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Skill Tree Please Listen

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#1 SoYFooD


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Posted 11 February 2017 - 06:49 AM

first of, all i am about to say is positive and to help all.
players and pgi.

i realy hate the way the skill tree is now.
and hate is a big word but i feels my feels.

the amount of XP u need to master is way to mutch.
the cbill amount is way to mutch.

u dont needt to madter 3 to get one but u needt to master 12 to get 3 now.
to master a meck u need
to basik u need 14.500xp to basic
u do that 3 times aka 43.500xp
than u add 21.500xp for elite.
so 65.000xp to get the most out of your meck.
a nother 21.500 to get a singel 8% or 10% boost to a singel weapon.
if u do the othere 2 mechs to u only need 43000xp more to elite both.
that is 108.000xp to get 3 mechs to 95% of its potential.
now u need 131.000xp to get just 1.
and to get 3 to 95% of max potential u need 380.000xp
how is this on the same level?
and the c-bill cost is just ones becouse u can move them over so u only need to spend 18.000.000 c-bill one's.
later if u are swimming in c-bills u get mulitpel sets so u dont have to swap that often.
so 9.000.000 c-bill's per mech is way more expensive.

the illusion of choice.
20% more armor an 30% of struure will make u live 15 to 25% longer.
for simplisety lets say 20% longer life.
u can do 20% more damige in a match.
and in a singel bral it is more becouse after the burst damige the sustain is mutch lower.
so a 140 armor and 70 stucture ct kill wit take 210 damige.
say u can do 30dps for 4 sec to max heat to do 120 damige
then u drop to 10dps for the next 90 damige.
so 4+9 sec is 13 sec to kill.
but id u add 20% it will tale 252 damige
that is 4+13.2 sec so a total of 17.2 sec
thats 4 secends
that is way way way beter that 8% range or even all the laser skills.
so no bild can go with out the armot tree branch.
same for speed tweak.
7.5% speed is gowing from a clan xl 310 to a 330.
it will save u 2 tons.
the armor an struk thing will save u 5.7 tons on a 100ton mech not even running fero.
but 10% heat dissipation is just 1 heat sink or about 1.5 if u have 10 internals and then u add 10 % by externals.
and the 15% cap is also about 2 externals heatsink woth.
but it save's is 6 crit slots.
so u can get 2 tons of engen or u can get tons of heatsinks and 6 crits or up to 5.7 tons of armor.
the armor will extend the time til drath so more damige
the heat will get u a biget burst and more dps so more damige.
the speed will do very little at all.
or u get 5% beter lump jets?
on 10 jump jets that is 0.25 tons worth on a light.
o and 10% range is at max a 1% damige boost
the velosety is skill an 5 % cooldown is about 6 % damige untill heat cap witch is 66% of a battle so its a 2 % damige boost.
how is it a chouis if some tings are clearly way better.

in the end u will need to griand out 60 or so piont to get the beter and thuse mandetory stuff.
than 31 piont to get the flaver of what u want.
o and we are talking 90.000xp just to get it to be base line.

u will see all the same basic tree's and small adustmets fore role type.
this is not choise.

my fix.
i have made it in a way that is "eezy" to implement.

fist progresion.
make the first 30sp cost 500xp and 1.000 c-bill.
the next 30sp id 1000xp and 10.000 c-bill
the next is 31sp is 1500xp and 100.000c-bill.

this way it is faster to get to a usefull level.
than it platows to a piont where u get a good feel.
and if u want to go for the max u do the grinde.

this will ty in to my second change.

make the fist skill node 150% of valu thnext 100% an then 50%
but u get a special bonus if u fill up the entire tree.

so if u cant to give out 11 % ac range make the first one 4% then 3% then 2% then 1% an then 1%
so u can get alot out of many trees and the last bit costs the most and gains the least.
so u can go say 9 % on lasre an 7 % on puls insted of 11% laser only.
this will keap the black jack 6 met 2 puls bild in the metta insted of pure up boating a singel waepon.
o and if u go for all the nodes in the AC range u get a boost of 10% of the max boost.
making gowing all the way mean songting.
and mabe make it so u can only have 2 maxed three bonuses.
it will be dubbel cool if whne u max that tree u het like a diferent coler of flame from your AC or other tings that tell u what u are facing and the shininses will dra al lot of people o just need thit small thing are will grinde for that.

