I don't like how unrelated skills are required to unlock other skills, it doesn't have to be 100% linear the progression should always make intuitive sense, you should be able to think "ok it makes sense you need Y to unlock X"
Balance suffers horribly from the skill tree. IS becomes much worse compared to Clan, and the gap between good and bad mechs in both factions also increases. This is bad to the point of being game breaking and creating long term damage to the game, especially for Faction Warfare which is already hanging by a thread. There are a number of reasons for this. The IS was already much worse than clan before, now it loses quirks and get's insufficient compensation. Competitive metamechs get the opportunity to boost their roles more focused, makeing them stand out even more. The extra module slots some of the IS mechs had are not considered and gets no compensation.
Skills are very unbalanced in power level but still cost the same, entire trees like JJ tree sucks and won't be used. Putting useless skills as requirements to unlock good ones is a bad solution, it would be much better to balance them either by making them cost differently according to power level, or to actually make them more equal in strength.
Boating is heavily encouraged. This is because it's cheaper in skill points to focus a weapon system and boat it than to diversify. This could be addressed for example by making skills more expensive at the top end, so that you can afford for example 10% in two weapons for the same price as 15% in one.
For the same reason plus price build experimentation is heavily discouraged. It's expensive to respec and the skills lock in weapons systems. This will make people meta even harder than now and never change their build unless a new competitive meta demands it. This pushes the game more into tryhard mode and away from creativity/experimentation. Very bad. This could be solved by making the weapons skills general rather than weapons specific. So you could focus on cooldown or heat etc and it would apply to all weapons, allowing you to try out different builds. Alternativly you could have three categories: energy, missiles, ballistics, allowing you to at least focus towards a category of weapons rather than a specific weapon.
I don't like jam chance skills. I beleive UAC jam chance should be set to where it balances out well against the non-ultra ACs, and it's not a good idea to have skills for that since it will force PGI to balance either against the skilled or the unskilled version, making the weapons either too weak or too strong in either case. Jam reduction is better suited as a flavor perk to specific mechs and the skill tree should only have the general ballistic quirks.
The skill tree is almost the same for all mechs. Big opportunity missed to give each chassis it's own individual tree to emphasize it's role and lore. Enormous opportunity missed, facepalm worthy.
Redundant skills should not exist. Arm agility skills on mechs with no arm hardpoints? It's the pinpoint skill all over again.
Grinding is severely increased. People have said you should count all the grind from the 3 variants as equal to 1 since that requirement is gone. But that disregards the possibility that you might actually WANT to master all variants of a chassis. I usually enjoy getting into all the variants and I want them all skilled up. My grind shouldn't be trippled.
Refunding related to the new costs will strike very differenty against players depending on whether they bought modules for all mechs or switched modules around.
All in all, this is not ready for release. I can accept it as an early draft/brainstorm kinda thing.
At a minimum this should happen before going live:
Trees needs to be individualized per mech to emphasize role and lore.
Mech balance needs to improve.
Faction balance needs to improve, IMPORTANT!
Balance between skills needs to improve or be balanced by cost.
Skill progression needs to make more sense, logical intuitive progression.
The things that encourage boating and discourage build experimentation needs to be reworked to achieve the opposite effect.
Grind must be reduced to current levels.
You're welcome.
Edited by Sjorpha, 09 February 2017 - 02:25 PM.