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I'm Depressed, I Want To Play A Good Is Mech

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#81 Duke Nedo


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Posted 19 February 2017 - 01:45 AM

View PostTahribator, on 18 February 2017 - 04:15 AM, said:

Well what do you expect? Solo queue is inherently puggy. It doesn't change the fact that it's probably the best IS laserboat there is. That build has no trouble outdamaging/outtrading Clan meta stuff in the group queue. I've been using this build/'Mech ever since it got its quirks and had no trouble disposing of tryhards.

In that match my CT got cored from behind because I was taking fire from three different angles (and horrible CT rear hitboxes of the BLR), yet I dealt with all of them.

2C is much worse in terms of damage output, because it lacks the ridiculous energy quirks the 1G has. Also with weapons mounted that high, you don't need much structure since the enemy won't be seeing much of you, let alone shoot back.

This is what I'm missing on all IS mechs, check out the amount of beating the NGR can take here while still dishing out damage in return...

Tried the 1G some last night, it was OK but I think I like the 2C a bit better but not the biggest difference. Some pros and some cons. Problem is just as with all IS mechs that when you die you die like *pop*, you don't go down fighting like the clan mechs do...

#82 Burning2nd


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Posted 19 February 2017 - 02:00 AM

View PostMetus regem, on 17 February 2017 - 11:19 AM, said:

To be fare, no IS mech is going to be able to match the Kodiak 3, it's just not possible right now. Due to the advantages of Clan Tech,

They still fall really easy with a locust, Nothing better then watching a 100ton clan POS struggle with a 19.8 tonn Inner sphere surrat

I use to think as these guys think.. Clan tech is so great... But once you learn youll see that they are just as the IS, mechs... Just more predictable

remember information is ammunition

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