Rathnor1, on 13 March 2017 - 01:38 PM, said:
For any AP players out there reading this and are interested in MRBC but their unit won't be fielding a team, I strongly encourage you to contact one of the listed team captains and express an interest. Most teams would allow you to try out and not have to formally switch units to play in another comp team.
Feel free to PM if you have any questions, or post here.
Those team captains being:
228th IBR "The Wild Ones" - Jay Z
Spud Shed - Daidachi
Darkstar Alliance - Mr Pataks
Bear's Brawlers - mr bear
Veto - Odins Steed
Tier 9 - Amary
The Cheapskate's - live1991
[ISRC] - Cashel
I'm not certain what the best way to contact all of these people are but I'm probably best reached through Discord (I'm in the MRBC server). Jay Z and Live1991 are also reachable there to some extent. You might want to look at their team profile on the MRBC website as well, at the very least it'll have their teamspeak listed and you can jump in there.
MRBC Discord Invite:
Wilthanan, on 15 March 2017 - 02:42 AM, said:
We are struggling to field a full team. We may need to take bit of a break. We are working on getting some new players in but they are far from comp ready. Some of our experienced players are interested in playing if anyone needs to fill out their lists.
If you've got guys who are willing to run and lead a team I'd suggest talking to some of the other units who didn't sign up. A lot of teams don't sign up because they lose - or just never had - a guy to organize stuff but still have people who'd just play. Joint teams are pretty common in MRBC.
AIEL, ARMD, COMA, 5SSP, GSB and N-71 are the AP units I can think of that have played comp to some degree in the past but wont be this season of MRBC. You may also have some luck talking to the out of region teams that have a few AP guys in them.
Wilthanan, on 15 March 2017 - 02:42 AM, said:
Also is does MRBC run 2 seasons a year or is this the only one? We might be back for later in the year.
Yeah, MRBC usually runs at least two seasons a year (even when it was scheduling around the WC). I'd expect to see the same this year. There isn't a locked in number or time though as far as I'm aware.
Edited by Odins Steed, 15 March 2017 - 09:09 AM.