Johnny Z, on 22 January 2017 - 07:05 AM, said:
When will proper DLC that adds real content be available other than mech packs?
Let's get some perspective here, eh?
Johnny Z, on 22 January 2017 - 07:05 AM, said:
Where is 1st person mechbay?
MW5. Realistically, this adds nothing to MWO; people would enjoy it for a few weeks, maybe drop into it for videos or pictures for the forums or whatever, but after that it'd be a dead-letter feature that's nice to have but in no way essential.
Johnny Z, on 22 January 2017 - 07:05 AM, said:
Where is sound update to not be ear splitting and bad sounds?
Matter of opinion? The sound design in MWO is just fine. It's not Award Quality or whatever, but it does the job perfectly well. No need to reinvent the wheel.
Johnny Z, on 22 January 2017 - 07:05 AM, said:
When is pilot eject animation going to be added?
Commodity Warfare already eats up far more resources than it should. Adding an eject animation seen by a small portion of the population every now and then is a(nother) waste of time, especially when cockpits in MWO aren't built to properly break apart for ejection.
Johnny Z, on 22 January 2017 - 07:05 AM, said:
How long until mechs go critical sometimes on destruction even if no damage is given?
I thought the forum community in general hated Mike Stackpole and exploding 'Mechs? Also if a nuclear reactor goes critical thirty feet away from you, I would in fact throw a fit if it didn't do some severe damage to your own machine. If you're going to do it, do it right.
Johnny Z, on 22 January 2017 - 07:05 AM, said:
When is tech balance going to be achieved?
Shut up, Johnny. Permanently ongoing process and you know that. Nobody
wants them to make any massive major balance changes before Skilltrees goes in anyways, it'd just be wasted effort since they'll have to redo it then, too. That and the Sphere is slated for a million new toys in summer. Maybe see if those help you before pitching another CLANZ OP fit.
Johnny Z, on 22 January 2017 - 07:05 AM, said:
When will atmosphere and story and lore be added?
MW5. MWO is the shooty arena game, MW5 is where Piranha's going to take one more stab at giving people all the things they said MWO would be, since Piranha has learned that doing all of those things in a multiplayer shooty game doesn't work well. Also, just to be thorough...what, actually, counts as "Atmosphere, story, and lore"? First-person 'Mechbays? Sound re-engineering? Exploding 'Mechs?
I'd like it if Piranha hired a guy whose sole job was to repopulate things like the ComStar news feeds; make a little mini-website on the side players could subscribe to that's built to look like a BattleTech comms console or whatever. Daily news snippets and updates like we used to get, tie 'em into ongoing events if possible, hint at Things To Come, and just generally be a cool place to check out. But I understand why they don't want to spend money on that guy when they could be spending it on MW5, instead. Maybe post-MW5 launch. We'll see.
Johnny Z, on 22 January 2017 - 07:05 AM, said:
How come no NPC's? Never heard of NPC's? Why doesn't the VIP request help now and then? When will NPC's be added to this game?
What NPCs? Where? At what point in a MWO match do NPCs make sense, beyond Angry Clan Man?
Johnny Z, on 22 January 2017 - 07:05 AM, said:

maybe some other things that should be in game by now can be added by others.
I'm sure everybody has their pet list of changes they'd love to see. You want Real Content, let's talk about the total lack of Information Warfare instead of random bits of nonsense fluffery like first-person 'Mechbays.