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Nobody Wants To Play Terra Therma And Caustic Valley

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#1 Draconis Luthien


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 12:03 PM

I've returned to MWO after 1 or 2 years and I am playing it for about 1-2 months. I noticed that many changes were made, like new Mechlab and new Map system, moreover, I am enjoying so much playing this game but there is a situation that is very disturbing to me. I thought I should share this taboo with you now, because it seems that the players don't really care about it and don't want to tell.

I will share first information with you. Here you can see how many times what maps I played in 1-2 months.

Posted Image

Now, I will turn these numbers into statistical data so that you can understand better:

364 Total Maps Played

Posted Image

100% Total Maps Played

Posted Image

As you can see, the sum of these two maps equal to the number of the their one above map. These maps are almost never played. Terra Therma is played only 4 times from 364 matches from 14 map pool. This is incredible. I even voted 6x for that 2 maps but even this didn't work. Nobody wants to play that maps.

So, what do you think, why this is like this? Here's the answer: nobody wants to play these maps because their mechs can't manage the temperature of Terra Therma and Caustic Walley. Everybody picks maps for their hot mechs and this explains why Polar Highlands is played most. I want to play these maps even though nobody wants to play. I spent my hours to open this thread because I want to see improve of game. This problem is so big, I want to see that problem is fixed and everybody can play what he/she wants. Something that players don't like and that changes the difficulty of game, shouldn't be presented to their decision. Beacuse they are going to be on way of easy one like this. Some of us even call this exploting.

I'm tired of this Polar Highlands snow-hell!!!

I can give 2 suggestions:

1. Old map system must be back (random).
2. Everybody must be able to pick maps what they want to play before matchmaking.


Edited by BushidoR0807, 12 January 2017 - 12:33 PM.

#2 pattonesque


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 12:14 PM

Tourmaline is pretty hot too and it's one of the most popular

I think it's in part due to visibility issues. you can't see a dang thing on Therma

#3 Draconis Luthien


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 12:19 PM

View Postpattonesque, on 12 January 2017 - 12:14 PM, said:

Tourmaline is pretty hot too and it's one of the most popular

I think it's in part due to visibility issues. you can't see a dang thing on Therma

I can't see a thing on River City Nights too but thanks to BattleTech I have a Night Vision technology. This is not a valid reason to don't play these maps. If it's valid, why these maps are created? Actually they are not dark, Caustic Valley is not obviously. Please do not pass this problem and give attention.

Edited by BushidoR0807, 12 January 2017 - 12:20 PM.

#4 pattonesque


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 12:45 PM

View PostBushidoR0807, on 12 January 2017 - 12:19 PM, said:

I can't see a thing on River City Nights too but thanks to BattleTech I have a Night Vision technology. This is not a valid reason to don't play these maps. If it's valid, why these maps are created? Actually they are not dark, Caustic Valley is not obviously. Please do not pass this problem and give attention.

Caustic Valley is full of smoke and fog, and if you're gonna be rude about it then w/e

#5 VonBruinwald


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 02:26 PM

A simple solution to this is to add the least played map over a given period of time (we're talking server-side) as the 4th option for map choices by default. That way the least popular maps always have a chance of being picked and see more rotation.

#6 bar10jim


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Posted 12 January 2017 - 03:49 PM

Ok, 2 things:

1) Add 1 more "Hot" map. Then, group all the "Hot" maps together in one group, the "Cold" maps in another group, and the "Moderate" maps in another group. When the selection screen comes up, only maps of one temperature range will be presented. Players will have to deal with all temperature ranges in their builds.

2) Incentivise lesser played maps. Player accounts should have a "bucket" for each map.

a) Whenever a map is presented for selection and is not played, a number of C-bills (say 5 thousand) is put into each players "bucket".

Posted Image When the presentation screen is shown, the average C-bills of all the players buckets for each map would be displayed, minus the bucket amount of the map with the lowest average. The value displayed on each map would then be a C-bill bonus for selecting that map. Maybe have a cap of 200,000 C-bills or so.

c) Whenever a map is played, that map's "bucket" would be emptied for all players in that match.

For example, say the 4 maps are Polar Highlands, Alpine, Frozen City, and Grim Portico. Say the average C-bills in each players' "buckets" are 50k, 200k, 90K, and 75k respectively. Since Polar Highlands is the lowest, then all maps would be adjusted by that amount so that:

Polar Highland = no bonus
Alpine = 150k C-bill bonus
Frozen City = 40k C-bill bonus
Grim Portico = 25k C-bill bonus

If Alpine were the map that was chosen by the group, all players would get a 150,000 C-bill bonus.

Maybe a map has to be passed over 3 times before it starts accumulating C-bills in the "bucket."
Maybe each team sees only the bonus value of the "buckets" of their teammates, and you only get the bonus on a win? (All players have that bucket emptied).

Just a framework for an idea...

Edited by bar10jim, 12 January 2017 - 03:55 PM.

#7 Lily from animove


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 06:37 AM

I see caustic quite regulary, but I tried terra so hardy yet no luck.

But alkso never see polar as often as your graphs indicate, probably a rsult of lower tier players who enjoy throwing lrms all day on a cool map.

#8 Gas Guzzler


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 08:37 AM

Honestly Terra is almost never in the vote for me. I rarely see it.

As far as Caustic goes, I like the old Caustic more, there is too much terrain to get stuck on in the new one.

#9 Barkem Squirrel


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 10:41 AM

The new terra therma is interesting. Sure go ahead and play NASCAR, there are ways to defeat it on this map. Want to hid in the Caldera, then go to it and camp like we use to. (yet it is there if you can find it.) Then there is forcing your opponent to be in one of the hot zones while attacking them. That is priceless.

honestly I like the new terra therma more than the old one.