please also make the srukture of the tree diferent so u are not forst to say take all the hill klime if u just want the speed tweak.
its not chois if u have to take it to get someting u need.

and make the tree at least diferent for the meck size. a licht med heavy an asolt tree ar the minimum i expect.

if this tree stands the way it is i will not be playing this game anymore.
i have playd very little resently and i am waiting on new stuff and inprvments to make me want to play again.
this will do the oposit.

i want to play the game and pay fore the game but i wont see the new teck if u implement this.

pleas lissen long and hard to the comunaty and think it tru.
we make the meta and know what this tree wil do and we dont like it.
i do a lot of min maxing and this tree will make me go 1 way all the time an tweak it a little dependent on the waepon only.
and this grinde will prevent me from buying new mechs. i have plenty and i dont need a 130.000 or a 260.000 xp grinde now that i have plenty of mechs there ar just as good as any ting new.

pleas pgi please.
the tree idea is good now please implement it so it is progresive and the grinde is for completion and braging not of power.

in cw we has a roul a bacik mech is no mech.
a elite mech is half a mech.
and a masterd moduld mech is a hole mech.

white all du respect and typo's.
a dutch dislectics ramblings.

#2 Davegt27


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Posted 11 February 2017 - 08:30 AM

No matter what you say or do someone will come along and say they don't like it
For so and so reason

I did not like the skill tree when I first started but it was part of the game

military proverb don't complain you will only make things worse

#3 Monkey Lover


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Posted 11 February 2017 - 11:32 AM

Most people agree progressive tree would be helpful.

Only issue I see for Pgi is the cbill count will be lower as a lot of people will never finished the 91 points. I have 150 mechs I'm not going to spend 1.3 billion to max them out. If you give me a progressive tree I will stop around d 75% on most of the mechs.

#4 SoYFooD


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Posted 11 February 2017 - 11:33 AM

View PostDavegt27, on 11 February 2017 - 08:30 AM, said:

No matter what you say or do someone will come along and say they don't like it
For so and so reason

I did not like the skill tree when I first started but it was part of the game

military proverb don't complain you will only make things worse

my military experiences granted me this wisdom.
first u do.
after u complain.
then u expect noting.
wait for something worse to make u forget and and u wont have time nor energy to regret.
and a good day is when it is not more worst

pijn is fijn, pain is nice
bloed is goed blood is good
en jeuk is leuk and itching is fun

#5 SoYFooD


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Posted 11 February 2017 - 11:37 AM

View PostMonkey Lover, on 11 February 2017 - 11:32 AM, said:

Most people agree progressive tree would be helpful.

Only issue I see for Pgi is the cbill count will be lower as a lot of people will never finished the 91 points. I have 150 mechs I'm not going to spend 1.3 billion to max them out. If you give me a progressive tree I will stop around d 75% on most of the mechs.

and the one's u really like u can go futer making the skill tree reflect your taste.
u may discover a pattern u did not see before if u do that.

#6 Fox2232


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Posted 11 February 2017 - 11:59 AM

Quote: "first of, all i am about to say is positive and to help all.
players and pgi."
And then you follow with 57 lines of rant.

Yours "solution" is super easy to implement. And it is half-assed as bonus.
- Really great idea like = Fill entire tree for Bonus
(is that your "Solution" to that huge problem Quote: "the illusion of choice." by benefiting to those who did not make choice?)
And as most, you go on with your idea of "solving" which only shifts issues in direction they feel less hurtful to you.
- - - -
And since I am hammering. Dislexia is more of a habit child decided not to overcome. I know few people who did overcome it completely and many who endorsed it.

Then there is Disgraphia, that's when writing gets to level or error you make.

And then there is effort of reading what you wrote slowly word after word and fixing most of typos you made in attempt to train your brain "not to make them again".
(trust me, that's what I do before clicking "POST")

Edited by Fox2232, 11 February 2017 - 12:01 PM.

#7 SoYFooD


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Posted 11 February 2017 - 03:23 PM

View PostFox2232, on 11 February 2017 - 11:59 AM, said:

Quote: "first of, all i am about to say is positive and to help all.
players and pgi."
And then you follow with 57 lines of rant.

