- So... what I like in it:
1. It's nice to have improvements in mech right after you take new skill. Much better than take skill and after that buy module. Especially for multiweaponized mech with 2-3 weapon groups some of which need some better quirks. That really good. You buy skill and already have it working in mech.
2. Compact skill tree - like you have AC (any of AC) and opened skill works for every type of AC you have. You don't need buy each module for each AC if you change AC2 to AC20 or AC10. That great. I like that too. Same with all other weapons except PPC and gauss. And that right - because both weapon used on specialized mech more often than on other "base, simpler" mech.
3. I like skill tree which rises survivability of some weak mech and... yeah. In that section gamer need more info why one or another skill based on Armor or Skeletal improvement may not work with mech or provide no bonus at all. I saw some messages about that and see some red numbers in "quirks" but that make no sense on first look. Maybe for new players or too old one that can become problem too.
What I don't like at all:
All skills seems pretty narrow and lined. But some of skill can be unlocked only when 2 skill from both sides unlocked too. By logic I see that I can open each skill after I unlock previous and have no message that new one can be opened only when I buy another skill from other side. That limitation without warning seems a bit strange. Maybe better place some skill in one line without connecting everything with everything if you still need buy all skill around to take one in center? So the skill connection must be tweaked a little.
Also - Skill seems identical for each mech weight. Maybe in weapon it's ok, but in skills based on mobility and survivability - Light mech forced to unlock skills which have no effect on them as well as Assault must take skills which newer used on them also. Hope I have a bit more time to check some suggestion about replacing some skills or its connection...
Anyway - system looks promising even if bring more time to grind all resources to upgrade each mech make them all based on playstyle more than just mastering.

First Try Of New Skill System On Pts
Started by Tiantara, Feb 09 2017 08:09 AM
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