Everyone with 2 working braincells will see that this new skilltree will just promote boating 1 type of weapon and put rest into speed/armor and derp+seismic.
How to mitigate that? Well thats actually easy! With diminishing returns!
First of all change the look of the skilltree.
Instead of having grids for laser, upper torso or auxillary. Make every skill a column like:
Laser Range 1 Laser Duration 1 Laser Heat 1
Laser Range 2 Laser Duration 2 Laser Heat 2
Laser Range 3 Laser Duration 3 Laser Heat 3
Laser Range 4 Laser Duration 4 Laser Heat 4
Laser Range 5 Laser Duration 5 Laser Heat 5
A lot easier to read and makes the next thing easier to balance.
Instead of having every node giving you the same value (e.g. +2% for every node in Laser Range). put in diminishing returns! The first node will give the most benefit for the point spend while spending 3 points will give you 80% of the maximum possible.
Laser Range 1 +2%
Laser Range 2 +2% (4% Total)
Laser Range 3 +2% (6% Total)
Laser Range 4 +2% (8% Total)
Laser Range 5 +2% (10% Total)
Laser Range 1 +4%
Laser Range 2 +2% (6% Total)
Laser Range 3 +2% (8% Total)
Laser Range 4 +1% (9% Total)
Laser Range 5 +1% (10% Total)
This will not prevent boating, but it will make a diverse weapon loadout less hamstrung.

Update Promotes Boating. How To Mitigate It.
Started by Moonraven83, Feb 09 2017 09:29 AM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 09 February 2017 - 09:29 AM
Posted 11 February 2017 - 02:22 PM
Yes, but i would advise making it more like
Laser Range 1 +3%
Laser Range 2 +2% (5% Total)
Laser Range 3 +1% (6% Total)
Laser Range 4 +2% (8% Total)
Laser Range 5 +2% (10% Total)
Will ncourage those who want to specialize to go all the way, whislt giving those who want to be diverse to go halfway.
You way really doesnt give much incentive to specialise with such small gains at the end.
I really do understand the want to stop boating, i agree entirely, but CHOICE is needed, your way is just as bad as PGI's current PTS skill tree in terms of not really giving you much choice.
You bassicaly telling people - "hey its not worth specing all the way so dont bother",
Whilst PGi is saying - "hey u ether spec the entire tree for mediocure bonuses or u wont
get any bonuses at all".
Idealy u want to say - "hey u can specialise all the way for good bonuses but u will be lacking in other areas,
or u can be a jack of all trades but wont be the best at any 1 thing"
Laser Range 1 +3%
Laser Range 2 +2% (5% Total)
Laser Range 3 +1% (6% Total)
Laser Range 4 +2% (8% Total)
Laser Range 5 +2% (10% Total)
Will ncourage those who want to specialize to go all the way, whislt giving those who want to be diverse to go halfway.
You way really doesnt give much incentive to specialise with such small gains at the end.
I really do understand the want to stop boating, i agree entirely, but CHOICE is needed, your way is just as bad as PGI's current PTS skill tree in terms of not really giving you much choice.
You bassicaly telling people - "hey its not worth specing all the way so dont bother",
Whilst PGi is saying - "hey u ether spec the entire tree for mediocure bonuses or u wont
get any bonuses at all".
Idealy u want to say - "hey u can specialise all the way for good bonuses but u will be lacking in other areas,
or u can be a jack of all trades but wont be the best at any 1 thing"
Posted 11 February 2017 - 02:43 PM
ArmageddonKnight, on 11 February 2017 - 02:22 PM, said:
Yes, but i would advise making it more like
Laser Range 1 +3%
Laser Range 2 +2% (5% Total)
Laser Range 3 +1% (6% Total)
Laser Range 4 +2% (8% Total)
Laser Range 5 +2% (10% Total)
Laser Range 1 +3%
Laser Range 2 +2% (5% Total)
Laser Range 3 +1% (6% Total)
Laser Range 4 +2% (8% Total)
Laser Range 5 +2% (10% Total)
right but arranging it. yo also have Laser range 1 Lawer cool down laser duration. on a plane also. you don't enable an option until the previous one is activated. You can't just activate Laser range 3 untill you have unlocked Laser range 1 and 2. I ran into a problem with this because the radar deperavation was on two different sctions and I ran out of nodes. Too many secondary nodes I didn't care for. advanced zoom had levels but I had to increase sensor range to get it. I also had to take arm speed increases to access someting else. I couldn't get an ideall mech because there weren't enough nodes especially if I wanted to max out a skill. for me Maxing Radar derp and advanced zoom is ideal.
Posted 12 February 2017 - 12:14 AM
Skill costs are too high and the point pool is too low to justify a diverse weapon build. What good will it do me if I balance two weapons but other mech run circles around me, or insta blast me, or are semi-mobile walls that I can't dent. Diminishing returns won't help diversify builds, it will do the opposite.
Posted 12 February 2017 - 03:56 AM
My oppiniion is that whatever was module based for mech should be in a separate category alltogether. This will allow us the choice of modules from the purchase of mechs, and we manage the rest. It is true that 91 points is not the greatest scheme they managed...how they even got to 91 is a mistery to me.
I tried to re-do the TopDog tree based on the old skill tree and the module slots available....not realy managed to go all the way.
Same for the PiratesBane, which has a lot of module slots.
Also, i think they may be stepping a bit too far with the amount of skils and trees, Kojar Bear's ideea is better for the first phase, untill we all wrap our heads around what is the final efects of the new skill trees and what are actualy the advantages of it.
I tried to re-do the TopDog tree based on the old skill tree and the module slots available....not realy managed to go all the way.
Same for the PiratesBane, which has a lot of module slots.
Also, i think they may be stepping a bit too far with the amount of skils and trees, Kojar Bear's ideea is better for the first phase, untill we all wrap our heads around what is the final efects of the new skill trees and what are actualy the advantages of it.
Posted 13 February 2017 - 08:52 AM
Diminishing return seems like a good idea to at least make it more viable to split your points into two diffrent weapon types. The current system makes boating the optimal way and that's not a good thing.
Posted 17 February 2017 - 02:07 AM
Wouldn't it be possible to give bonuses for "linking" skills?
Like, for example, you unlock increased energy range and ballistic velocity, and for that you get an additional bonus to them, or if you unlock ballistic and missile cooldown, you also get energy cooldown.
I think this could make mixed loadouts more interesting.
Like, for example, you unlock increased energy range and ballistic velocity, and for that you get an additional bonus to them, or if you unlock ballistic and missile cooldown, you also get energy cooldown.
I think this could make mixed loadouts more interesting.
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