Yours "solution" is super easy to implement. And it is half-assed as bonus.
- Really great idea like = Fill entire tree for Bonus
(is that your "Solution" to that huge problem Quote: "the illusion of choice." by benefiting to those who did not make choice?)
And as most, you go on with your idea of "solving" which only shifts issues in direction they feel less hurtful to you.
- - - -
And since I am hammering. Dislexia is more of a habit child decided not to overcome. I know few people who did overcome it completely and many who endorsed it.

Then there is Disgraphia, that's when writing gets to level or error you make.

And then there is effort of reading what you wrote slowly word after word and fixing most of typos you made in attempt to train your brain "not to make them again".
(trust me, that's what I do before clicking "POST")

first yes the post was lazy and I whod have made it better if i had the time.
it tuck me 3 hours to type but i understand that i need dit to spend the 2 hours to make it readable.
not good, readable.
had stuff to do so did not.
and im drunk at this moment so i cant maker it better.
o and my autism is not helping, nor the fact that english is my third laugitsh.
o and the brain damage i have that is giving me epileptic attacks is not helping sins i had to grow up with part of my brain missing.
but if i just try i can over it, cant be that hard can it?

the easy part is in respect to the tree and the support structure.
the way the new UI works can stay. all u need to do is chains the chape of the tree and the stats.
that will be simple.
just tweak a xml file and generate a new tree white all the asits in place is easy.
no new system or UI or anting needs to be made for this implementation.
only changing what hey have and il bet they made tools so they can change it fast and easy.

IF the new meta makes u spend 60 out of the 91 point on the same stuff every time because it is cutch a edge to have it is not a choice.
if u make 200 nodes and 60 will give u a 10% boost an the rest a 1% boost it is not a choice.
u will spend the first 60 points on the 10% nodes every time. making more than half of the proses a slog and not a expression of your taste.

i did not give a solution to pgi
i showed my way of thinking, wat i see and a path.
i did not say how to fix it nor do i think i have statistical prowess to make a good tree.
im just pointing the way and showing a line of thinking.
but i dont need to have a better way to do something just to say the other way is ****.
i dont know whats good, but i do know wat is not.

sincerely yours a drunk me! (jagarmeister for the win)

#8 Tyler Valentine


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Posted 11 February 2017 - 03:42 PM

I like what the drunk, brain damaged guy has to say and want to hear more.

#9 Dee Eight


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Posted 11 February 2017 - 08:21 PM

View PostMonkey Lover, on 11 February 2017 - 11:32 AM, said:

Most people agree progressive tree would be helpful.

Only issue I see for Pgi is the cbill count will be lower as a lot of people will never finished the 91 points. I have 150 mechs I'm not going to spend 1.3 billion to max them out. If you give me a progressive tree I will stop around d 75% on most of the mechs.

SO WHAT?!! Why should mech progression simply stop at 59k XP as it does now (for the mech skills) ? I think you've forgotten how much GXP was needed to unlock all those modules also. In any case, what does it fundamentally matter if the mech is "mastered" fully to 91 nodes or not ? Does your epeen get bigger or your ego shine brighter then ? Does it make you a better human being magically ?

#10 Y E O N N E


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Posted 11 February 2017 - 08:53 PM

It costs 3,500 GXP to get a module to Level 5. That, times four, added to the cost of Mastery on Live, is a little over half the cost of getting a 'Mech to 91 points on the PTS (which is 136,500, so 53%).

#11 SoYFooD


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Posted 12 February 2017 - 04:10 AM

dee eight most players want to win.
to win u want the best stuff.
that is why we want to get to the max of a mech. if we win we are good and if wee loos it is our fault.
but it is unsatisfying wining from some one ho is weaker than u or losing to some one ho just has a edge over u.
and if the edge is MC or time and not skill it is no fun.

if i have a maxed out atlus but i want to try some ting slightly different but u need a deferent chassis for that will be a big turn off.
u have to play fore 135.000xp to see if the change works or not.
and if the change is small not meny will bother.
and u get less mech and build diversity because of it.

#12 Fox2232


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Posted 12 February 2017 - 04:22 AM

MWO is asymmetric multiplayer game...
Your 100 ton Atlas does not equal 100 ton Kodiak. And nor it ever should.

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