50 50, on 02 February 2017 - 01:20 PM, said:
Looks good.
Wouldn't go with the rifle style mount for the Medium Laser and the MGs under the arm?
Never was a big fan of the massive rifle for a one ton medium laser, especially without the detachable weapon quirk. This allows it full use of both hands, and also protects the laser if it's forced to punch with the right arm. (even with a detachable weapon...then you are dropping your main weapon to punch or carry, which seems like a bad idea)
jss78, on 02 February 2017 - 02:30 PM, said:
Love it. Great proportions and pose, and I especially like the legs.
I'm going to agree with removing the gun arm. The thing is, I don't mind the gun as such, but if you go there, then the STG-3G would presumable have those guns in both arms. And that's just a really goofy look (see many MWO Phoenix Hawks...).
My only slight issue is with the cockpit glass -- to me having a single pane in the front is a defining feature of the Stinger, and I might not recognize this as one. Especially with the gun also gone.
Good feedback, and I will be experimenting with that on the Head, though my concern is that the head as seen in the original, simply could not fit a pilot (even here you are sitting in the torso, with the upper body in the "head") and such. I plan to play with it with both closed sides, and single pane, though.
I'd say that single pane was iconic on the MAD too, and well, we know where that went.