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Prepossal To Fix Mixed Loadoat Issues.

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#1 Destoroyah


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Posted 14 February 2017 - 04:11 PM

Now as is already known Mixed loadouts suffer cause the cost to go down mutiple weapon trees is huge, thus promoting boating and lack of diversity which is what the skill tree was supposed to do increase diversity.


My propossal is that they need to first off triple the maximum skill nodes(Rename to Skill Points) you can posess and make every tree node costs 3 skill points.

Second Change the means how you acquire Skill points from the skill node itself to a seperate area where you buy the skill points before you allocate them to the skill node trees. Cost for each skill point will be reduced to 1/3rd of what they cost now so the cost of 3 skill points needed to unlock a single skill node is the same as it is now.

Now for the main part add a optional setting on each of the three category of weapons Missle/Ballistic/and Laser. What these optionals do is lower the cost of that trees skillpoint cost by 1 if two are selected and 2 skill points if all three are selected. However by selecting the optional you are inposed a limit on how many of that weapon type you can bring and also how many you have to bring or your mech will be considered invalid and unlaunchable unless you turn off the optional discount but your be back to paying full price.. This is included to prevent abuse of the skill tree system.

Optional loadout limits. Laser: 4-6 max/2 min Ballistic: 2 max/1 min Missle: 3 max/ 1 min. Lighter mechs will get a lowered Energy min amount and assaults a higher energy max amount. Gauss and PPC share a special Restriction of 2 max meaning you can't have more then 2 max of both weapons for the mech to be considered viable, so 1 gauss/1 PPC or 2 Gauss/no PPC or 2 PPC/ No Guass(Ment to curb meta abuse of this feature.).

Example 1; A TDR-5S has 4E 2B 2M Hardpoints so can select all three optional categories thus reducing all the weapon skill node costs to 1 skill point a node thus allowing it to receive roughly equal Skill point Value as a pure one weapon boat. But the mech will have to bring the minimum required number of weapons of each type to make there mech launch viable.

Example 2: A BLR-1G has 7E 2B 1M hardpoints. If the battlemaster wanted the full three bonus it would be restricted to only bringing 6 energy weapons. If it wanted to bring all 7 of it's energy it would have to deselect the Laser Optional thus revert to full 3 skill point price a node on lasers and missle and Ballistics go to 2 Skill points price a node. Conversely the battlemster can strip all it's energy weapons and the Ballistic and missile 2 skill point a node will still be in effect.

Example 3: HNK-4G Having only Ballistic and Energy hardpoints can only select the ballistic and energy discount optionals as the missle optional will be blanked out.

The whole purpose of this proposal is to allow mixed builds the ability to max out several weapons at or about the same cost as a boat build. The restrictions are there to discourage boats from abusing the feature by forced equipment(aka tonnage use) to garner more skill points to spend else where.

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