And that the last item doesn't list half of its benefits?

Though, it is in the description text, without any numbers. I think it would be a positive to include those numbers next to the range boost.
I'll give them the praise that they fixed the TC awhile back, to list the individual Crit bonuses. I never had a look, and never knew how the bonuses were applied. Now, we know, after a small bout of confusion.
But, check out the PaperDoll quicken-uppener bonus.
It has three names in the above screenshots
"Target Info Delay"
"Targeting Time Boost"
"targeting data"
and the XML having
And only reuses one twice
Now, I guess this could reflect poorly on a new playing, thinking that they don't do the same thing. I can definitely see that being an issue for the PUGgle who doesn't reference secondary applications when building his Robots.
Would it be good to normalize the names? Or, at the very least, add all numerical bonuses to the bottom (much like the TC lists everything, or Quirks)