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Don't Trash Tree, Change It (Visual Example)

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#1 Cbayer8


  • Ace Of Spades
  • Ace Of Spades
  • 6 posts

Posted 10 February 2017 - 10:23 AM

First off, I would like to thank PGI for allowing us to try out this new skill tree and providing feedback to them. Second, this is something I developed based off of ideas other people came up with. I felt that instead of text based ideas an image would help explain the idea. Third, this is the idea I liked the best and I know that other will agree and also disagree. Lastly, This is just proof of concept. The numbers are just a representation and do not reflect any permanent numbers in a change.

If you like this idea then promote this idea to PGI, and if people like this skill tree idea then keep this thread popular. As a final though, others may have a tough time interpreting text and visuals may allow better communication between us members and PGI staff.

Complaints I have seen (not all, just some):
- Forced to get some quirks
- Hard barrier to entry for those with low XP/C-Bills
- Current tree is difficult to follow
- Expensive to get the good stuff
- Benefits boating more than weapon diversity

Basically it uses diminishing returns. If you want to further increase benefits it costs more and you get less out of it. Also the more popular and widely used quirks should cost more.

This is a Tree that has been discussed in other threads represented in visual form (I tired to make it as easy to read as possible. I hope you can see what I'm describing):


Range Stage 1: | Cooldown Stage 1:

+3.5% Range | +3% Cooldown

1,000 XP | 1,500 XP

30,000 C-Bills | 50,000 C-Bills

Range Stage 2: | Cooldown Stage 2:

+2.5% Range | +2.25% Cooldown

1,500 XP | 2,500 XP

50,000 C-Bills | 75,000 C-Bills

Range Stage 3: | Cooldown Stage 3:

+1.25% Range | +1.5% Cooldown

2,250 XP | 3,750 XP

75,000 C-Bills | 115,000 C-Bills

Stages 4-9 omitted for space and time

Range Stage 10: | Cooldown Stage 10:

+.1% Range | +.1% Cooldown

12,500 XP | 16,500 XP

500,000 C-Bills | 800,000 C-Bills


~10-12% increase | ~10% increase

~60,000 XP | ~70,000 XP

~2 mill C-Bills | ~3 mill C-Bills

This can be applied to all trees.

Benefits of this tree:
- Promotes weapon variance
- Easy barrier of entry to decent quirks
- Easier to understand
- Can have decent all around quirks
- Or have couple great quirks
- Promotes individual 'mech customization
- Allows you to pick the skills YOU WANT

Last random thoughts:
- Once a 'mech is mastered points can be moved around with little or no cost
- Like the current tree, its just way too expensive and not as flexible as it could be.

Thanks for reading my post and I hope you like it.

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