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Bud's Friendly Feedback Thread 2.0

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#21 Bud Crue


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Posted 02 March 2017 - 11:39 AM

View PostAhh Screw it - WATCH THIS, on 02 March 2017 - 11:23 AM, said:

The players most affected - new players - don't have a handle on game deciding situations yet. They also don't know builds yet.

I suppose it will temporarily increase player count though, as people run out of money and start new accounts.

Yep NPE around here just gets better with every change. I for one sure am glad PGI knows best.
You know that PGI gave new players the Academy so as to explain to them the intricacies of mech building, the manner in which quirks work, how mastery impacts play and a full explanation of the "unique role" that each mech has within the game.

That's what the Academy does right?
It doesn't?
Then where do new players go to learn all that stuff!?

Yep NPE around here just gets better and better.

#22 Bud Crue


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Posted 02 March 2017 - 04:14 PM

So just built and tested un-skilled and then fully skilled max engine Quickdraws for all four variants.

Oh boy, is the G broken. It doesn't actually move. OK it moves but the rate of acceleration and deceleration is so low that it doesn't even show on the line graph display in the mech lab. No point in building my other load outs until that is fixed.

Other three (H, K and IV-4) are lamed compared to their live versions to the extend that now they feel more like Warhammers in their base movements than what the most nimble IS heavy. Kinda meh. When fully quirked out on all relevant movement and operations nodes they are much more akin to their old selves. But if you build them that way, and then add in survival and basic radar derp and seismic you have nothing left over for firepower or misc. I really think Quickes need base line mobility quirks back...badly so.

#23 Bud Crue


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Posted 02 March 2017 - 04:31 PM

Cataphract 3D. 2JJ, XL285, 2ppc, 2Uac 5s.

I swear this thing feels hardly any different with full agility and operations as it does without em...just lower top speed.

#24 Bud Crue


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Posted 02 March 2017 - 05:08 PM

More I test, the more it becomes clear that operations and mobility are not nearly as important as I thought they would be even for my more mobile reliant play style. Firepower quirks are just too valuable to pass up.

#25 Bud Crue


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Posted 02 March 2017 - 05:28 PM


Even with a single weapon build (lbx) I am spending 27 nodes on fire power. To get derp and seismic that's another 19 on sensor branch. I am considering survival a non negotiable branch (root?) so that is another 20 nodes. Of the remainder I blew 14 on operations and 11 on mobility, and I think given how cool this build is anyway, it would be better to forget the operations branch and put all 25 into mobility to get closer to full speed tweek.

Pretty close to current play feel but the loss of the operations branch (mostly basic skills in current system bugs me). Meh. Survivability has a cost and its cost is operations.

#26 Bud Crue


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Posted 02 March 2017 - 05:36 PM

Every time I try and respec I get an error code 73

#27 Bud Crue


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Posted 02 March 2017 - 05:53 PM

Loss of full speed tweek is really bringing me down. All my heavies are built to go 70KPH minimum, mastered with speed tweek on the current system and that loss of speed no mater how minimal is important to me. Many are now moving at 66KPH. So gotta re do the pattern.

To get back to full speed tweek requires a minimum of 24 nodes. So If I do 20 on firepower when I bother with firepower I find I am using around 20 ish), 20 on survival, 10 on sensors and the rest on operations (maybe a few on misc) and I think I am golden.

#28 Maurice Thorez


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Posted 02 March 2017 - 06:05 PM

View PostBud Crue, on 02 March 2017 - 05:28 PM, said:


Even with a single weapon build (lbx) I am spending 27 nodes on fire power. To get derp and seismic that's another 19 on sensor branch. I am considering survival a non negotiable branch (root?) so that is another 20 nodes. Of the remainder I blew 14 on operations and 11 on mobility, and I think given how cool this build is anyway, it would be better to forget the operations branch and put all 25 into mobility to get closer to full speed tweek.

Pretty close to current play feel but the loss of the operations branch (mostly basic skills in current system bugs me). Meh. Survivability has a cost and its cost is operations.

Yeah, operations has become a lower priority for me as well in this iteration of the PTS. I realised that mechs that leaned towards being cool running enough when fully mastered can probably do without most of that tree in exchange for taking the heat reduction from weapons that the firepower tree offers.
I do find that the armour and structure bonuses are a must have for anything that is a medium or lighter due to the way they scale with weight. Combined, they can easily offer 15-30 extra points on any component for most mechs, That is more than most structure and armour quirks offer on any individual component as of now. It only helps that the bonuses also include existing structure and armour quirks in the calculations too.

