Hi all, I am a returning (pretty new) player looking for a unit to consistently play Faction Warfare with (My time zone is EST, but I am a university student so moderately flexible schedule especially on weekends)
My current primary drop deck is 1.DakkaMauler 2.DakkaCyclops 3.Thunderwub 4.Locust (I also have an Awesome LRM boat and a Dakkahammer I sub in when needed) I understand the need for certain builds in team play and am more than happy to buy the mechs needed for organized strats.
I used to be a competitive light pilot about two years ago, but have come back as a mostly assault/heavy pilot (more Dakka means more fun) please let me know if you’re recruiting, usual turn out and when you all normally play!

Hoping To Get Recruited For A Unit Focused On Faction Play!
Started by Zanik127, Sep 19 2018 08:37 PM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 19 September 2018 - 08:37 PM
Posted 20 September 2018 - 10:48 PM
Hi Zanik, welcome back!
There is a chance the 36th might be the right unit for you. We are old enough to be nice (cuz beeing mean costs so much energy), we are active and we play faction play with coordinated fast brawler dropdecks.
BUT (sry): most of our members live in europe, so the timezone could be a problem. Also we only play faction play during event times and on sundays (sundays and wednesdays is when we regularly meet), and even then sometimes we don't get matches and split up into quickplay groups.
I you want to take a look, just check our website: https://www.36thdieron.de/
You can see, if someone is on our discord and join, play with us. Or you can make a recruitment post in our forum. Or you can check out our rad promo video ->
Hope to see you on the battlefield (or in our discord). feel free to PM me for further informations. Maybe we can shedule some matches
There is a chance the 36th might be the right unit for you. We are old enough to be nice (cuz beeing mean costs so much energy), we are active and we play faction play with coordinated fast brawler dropdecks.
BUT (sry): most of our members live in europe, so the timezone could be a problem. Also we only play faction play during event times and on sundays (sundays and wednesdays is when we regularly meet), and even then sometimes we don't get matches and split up into quickplay groups.
I you want to take a look, just check our website: https://www.36thdieron.de/
You can see, if someone is on our discord and join, play with us. Or you can make a recruitment post in our forum. Or you can check out our rad promo video ->

Hope to see you on the battlefield (or in our discord). feel free to PM me for further informations. Maybe we can shedule some matches

Posted 21 September 2018 - 04:25 AM
The Mobile Mechanized Assault Division ( https://mmad.enjin.com ) runs both Clan and IS sub-units, with our IS arm currently contracted to House Kurita..
We'd be happy to have you among our ranks.
We'd be happy to have you among our ranks.
Posted 21 September 2018 - 01:03 PM
WB Zanik!
If the Forums do not produce the results you are looking for, start hitting up various Teamspeak Hubs and start joining groups there.
Good place to find like minded players and those that play CW.
frrhub.isengrim.org PW: Dragon
TY Roland!
If the Forums do not produce the results you are looking for, start hitting up various Teamspeak Hubs and start joining groups there.
Good place to find like minded players and those that play CW.
frrhub.isengrim.org PW: Dragon
TY Roland!
Edited by TWIAFU, 21 September 2018 - 01:38 PM.
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