Bishop Steiner, on 24 January 2017 - 05:25 PM, said:
actually, that was factored in. And the only reason those quirks aren't totally out of line is because tonnage and hardpoints keep them from being boated.
I'm not worried about AC/10 boats. It will always be a gimmick, even at Assault weights. 30 cold PPFLD is going to be the domain of Light AC/5 if they add them, and you would likely see a lot of QQ over it. 40 PPFLD would be the domain of 2x AC/10 + 2x PPC/LPL, because 4x AC/10 is
horrid in terms of slot the point where you can't do it with an XL
and without EndoSteel and have more than 60 rounds...insufficient to feed 4x AC/10.
At any rate, the Rifleman is already a very meta 'Mech whose only deficiency is tonnage and the armor that goes with it. It can even do a Gauss and two PPCs, a build where the extra velocity is actually harming it because the Gauss round is moving at 2,800 m/s vice 1200 m/s on the PPC, and it runs
cold. And that's with
zero heat-gen quirks. Pop-tarting is, like, 90% weapons and only 10% jump jets in terms of what's governing effectiveness. A peek 'Mech that can do 35 PPFLD is almost as potent as a pop-tarter doing the same thing, especially when it's as fast and agile as a 280 XL Rifleman. On that premise, I really don't see a buffed AC/10 upsetting anything.