Another critical thing that was generally requested by players in the forums was linearization. And in that respect, PGI actually diminished the linear aspect of the firepower trees.
In skill tree PTS one, you could cherry pick which weapon attributes were most important to you. For example, my mech maybe doesn't have the heat cap to support having a faster cooldown. So I want range and velocity instead, and can spend the points I would have used on cooldown on heat dissipation over in the operations tree.
And that was good. That was the one thing I liked about it. It gives you meaningful choices.
So what the hell is this new tree??? I need to buy laser duration to access broad weapon heat gen????? I need to get high explosive buffs for missiles to get to cooldown???? Why???? What if I'm not using missile weapons????? I shouldn't have to pick up LBX spread for my laser boat to access range 10! And why is "missile rack" even different from "magazine capacity"? I have tried and it is literally impossible to unlock every skill node for any single attribute without picking up SOMETHING useless to your build.
And while we're on that, SRM high explosive? Why would I want that, the effects of it are minimal and barely noticeable. I don't rely on critical damage when I calculate how fast I want to down an enemy, and forcing everyone to have higher critical damage just increases the randomness of the game.
All "special" effects for weapons need to have their own COMPLETELY LINEAR trees. Make a tree for cooldown, velocity/duration (as one set of nodes that effect both velocity and duration), range, ammunition capacity, and heat gen, where you can pick which of those aspects you want. Then have separate trees for the nonsense like ultra jamchance, gauss rifle charge, LBX/SRM spread, etc.
Tl;dr: PGI, I like what you did with combining the weapons. But you need to un-scatter them. If you want players to have choices, you have to make it so that they can actually choose.
EDIT: UPDATE: I've tried skilling an Atlas 7-S, which has an AC/20 and 4x SRM6 launchers. I've avoided all Gauss and LBX skills, and tried to avoid all High Explosive skill nodes. Here are the nodes I can't unlock without either investing in laser buffs for lasers I don't have or high explosive buffs I don't want:
-Range 3
-Cooldown 4
-Cooldown 2
-Heat Gen 1
-Cooldown 3
-Heat Gen 2
-Cooldown 6
-Range 6
-Heat Gen 6
Edited by Arianrhod, 02 March 2017 - 02:57 PM.