Basically 12 individual awards (for 2016 size side/roster) so you'd have 3 selections at each weight class for a pseudo-dream-team based on stats/popularity.
Hear me out, I'm just spitballing, but whomever is leading the tournament effort could pull some key stats to pare down the selection to maybe 24 individuals: 6 at each position, then use some type of community engagement to get down to your 12 "inductees".
Some kind of "Golden PPC" (or insert meta weapon here) awards could also be neat for purely most kills and/or most damage dealt by an individual through the qualifiers AND finals to be awarded after the fact.
What does this buy PGI/participants/non-participating community from a tournament engagement standpoint?
- Additional individual awards would promote participation and follow-through (i.e. continuing to participate for the duration of the tournament)
- Consider that the measurable best pilot on a mediocre team statistically will probably have more kills than a great pilot on a great team because of skill parody on the great team.
- Sportsmanship, if selection to the all-tournament team is somewhat based on community input, people are less likely to show their a$$es
- Community engagement because they have more to do/pay attention to than just the teams themselves
- Potential creation of marketable personalities because esports need player celebrities to an extent.
- More available content from which to market the tournament/shout-cast color commentary fodder.