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Suggestion For Promoting Mechbay/variant Purchases (After The Skill Change)

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#1 Teratoma


  • 2 posts

Posted 31 January 2017 - 09:48 PM

From what I've heard, after the skill change, it will no longer be required to purchase 3 variants of a chasis in order to "master" a mech. Given that limiting mechbays is an effective tool for PGI to flip free players to "at least paying a little" players, this change may hurt the conversion rate. The requirement change may also irritate those players who've already invested much time and effort in mechs that they did not enjoy who now find themselves with leveled mechs they didn't want and likely won't play again.

So I have a suggestion to encourage people to continue to buy mechbays as well as "rewarding" long-time players who've invested in multiple variants:

When the skill system is changed, allow each *owned* variant of a chassis to add a small cumulative xp bonus (perhaps just 1% or 2%) across all variants of the chassis. Additionally, allow the bonus to increase as each mech is leveled.

For example, the bonus for each variant could start at 1% with the bonus increasing by 1% when a variant is at 5k xp, another 1% at 25k xp, another 1% at 125k xp, and so on. Of course whatever function (or table) can be used though i do think a linear system would quickly get out of hand for veteran players.

An example player (with the above example system):

Tito has 5 variants of the Locust with the following individual xp totals: 650k, 250k, 150k, 60k, 20k

From these mechs he'd get the following bonuses: 5%, 4%, 4%, 3%, 2% for a total bonus of 18%. As long as all 5 mechs are in Tito's inventory, he'll get an 18% xp bonus (until a variant hits another tier threshold) while playing with any of his Locusts.

Of course, this is all contingent on how the skill system is actually set up. As long as reaching higher levels of a particular skill requires increasing amounts of xp, the bonus shouldn't be terribly imbalancing and would be rather encouraging for those who really love a particular mech and want to level its abilities as much as possible.

Edited by Teratoma, 31 January 2017 - 09:52 PM.

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