Posted 16 February 2017 - 03:51 PM
The real answer is that most likely this both is and isn't due to MWO (although MWO is not the only game to have this exact issue, according to a quick Googling). It is due to MWO because, as any MWO player knows, CryEngine is quite a power hog (or, at least our specific version atm). The actual reason for the crash is that your GPU is keeling over for any one (or more) of a number of reasons, such as the card itself demanding more power than you system can give it, driver updates (not likely to happen more than once), overheating, DirectX corruption, and so on.
There are ways to avoid the problem and there are ways to identify the problem. The easiest avoidance method is to simply tone down your in-game video settings (down-res, turn off AA, etc.) You can start with broad strokes and turn everything down, and, once you find a stable point, turn things back up one at a time on a session-to-session basis (not just match-to-match, since some maps/mechs are more intense than others).
To fully identify the problem with the aim of a proper fix (with the understanding that a proper fix can mean replacing hardware in a worst-case scenario), you will need to take many steps. Of course, starting point is making sure your video drivers are up-to-date, which many of you have already stated is the case. From there, ensure DirectX is solid by running the installer (make sure you're getting that installer straight from Microsoft). Going further down the rabbit hole, you will likely need to download some software to monitor systems temperatures (GPU in particular), and power drains (again, focusing on GPU). There are plenty of discussions in other game forums that I hesitate to link to here, but if you're interested in really nailing down the cause, Google the error code from the ss in the first post ("DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED").
And feel free to contact our support team to work with them on correctly identifying your problem.
PS - Twilight Fenrir, if you're getting this crash once per reboot, my first guess is that there's a program you have set to start with Windows that is already taxing your GPU, and MWO comes along to push it over the limit. But when the device crashes, that auto-start program no longer has a handle on your GPU to be a drain on it, which allows MWO to run under the crash limit. That's just a guess, but you might wanna just look through your auto-start programs. Might also be as simple as NVidia or ATI software imposing some rendering rules on top of what the game is doing (like having anti-aliasing enabled through the NVidia control panel, and also turning it on in-game, essentially multiplying the workload).