Budoman, on 08 February 2017 - 10:38 PM, said:
I am disappointed on 2 levels for this skill tree respec. The first is that PGI keeps spending it's time fixing stuff that was never really broken, instead of adding needed content like more maps, more in depth faction play etc. I recently came across the reboot of Mechwarrior Living Legends and for volunteer, fan made game with no budget, it has more depth in the game than this one has in faction play. But I digress.
well PGI is working on new weapons and Tech(3068) set to come out this Summer,
this could add im much needed diversity with mech building, and add a deeper experience,
MW LL is fun, but it takes many libertied that just wouldnt fly in MWO,
jumping out of your Mech and being in a BattleArmor, BA AC2 having more DPS than a AC20,
a SHC Having CAP, C-ERPPC & C-Gauss with a good amount of ammo,
the only thing MW:LL has going for it is some Maps are well done, and that it has Combined arms,
balance depends on who you are fighting against, and what mech they are in(not all Mechs are Balanced)
Budoman, on 08 February 2017 - 10:38 PM, said:
I think the whole nodes cost cbills instead of straight xp is a bunch of BS. I realize modules cost a lot of money, but they could be swapped for free. You only needed them for your main drop decks and you were good.
Russ has commented on Twitter this is just a Test and they are looking at costs with the New Skill Tree,
nothing is set in stone we very well may see costs go down, before the New Skill Tree goes live,
Budoman, on 08 February 2017 - 10:38 PM, said:
I just find the whole tree system annoying. It doesn't feel like I am optimizing anything. I have to purchase a bunch of nodes I don't want to get the ones that I do. I wasn't unhappy with the previous system, it was easy, you unlock a few basic nodes on the tree and then you just swap in the module you want. An easy improvement would have been that you could have just stopped requiring 3 Mechs to be purchased - that would have been a the best way to improve it.
be many players didnt want just a 3mech removeal and leave as is(as that would just have been a Bandaid)
many as well as my self feel this is a step in the right direction, though we also feel it needs more work,
the old skill tree didnt work well, you had some skills that didnt even do anything,
this new system with abit more work, could bring a whole new feeling in MWO,
Budoman, on 08 February 2017 - 10:38 PM, said:
Now I have click through the tree and make sure I don't accidentally click MC. I get spend time doing nothing but buying back the specs I had before. I hope you enjoy the flood of refund requests and angry players that accidentally clicked MC.
you have to click checkout in order to accept those changes, then it asks you to confirm your choice,
if you dont notice you are not buying what you want its not really the systems fault,
(though i suppose your Payment Type could be made more apparent in the UI)
Budoman, on 08 February 2017 - 10:38 PM, said:
This sucks - I want more maps. Some more real play modes. Or just at least fix the maps you have so you don't keep hitting invisible hill tops. You took something that was ok and made it worse.
they are working on maps, as they have said Map Designers dont work on Programing or UI,
so this isnt stoping new Maps from Coming out and for all we know we will get a new map before June/July,