Malrock, on 09 February 2017 - 10:20 AM, said:
What is actually going to happen is an optimal path will be established and anyone who deviates from said path will be running sub optimal builds and gimping themselves. We already see this in the mech module choices people make, it is widely accepted that radar dep, is the way to go, with seismic as second, the only option that gets used other than these two is the zoom for people who like to snipe, and then the wall hack goes for zoom, anything else was a false choice / waste of cbills / general exp. This is the same thing WoW had, everyone went to elitist jerks found out the best new build and just copied it into the game, there is no diversity, or actual options you are just going to have bad players wasting c bills and mech exp because their google foo wasn't up to par. Completely stupid complexity for the sake of complexity which makes the game harder for new players, and puts them at a disadvantage to older players.
This is my only objection to this as well. Yes eventually, a path will be mapped. By eventually, I mean a week because some people are balding and live in moms basement.
When the system ois finished, it should be able to promote the build which you like. You should be able to run a mech that has 3 MLAS, AC10 and 2 SRM6 and be able to not feel like you wouldve been better off dropping and MLAS and stripped your SRMS to boat another AC10. Or if you DID spec out all your weps, you shouldnt feel like you arent able to brawl because everyone is a boat and a tank at the same time. You basically will have poured all your quirks into offense, but that will only end up paying off if you are a midrange or long range mech with a diversified loadout. But who is going to go Gauss, 2LL and LRMS? If you are a brawler, pouring all you SP into offense will come at the cost of being very quickly stripped and outlasted by someone who buffs a 5MLAS SRM6 Treb.
Personally, i run build with MAX 3 weapons. This current system will help say, my Bushwacker Which runs 2 AC10 2 MLAS. I also have the said Treb from above. This tree system AS is helps me, the way I play. But You are also talking to someone who rocked an OG Hunch for like the first eyar and a half. Im not a tinkerer unless Im stubborninly trying to get a mech I have a softspot for to work. And as is, this system lets me do that. But other Mercs in OneMercNation (my unit) looooove to play around. This will really take the fun out of it for them. Itll make them into the solid, stick-with-it Mechwarriors Ive wanted them to become, at the cost of what keeps them playing.
I do not have the solution, and I hate saying anything negative when I do not have something concrete to present. But it should be said even if its not something I think affects me personally.
Like I said, I can't wait to take my wacker with fully quirked AC10s and Med Lasers, Fully armor buffed (so the XL doesnt even matter) into brawls and punch way out of my weightclass. But its more fun to do with enemy's that can counter that.