Quicksilver Kalasa, on 25 January 2017 - 04:50 PM, said:
I didn't move the goal post because you didn't think arm mounts should be incentived further even though the current incentives ARENT enough to choose arm mounts over torso mounts and no, for a majority of mechs that is not a good enough incentive, which was the point I was driving at.
There already is an incentive, so I said "I don't think it needs to be incentivized further" because an incentive already exists, which I explained to you very clearly when you asked what I meant by "further" since apparently it wasn't obvious what I meant (even though it should have been).
That's obviously a different point (i.e goalpost moving) from "the current incentive isn't good enough" which is what you say, which I find to be fairly annoying when the main solution I offer apparently isn't good enough, because that
would be fine to say--aside from moving the goalpost, which I don't
normally care a great deal about except when you continue to flagrantly ignore what I actually said--except that you don't offer any actual solutions yourself so that is what makes it considerably more annoying.
Is that clear enough? It better be, because now I don't really care whether you do or not and I'm done arguing this dumb point.
As far as the current incentive being good enough--an argument that you could have approached better--I
do think it is good enough and the
actual problem is with other hardpoints (i.e side torso hardpoints) being incentivized
too much.
Sized hardpoints only force people to put weapons in inferior spots (not that I'm opposed to sized hardpoints, I just know they don't actually fix the problem), they don't actually fix the inferiority problem.
So how do arm hardpoints remain inferior when the side torso hardpoints are addressed? Are they somehow going to remain inferior to CT or head hardpoints with the whole 2 slots in the CT & 1 slot in the head?
The issue isn't arm hardpoint inferiority, it's torso hardpoint superiority, which seems pretty evident by you having nothing to offer to actually incentivize arm hardpoints, or if you do have something in mind then it must not make much (or any) sense since I would think that it would have come up already if it did.
As a reminder of my position, I don't want sized hardpoints to restrict where equipment can go, only to penalize weapons that are oversized for that hardpoint.
Not every mech should be capable of running artillery well, just like not every mech should be capable of running laser vomit.
Okay, so how would you
consistently deny the effectiveness of laser vomit then? Torso mounted mortars should be consistently less effective than arm mounted mortars according to you, so what's a similar idea for lasers? Ideally it should make sense too, but I suppose it wouldn't hurt too much to just throw something out there that makes no sense at all even if it obviously wouldn't be convincing if it didn't make sense.
Any other similar limitations you have in mind while you're at it, like not every mech should be capable ballistic boats?
I'm also going to note that, in the broadest sense, I think "not every mech should be capable of running laser vomit" is fairly dumb because that obviously violates the intent for lasers to be as simple as possible, which is reflected by how they work and the stats that they have (in this game). I'm okay with that to the extent that you might have some oversized lasers in certain hardpoints, but beyond that...
Sized hardpoints won't fix the Vindicator because other mechs are already able to do 2 PPCs and can do it better (BJ-3 for example). There is no magical fix for mechs like the Vindicator, at least none that aren't somewhat arbitrary, which is why quirks work just fine for fixing them.
Here's an interesting hypothetical for you then.
Let's say that PPCs would be considered oversized for the torso mounts in the BJ-3, which if you wanted to consider lore does make
some sense because the stock loadout has only medium lasers in the torsos, so ideally you would mount the PPCs in the arms where they
wouldn't be considered oversized because that's where the PPCs are actually mounted in the stock loadout.
So then it comes down to 3 options:
-Put oversized PPCs in the BJ-3 torso(s) anyways, or perhaps PPCs would only be oversized in 1 torso hardpoint if that was deemed too harsh(?)
-Put PPCs in the BJ-3 arm(s), where they wouldn't be oversized
-Use the VND-1AA instead, because it would also have big arm hardpoints
and feature a better engine cap as well as better twisting capability
I realize you could just put 2 PPCs in 1 arm on the BJ-3 and still have the benefit of 2 high mounted PPCs, but if you go back to looking at the stock loadout then it shows that the 2nd energy hardpoint in each arm only mounts a medium laser, so even in the same component the hardpoints could be sized differently so that, in that case, 1 PPC would fit in the arm while the 2nd PPC in the same arm would be oversized.
Note that when I look to stock loadouts for hardpoint size it's more as a guideline rather than a strict rule, so depending on how hardpoint sizes were handled and the needs (or advantages) of a mech then the hardpoint wouldn't necessarily be as small (or even as large) as lore might suggest, e.g the torso hardpoints and 2nd arm hardpoints on the BJ-3 might be big enough to fit large lasers with no penalty but not PPCs. This does kind of have the potential problem of being a little messy though, since the question of "how big should this hardpoint be" would start to get pretty subjective if a strict rule isn't followed, although on the other hand maybe that's exactly what we need.
That is an example of how sized hardpoints
could be applied, by disincentivizing hardpoints to make other mechs more relevant instead of this constant problem of "it doesn't have metapuke hardpoints so it's ****."
Hardpoint dependent quirks could also come into play if needed.
It should be AoE because we don't have a single AoE weapon in this game, we have never had true artillery weapons outside of strikes (ones that punish clumping/camping). As for practical precision indirect fire, it could potentially be a thing, but I just don't understand why we need one not to mention to potential for broken shenanigans that tend to go with indirect fire.
1. Well we don't have any precision indirect fire weapons either, which I think would be cool and quite a bit different from LRMs which are
currently the only indirect fire weapon, and I don't really think mortars are the way to introduce mech mounted AoE weapons because that sounds better suited for Arrow IV or the Long Tom Cannon...whenever those might show up.
2. Issues like...what? I don't see too many issues with what I propose unless mortars deal splash damage, which isn't my idea.
Small splash damage is easier to balance with indirect than precision for similar reasons that PPFLD is such a hard thing to reign in.
Depends on the code, you would hope they could rely on code for splash damage to act reliably or at least have some manner of control like other FPS do in other engines. They have fixed other problems before, I just don't think they've reproached the subject of splash damage before and I would love for them to try again with incentive to without worrying about breaking an existing weapon again.
Okay, but I'm not really seeing an actual solution being offered to deal with the potentially major problems of mech mounted weapons that consistently deal splash damage.
Edited by Pjwned, 25 January 2017 - 09:16 PM.