maps.
I mean PGI is rescalling the mechs to make the percieved size to enviroment ratio more accurate.
I mean how small must the planet be to be circulating around its sun(s) at that speed?
can't there just be a random time of day and you stick with that for the entire match.
Seriously running a mech from 50km per hour to 170 km per hour and you are going from dusk to dawn in less than 15 minutes????
Please change that!

#3 Dee Eight


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Posted 24 June 2016 - 10:41 PM

There's a trap spot, ramp and wall, about the middle of the citadel, center lakeside.. I dropped my Kodiak off the mid-point walkway and got stuck. I had solid citadel walls behind and to my left, a down-ramp on my right, and a step to a platform ahead of me my Kodiak couldn't climb onto.

Edited by Dee Eight, 24 June 2016 - 10:42 PM.

#4 Syrkres


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Posted 27 June 2016 - 10:10 AM

Right now DOMINATION is the worst on this map. The side (read 1/2 line starts) have to cross open water to get inside the circle.

This needs to be fixed fairly quickly.

Another thing is A/B line never get used other than start points. I see D2 being used more than A/B lines. One option would be to open the A/B line from both sides (putting cliff/structures above the waterfalls. This would allow for some great snipping down

#5 762 NATO


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Posted 30 June 2016 - 12:39 AM

Domination is severely one sided. Either you have cover or you don't. If you do not, your lights are sacrificed for doing their job and you are down 1-3 from the get. If you do have the city, then you hide and win when they peek or push. Make the location under the D5 or E5 bridges (spawns adjusted) or even in the center of the air field (spawns adjusted).

#6 Ultor Akier


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Posted 23 July 2016 - 07:49 AM

found a possible bug - if you up the gamma settings under video to a 1 while playing the night time river city - your damage output from your mech doesnt seem to register or is lessen by multiple degrees

if you bring the gamma back in line to .5 and brightness to .5 your weapons do the damage they are suppose to - any body else see this characteristic occuring on any other maps

upping gamma negates the effects of the night time on the map - making the map look like day time....

#7 Lily from animove


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Posted 23 July 2016 - 02:07 PM

View PostDanjo San, on 09 June 2016 - 03:25 AM, said:

What really annoys me is the dynamic time of day. It changes way to fast. This is not only a problem on this map it is the same for the other dynamic change maps.
I mean PGI is rescalling the mechs to make the percieved size to enviroment ratio more accurate.
I mean how small must the planet be to be circulating around its sun(s) at that speed?
can't there just be a random time of day and you stick with that for the entire match.
Seriously running a mech from 50km per hour to 170 km per hour and you are going from dusk to dawn in less than 15 minutes????
Please change that!

night and day come form the planets own rotation, not the one around the sun.

still weird tthat night and day cycle is that fast on every planet.

#8 pyrocomp


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 04:02 AM

View PostLily from animove, on 23 July 2016 - 02:07 PM, said:

night and day come form the planets own rotation, not the one around the sun.

still weird tthat night and day cycle is that fast on every planet.

Weirder is the moon that is nailed to the rigid skies. Rotate it (with respectfull change of color and brighness) and the map will be waaaaay more impressive on the outlook. Animated background of the first RC was a really good thing and lessened the impression of an predermined arena.

Edited by pyrocomp, 01 August 2016 - 04:02 AM.

#9 JonDoeIowa


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Posted 01 August 2016 - 04:10 AM

The current domination point on top of Citadel is one sided. With one side having to enter open water to get inside the point to stop the clock. One light can sneak in and hold till the enemy realizes he's alone but that doesn't solve the problem. I suggest dropping the point into the Airbase, if positioned into the middle well the tunnel will fall into it as well and allow brawlers some cover, the buildings from both sides approach allow for good sniper and missile cover.

That's just my two cents worth.

#10 iippo


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Posted 08 August 2016 - 09:06 AM

not sure if this is the right place to write, but i just got totally stuck in Rivercity.

was playing viper and got stuck between the wharf and prow of the big transport ship. Couldnt turn, couldnt move in any direction and couldnt use jets to unstuck myself either - they didnt recharge at all, i guess i was "dropping" all the time.

After i eventually got killed, i believed i drop down through and out of the whole map.

#11 Danjo San


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Posted 08 August 2016 - 01:29 PM

View Postiippo, on 08 August 2016 - 09:06 AM, said:

not sure if this is the right place to write, but i just got totally stuck in Rivercity.

was playing viper and got stuck between the wharf and prow of the big transport ship. Couldnt turn, couldnt move in any direction and couldnt use jets to unstuck myself either - they didnt recharge at all, i guess i was "dropping" all the time.

After i eventually got killed, i believed i drop down through and out of the whole map.


#12 zugnish


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Posted 21 October 2016 - 09:05 PM

The laser-proof streetlights along the sides of the citadel are a nuisance. If these can't be made destructible by weapons, it would be good if they were non-obstructing.

I get that it probably doesn't make sense to make all the map objects realistic in terms of weapon penetrability, but when you can't get a clear shot off because the streetlights are blocking you is annoying.

#13 Praxx


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Posted 20 December 2016 - 09:20 AM

I would like to see all buildings, vehicles and anything else that would be destructible in real life actually be destructible in this game. Would be nice to see missiles blow apart buildings your hiding behind and you'd have to eventually move from that cover because the structure has taken too much damage. Missiles or other weapons, everything can be damaged or destroyed. This is war after all. Can even maybe use air strikes/artillery to a better advantage by taking down buildings, hurting mechs that are hit by the rubble and possibly even blocking the road between the buildings so mechs can't get through. Some just thoughts.


#14 LesleySchultze


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Posted 29 May 2017 - 12:48 PM

Time of day - dusk and night. I find i cannot see. Yes i know its dark, but tbe heat vision is limited use and the night vision has limited range.
I hear turning up your gamma makes it like day but this i consider a bit of a cheat.
Can low light be more playable please?
This issue raises its head kn the terra therma drop zones too.

#15 dillsOn


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Posted 29 May 2017 - 01:18 PM

View PostLesleySchultze, on 29 May 2017 - 12:48 PM, said:

Time of day - dusk and night. I find i cannot see. Yes i know its dark, but tbe heat vision is limited use and the night vision has limited range.
I hear turning up your gamma makes it like day but this i consider a bit of a cheat.
Can low light be more playable please?
This issue raises its head kn the terra therma drop zones too.

Maybe you should get some windex and clean your cockpit, or quit smoking inside your MEch! Lesley, I see fine at night, what's your problem old man 'bwahaha.

#16 Fryepod


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Posted 21 June 2017 - 05:11 AM

River city is totally plagued by the citadel as a previous OP said, it's cancer. It's game breaking in pace, it's geometry parameters need to be lowered to medium mechs height at the very least.

Also I've heard friends make the suggestion that the tunnel in river city should serve as a flank from upper city (something it's never used for)

If the tunnel stretched from the shore of the bridge, then continued underground towards the center/behind the citadel it could help make another point of combat.

Of course the tunnel entrance would of to be hidden enough for the start attempt not to be seen, possibly wider as well.

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