Posted 06 April 2019 - 10:41 AM
Situational awareness is the first key, max your seismic sensors and pay attention to them, almost all of your sensor tree should be used so you can break contact with LRMers and make the most of your ECM. Watch the flow of battle, you don't want to be caught on the tail end of a nascar (for instance) or hop over a hill into the enemy murderball. You'll have to choose between sticking to the heavies and scouting/sniping, depending on the map. You're "slow" (I'm doing 104.5kph) so getting caught out of position and cut off is a real danger.
~Max your jump jets.... at least 5xjj, and use the jump duration at minimum.
JJ Mobility is all you've got to protect you from Piranha. If you are going to survive, or even win a fight against one, you've got to have those jump jets and an arm mounted dual HML, a lucky shot with the PPC will help ruin their day, but primary is the hml. It's your life saver in that fight.
Or in the hand of the J3D1, a light saber...
I can't say this enough, practice running and jumping for MAX duration, but stay a SHORT distance off of the ground by pulsing your JJ, while you are up there, notice you can spin your torso and legs in mid air. Practicethe Parthian Shot- shooting behind yourself accurately while flying. I usually just land facing the enemy and do another one.
Parthian Shot- Run away from enemy, jump in air, turn 180 degrees, fire behind you, land, repeat. This minimizes the time the enemy sees your back, and spreads damage like a boss.
Alternately, you can keep spinning after you shoot and land facing your original direction for a minimal loss of speed, learned this from playing a hunter on WoW. But watch for enemy fire in the back!
The Parthian Shot allows you to break contact and/or maintain your distance while doing close to full dps. If used on a slower short range brawler you will be untouchable. Couple it with the armor buff on the arms, it makes you a very tanky light mech. Even if someone does manage to get some shots off on you, they will be spread randomly (except for dual gauss, don't play like this in front of a Fafnir who's a good shot, you'll lose components).
Also, enemy Seismic sensors don't work if you are flying.
Also, while flying you do not suffer from aim problems due to terrain up/down. Yes, the vibration thing sucks, but it can be compensated for by either stopping the JJ for a moment (to fire PPC), or with lasers in just one arm you can simply correct for the deviation while you fly, lasers in multiple locations will have different JJ vibration offsets, even then you can somewhat compensate.
Also, YOU are a target moving in 3 dimensions, making you harder to hit, and you can quickly drop to throw off their aim if you notice someone about to shoot you.
Next thing to practice is MAPS.
Find all those places where you can belly down and use a high mount energy weapon (Shameless Purifier Plug) PPCs are difficult for the enemy to pin down where they are coming from, and being belly down with just a tiny little bit of an ECM Kit Fox sticking up makes you VERY hard to notice. You usually want to NOT be noticed. On the roof in Solaris at C2 is a great spot to practice jumping to. At least 1/4 of the fights, you will be in a position to get there easily, do it, you can spot and snipe with your ppc, and lay down some air strikes. when they close on you (splitting their group) you can keep them occupied and unable to fight you, eventually they'll ignore oyu, but you'll hav egiven your team a respite and hopefully done a fiar ammount of damage and still be fresh. Time to jump down and close with them, split them again, then run to your buddies. Now comes the brawl. Find your friends, get close, and finish off the rest of the red team.
Try to pick angles where the enemy is looking at someone else. And their buddies are looking somewhere else too, and just go to town. Watch for Enemy mechs looking at you. Etch it into your brain, the view of each mech when it's looking at you. IF you see that.... MOVE. Behind cover, or Jump Spin... MOVE.
But they likely won't notice you when they are fighting the Atlas or Anoyalator.
Go back to pounding them. You'll usually eventually get noticed. Find a new place to poke.
Eventually things will get hot and heavy as the battle closes, if you aren't already that's when you move in to support your team mates with your ECM.
As things keep getting closer, you'll eventualy see a bunch of little red dots flashing on your mini map, coming from right around a hill, that's when you pop a UAV and get ready to start dropping airstrikes.
Watch for choke points and bottle necks where you can drop an airstrike from either behind them (so they don't see the smoke) or make sure the smoke is hidden behind something (a corner, a rock, a tree, whatever) so they don't see it until it's too late.
Pop tart is great, but straight up/forward is suicide. Always pop tart while flying at an angle to the enemy, and always pick a new spot/direction for each pop tart. Then get good with hitting a with a PPC while flying.
You only get one or two UAV, but pop tarting never runs out. Your team mates will appreciate it. Just don't fly too high, peak just enough to get off a shot then drop. And drop immediately if you pop up on the murder ball. Find the enemy who is first visible, and shoot him, stay low so the others can't see you. You only need to hit one at a time.
When jumping, check your sight lines often, make sure you aren't exposing yourself to other enemies coming up on the sides or even from behind. Basic Situational awareness is the biggest thing. You want to be shooting, but not be getting shot. You want to be a moving target if you are being shot at, and you want to keep doing damage even when you are being shot at. That's where the jump spins come in handy.
Someone charges up on you, shooting you in the face? Turn about 90-180 degrees and run (their alpha will be over by the time you get 180) jump, spin, shoot them. If they are a good shot, you'll still spread the damage, meanwhile they are getting shot in the face by you and NOT spreading the damage. They get cored, you get a nice toasty yellow spread all over.
They are just going to charge at you shooting, you are going to be jumping/spinning, weaving, Their shots will hit randomly, yours will hit CT. They die first.
Try to only turn your back to them right after they alpha.
You jump, alpha and don't miss, because you've been practicing. They alpha and miss and/or it's spread cause you are rotating moving through the air at random speed/direciton. You land and alpha again in their face (cause they are standing there dumb looking at you dance around like a crazy person) and you immediately run 90, they alpha and miss/spread, you turn your back to them completely, run, jump, spin, alpha, repeat. If you are REALLY lucky, they are a small laser boat and slower then you. Gratz, you are now a hunter. LOL
I know others have said it, but it's true, if you are standing next to a big scary assault you will be ignored 90% of the time. You only really have to watch for the red team missing their target and accidentally hitting you. So try not to stand TOO close to your buddies unless you are using them as a meat shield.
Meat Shield- you've got good dps, are really small, and mostly ignored. Stand behind your atlas buddy, wait for him to walk out and and take a massive Alpha in the face, jump out from behind him, and give them your own Alpha, right in their freaking EYE. I've started trying to take head shots more often.
They are tricky, but if you are feeling it, do it. No dual Gause on a Kit fox. PPC spreads too much. missiles? Forget about it. Nobody expects to be cockpitted by a kit fox.
I'm using the arm mounted 2xHeavy Medium Laser. With an Alpha of 20, It takes two shots to head shot a fresh cockpit. I've gotten 3 with it in the last couple weeks. At that rate, only 18 more years till I get the title....
But with a ecm 7x small or small pulse laser build? I can see lots of head shots there if that's your thing, too bad I can't stand playing that style. I
Ahv gotta have time and distance to dodge enemy fire. I need to be able to deal damage at a distance, to help control the flow of the battle. And so I'm not usuless for the first 7 minutes of each game. As a SPL brawler, I'd just have to follow along with the heavies, as it's just not fast enough to fight the "real" light brawlers. I suppose you could just walk behind the assaults and poke. But not me. I need to be able to get in there and brawl, OR poke/snipe.
It's a kit fox, it's already a compromise. What better than a compromised build on a compromised mech?