AC20 critically nerfed, now it's useless. damage shared in target armor, damages more then one part. must be only one. heat too high, PPC heats less then AC20. projectile speed too low.
ECM can't EVER block any signal. only low distance, anytime it's on - it's generste cloud of interference, which mark ECM carrier on map. same ECM can't block sensors of remote mechs. if anyone can see any mech in sensor range - it's may be targeted. to prevent it ECM must be close enouth to scouting mech. jaming targeting on allies ECM can (if he can dot it at all) at very short range, about 50-100m. or - ECM block any signal in affected area, including allied.
you totally nerfes assaults at all. now ANY light can destroy ANY assault. basically, in original story it's happens eventually, almost as a miracle. it have simple reason - assaults too heavy armored, and lights destroyable whith one, maximum two alfa-strikes of assault. well, it's around 40-60 damage points. light mech - is not an ordinary "battle" mech. scout, recon, support, coanvoy, - no more.
so light can't be mounted with two (WTF???) PPC. or same type of weapons.
Edited by nowereman, 17 January 2017 - 10:25 AM.