Planet: Wotan, Grimm plexus
"MOVE OUT FIND THE SCUM AND SHOW NO MERCY!" screamed the drop command.
We had jumped from planet to planet in the past 5 weeks, I had seen many Hopefuls.
Pilots to catch the Falcons eye. Some even did stupid things to get seen....
"Right Boys, What's the Plan?" asked Eve. If anyone was any more a Hopeful it was her.
"You heard Command Search and Destroy the Scum" Replied Point Commander Naltins.
"Keeping Radio Silence, Eh Rookie?" 5 years after my acceptance into Jade Falcon,
Naltins still called me "Rookie" If only..... "Yes, sir I'll break when I need to." I said.
"Hey, Boons What you see eh man?" Carlos was..... more than Hopeful, he had the Falcons Eye,
just not in a good way."Nothing.. absolutely nothing." "Contact G7 target Alpha. Looks like a commando." said Warez "Easy Pickings." The PPC Blasts were still defining even in the cockpit.
"Nice Head-shot!" Said Carlos. "Somethings not right.... Multiple Contacts, reading 3" said
Eve. "Good more Pray..." said Naltins. Something was wrong, very wrong and we didn't know till it was to late. "This is commander Wattson of the 8th Tripled wing Mercenaries Surrender and you will live. Last Chance." Crackled over the Comms. " NEVER!" Yelled Carlos. He slammed his Adder to running speeds and opend fire on the nearest one he saw. The Hunchback did the same, and 2 A/C 20 bursts went into his center torso and the blue of a Large laser. Carlos
died instantly, followed by Eve with spider ripping into the rear armor of her Hunchback
II-C. Naltins went beserk and killed the Hunchback followed by a Shadow Hawk he had found.
"Find the spider and end him!" screamed Naltins.
I found the spider , crippled and unarmed, he opened his comms and surrendered.
"I can tell you where they will be next, just don't kill me." He pleaded. 6 yellow lasers came from out of no-where ending the pilot. "you hesitated, Boons." said the commander quielty.
His Storm-crow came limping around the metallic mountainous pillar. " You didn't have to kill him. He could have been a valuable asset in the future." I said. "No he couldn't and you know it, you are just a sniveling coward and will never be " "Sir Shut up or I will end you"
I was tired of killing innocents. people trying to defend their families and planet. people we were killing because they were in our way. "Then you will die here as well, Coward." Naltins said
I spun the Artic Cheeta around and opened fire on him. The storm crow got eaten up
against the Shadow Hawk and the Hunchback leaving his left torso open and severely damaged. that was all I needed, that was it. " They'll hunt you down and End your pathetic life." Naltins said "Let them " Ruby red lances of light came streaking toward him and he died in a ball of bright light as his engine took a critical hit. I opened comms and told the Enemy Dropship where to find the spider and that I would like to speak with their superior officer about the where-abouts of the clans planets with the least protected resorces.
I was done killing Innocents......but it seemes like I will have more to do out there.----
Lachlan Boons, Artic cheeta pilot, Traitor, Mercenary.
Edited by spud35, 14 January 2017 - 06:31 PM.