Big map and what they can bring for player in near possible future.
No secret that mostly players use only 40% of present big map and even medium sized mech can do better in some gamemodes than they have now.
What I suggest to add on some map:
1. Destructible fuel tanks. Stand alone medium one or cluster of 3-4 smaller.
They can be used as trap strategy for lure enemy in danger place and make useful speed mech to run through that plaices instead of slow mech who get low\medium damage from fuel blow.
So team can use strategy of luring enemy mech in that zones and do damage in some situation.
All fuel tanks must be placed on map randomly to make strategy different, but not too close to drop zones. As addition to damage can be added some overheat penalty to mech who run into blast.
2. Destructible walls from light to heavy. Team with assault mech can make hole in it and go straight, lances based on JJ or speed can make another way to target. I think that work best for perimeter of some target which need to capture. Also they can be generated around some capturing targets like resource points. That make light JJ mech more useful and in same time more complex strategy to play.
3. Control Tower. Towers capturing which gives team control over some perimeter weapons. Not only laser turret - also light autocanon turrets, stationary SRM (2)\LRM (5) launcer, gauss stationary gun (with fixed turn angle). Game mechanic simple. Some weapon perimeter which triggers on fixed distance when target come close. Behind it - Control tower time of capture which = half of time to capture towers in Escort game mode now. They can be neutral for every team or aggressive.
Both team have choice - take that defended spot on map or ignore it.
If one team decide to capture that Control Tower, another have few way to play.
1 - take down tower and turn off all weapon (only one way if near stay 1 enemy team mech within 110m distance).
2 - Kill all perimeter weapon from safe distance (make tower useless).
3 - Try to recapture it (if within 110m near tower no enemy team mech)
4 - Run to another side of map (or find randomly placed and hidden) generator(s) plant to cut off electricity powering tower and perimeter weapon. That drive enemy team split forces to control tower and find+protect generators.
All that make each mech more role specific and game strategy more intensive.
4. Resource Storage. Highly (!) camouflaged structure randomly placed om map finding and capturing which gives each member of team little bonus in c-bill no matter have they won or loose game. I see them like some hill with entrance only from one side.
That structure drive some fast lances split from main group and search on map. Also that force take different route on maps. In same time that make some low-weaponed speed-runners even more helpful for team. Especially when they run from enemy
5. For FP game mode (on long maps) I think nice addition can be something like EMP one shot towers. Capturing generators or destroying them turn them off. But if not - in radius of 210m they can turn mech off like mech have overheat once for a game. If place randomly it can force team find and kill generators or move along with risk to be shutdowned.
That something for maps what come in minds.
I hope I'll update that thread with some other possible ideas for gamemodes in future.