#10 The Basilisk


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 02:42 PM

I don't think its a simple "its because of <this>" reason.
Interestingly enough when I check the maps I played in the last 3 month my most often played map is Canyon folowed by Frozen and Grim Plexus.
Then with some distance followes HPG and Mining almost on head on with Crimson and Turmaline.
Then the rest with few differences....but yea only a hand full of Terra Therma matches.

You may have noticed that the mech population has greately tipped versus clan mechs.
Seeing more than half a company of IS mechs is a rare thing in quickplay for me.
This may be one of the reasons.
Clan mechs run hot.

Next thing is Terra Therma is abitch of a map.
You realy need to whatch your back and playing this map with pugs makes it even more of an rng event than any other map. Team composition and mech layouts have a very large influence on this map.
There are other factors but...essentially there are only two spots on this whole map where fighting happens and the chances are half way even for both sides.
Schould you engage or be engaged somewhere else you either autowin or autoloose.
The map is visually beautyfull but totaly boring from in every other hinsight.

Caustic is still basicaly the same map that it was before but with more optical clutter and even less tactical possibilitys.
So why would anybody want to play the same old nascar sh.... since closed beta.

And alpine....well...its alpine.... you walk and walk and walk and then the match is over in 1,5 mins after 5 mins of walking... if you are lucky.... and the last two dont take you for a happy hunting all over that damn map.

Viridian bog...well its a map that would be considdered smal for 8vs8 and has still massive problems with visibility and optical clutter and invisible walls.

Forest colony....duno its not that bad methinks...you have some tactical options on both sides almost nobody uses.
Everybody just always goes to the stargate and swears that the map would be so boring.
Lighting/visibility is a problem for me on this map.

#11 General Solo


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 10:42 PM

players want ez
maps included

The path to victory with least resistance
Guess terra terma and caustic provide the most resistance and are thus avoided

Edited by OZHomerOZ, 13 January 2017 - 10:45 PM.

#12 Grus


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Posted 14 January 2017 - 10:10 AM

Most likely this map is avoided due to the laser builds favored in the meta right now. Slows down the rate of alpha strikes and forces a longer fight.

#13 C E Dwyer


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Posted 14 January 2017 - 03:16 PM

I just wish PGI would drop map and mode voting, I'd probably start enjoying the game, and maybe even spending money again if they did

#14 M T


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Posted 14 January 2017 - 06:38 PM

Ofcourse nobody wants to play another map that got ruined.

#15 Cyrilis


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Posted 15 January 2017 - 06:11 AM

I have the feeling that Terra Therma is not as often in the map choice as other ones

#16 Bogus


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Posted 15 January 2017 - 07:45 AM

View Postbar10jim, on 12 January 2017 - 03:49 PM, said:

Ok, 2 things:

1) Add 1 more "Hot" map. Then, group all the "Hot" maps together in one group, the "Cold" maps in another group, and the "Moderate" maps in another group. When the selection screen comes up, only maps of one temperature range will be presented. Players will have to deal with all temperature ranges in their builds.

2) Incentivise lesser played maps. Player accounts should have a "bucket" for each map.

a) Whenever a map is presented for selection and is not played, a number of C-bills (say 5 thousand) is put into each players "bucket".

Posted Image When the presentation screen is shown, the average C-bills of all the players buckets for each map would be displayed, minus the bucket amount of the map with the lowest average. The value displayed on each map would then be a C-bill bonus for selecting that map. Maybe have a cap of 200,000 C-bills or so.

c) Whenever a map is played, that map's "bucket" would be emptied for all players in that match.

For example, say the 4 maps are Polar Highlands, Alpine, Frozen City, and Grim Portico. Say the average C-bills in each players' "buckets" are 50k, 200k, 90K, and 75k respectively. Since Polar Highlands is the lowest, then all maps would be adjusted by that amount so that:

Polar Highland = no bonus
Alpine = 150k C-bill bonus
Frozen City = 40k C-bill bonus
Grim Portico = 25k C-bill bonus

If Alpine were the map that was chosen by the group, all players would get a 150,000 C-bill bonus.

Maybe a map has to be passed over 3 times before it starts accumulating C-bills in the "bucket."
Maybe each team sees only the bonus value of the "buckets" of their teammates, and you only get the bonus on a win? (All players have that bucket emptied).

Just a framework for an idea...

Bloody brilliant, I love it! A small cash infusion in pug play wouldn't hurt, plus it would provide an incentive to run a more balanced loadout.

#17 Koniving

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Posted 15 January 2017 - 08:54 AM

I do.

Nothing is more satisfying than when everyone ELSE shuts down frequently while I can fire non-stop, never shutting down.

Just wish the two maps meant something more than just "its hot."
How about... sandstorms? Volcanic eruptions? The middle platforms breaking while 'Mechs are on them? Lava-rise? Something!

View Postbar10jim, on 12 January 2017 - 03:49 PM, said:

Just a framework for an idea...

Cbill incentive, no. (You'd create the "opposite" problem.) The rest, yes.

#18 Lolo van Trollinger


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Posted 16 January 2017 - 01:24 PM

i`ld say group by "least chosen" most chosen" and let them duke it out.
f*** temperature as a base for that - use metrics. people dont play it in that timezone ? group them unloved maps up and give them the choice between the devil and baal ze bab.

#19 PocketYoda


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 09:37 PM

Totally agree op both those maps are beyond garbage, the heat the visibility and the designs both atrocious..

And my favorite forest colony now has some useless fog on it making night vision garbage now too.

Edited by Samial, 13 January 2018 - 09:39 PM.

#20 BTGbullseye


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Posted 13 January 2018 - 10:15 PM

Why are you necroing all this stuff?

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