Snazzy Dragon, on 02 February 2017 - 03:48 PM, said:
I have to admit, the title led me to believe this topic had something to do with deer or some deer-inspired mech design.
The Doe-cimator
A 45 ton quadraped mounting a 260 std with a top speed of ~104 kph, 2 shoulder mounted ER med lasers, 4 machine guns (two in front, two in back) with 2 tons of ammo, and a srm 6 + a with 1.5 tons of ammo in the left torso make this an agile mech with close range punch that can work away from supply lines. ECM provides protection from detection systems. Fairly expensive to manufacture due to incorporating an endo-steel chassis, the DCM-1A benefits from the toughness afforded by a standard engine. Built at a manufactorum on Rutland Prime, the Doe-cimator 1A left production lines in early 3047. Initial reports indicated positive results from the field, until a fatal flaw was discovered within the mechs' Daktron 8000 sensor systems' UV Broad spectrum hardware, which when illuminated with any type of bright searchlight would immediately cause it to 'freeze' in place. Night-time operations that were scheduled for any fielded DCM-1A units were immediately postponed and a large re-call was put into effect. Clan Raging Buck scientists had repaired the flaw in the units and began the process of returning the mechs, when Planet Rutland Prime was blown to smither'eens by a rogue space collective going by the name Elmerik Spuddnik. Some of the repaired mechs were shipped but their final destination remain unkown.
Edited by JackalBeast, 02 February 2017 - 10:58 PM.