Basically what I am saying is be happy we even have a mechwarrior online, because no body, and I mean no body wanted to touch this IP with a 10 foot pool. The games got issues, ill be the first to say that, and yes its not 100 percent lore accurate. Mainly because todays games are too immature to accept things like a faction having a massive advantage over another. The days of old gamers saying "a disadvantage well hell where do I sign up?" are over.
Yea bash these guys if you must but at least acknowledge that without them we would all be searching for MW4 windows 10 compatible variants. I am far from the greatest, and never will say I am the greatest, but the history of this IP is well known. Like I said it is miracle this game even exists with as much as it offers. Lastly some of us do enjoy faction play.
The opinion of one player.
Edited by Lances107, 16 January 2017 - 12:21 AM.