It is almost a requirement that lights have to fill out the mobility tree in this version, unlike the last one. For anything heavier than that though, I have found I usually do not invest much or anything in the mobility tree unless the mech has only one weapon type meaning I spent less skill points in the weapons tree. Cicadas I think would be the one exception, but they are honourary lights.

Edited by Maurice Thorez, 02 March 2017 - 06:06 PM.

#29 Bud Crue


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Posted 06 March 2017 - 05:36 PM

Quickdraws again, but really looking at the jump jet tree.

Playing with maxed operations and maxed mobility (minus a couple of the arm pitch nodes), sensors up to full derp and seismic, 1 auxiliary node and the rest in the jump jet tree. Experiment is about jet performance on a full JJ 5K and then the greater capacity 4G.

Main observation: Vectoring and lift speed should not be dependent on each other.

I would really like to be able to quirk to lift for quick actions events (brawling) and the forward push now present to get that quick lift effect kinda sucks. I can also see circumstances wherein when running/climbing the forward vectoring without the extra lift (or at least having to spend nodes on that lift) would be useful as well. To try and get a build suitable for poptarting (4G) and avoid the forward vectoring I built out the left side of the branch only and skipped BOTH vectoring and lift nodes of the right side of the branch, and the loss of that extra initial lift is really noticeable. Thus, you really have to suck it up and add in the vectoring to get that lift back...and that sucks. With only the left side built out I did not notice any heat improvement, yet the extra burn time was noticeable, especially on the 4G.

All in all I think the jump jet tree is going to be one of those branches that "dabbling" in it will be functionally/noticeably useless. It will be all or nothing. If the vectoring and lift were not dependent on each other, as they are now, I think the branch would be far more practical and give players more reason to apply nodes selectively to it. As is, it feels like 20 nodes or nothing. I think I will err on the side of nothing.

#30 Bud Crue


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Posted 06 March 2017 - 05:56 PM

Having to waste 2 nodes on arm pitch to access speed tweek is stupid.
Same thing with info gathering and target decay to get full derp and seismic.

For most of my Quickies regardless of build I am throwing:

20/27 on sensors
23/25 on operations
31/40 on mobility
16/22 on survival
1 on auxiliary

I get derp and and seismic like I have on the live server. I am however feeling more lethargic in regard to twist speed, and I am also missing the equivalents to all my weapons modules as I have no nodes free for firepower. The nerfs over the summer to the non hero quickdraws feel compounded in the PTS. Even with all those nodes dedicated to movement and general performance I feel slower and nothing like a so-called "fast heavy". This could be in my head and reflecting my bias but I have no way to tell for sure.

Edit: Tried skipping survival but man that shock absorbance aspect really appeals to me in the jumpier variants. I think I will skip this branch and go with firepower for my 1JJ builds.

Edited by Bud Crue, 06 March 2017 - 06:04 PM.

#31 Gentleman Reaper


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Posted 06 March 2017 - 06:24 PM

View PostBud Crue, on 06 March 2017 - 05:56 PM, said:

Having to waste 2 nodes on arm pitch to access speed tweek is stupid.

Agreed, any node that might not affect you should be used as filler, but there is no issue with having to take gathering and decay to get derp and seismic, which should be among the most expensive skills to max.

#32 Bud Crue


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Posted 07 March 2017 - 06:09 PM

I'm really trying to keep my normal level of vitriol towards PGI out of this thread.

That being said, PGI, how is it that you failed to fix the broken accel/decel rates on the mechs folks have listed? How do you expect the community to test the agility of a Sparky or a Quickdraw 4G in this here PTS THREE POINT OH if such mechs can't hardly move?


I had assumed you fixed this with the update on the 4th, but no.

So while I'd LOVE to give some feedback and share my observations on how these mechs perform, but you see, in the time taken to write this post my 4G is STILL not yet up to 20 kph. But with positive thoughts and a little engine that could spunkiness it'll get up to its top speed of 101 kph sometime early tomorrow morning. Then I will put it through its paces and let you know how it feels. Alas, your going to have to wait even longer to find out how it corners since its going to take a bit for it to slow down.


#33 Sickario


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Posted 08 March 2017 - 08:50 AM

Yeah that ridiculous acceleration bug, if it goes live like that then I'm done, which would be painful for me because I've only been playing since December but I've spent a lot of money on this game during that time.

#34 draiocht


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Posted 09 March 2017 - 05:02 PM

[mod]Removed unconstructive, argumentative reply-chain.[/mod]

#35 -MAC-


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Posted 09 March 2017 - 06:53 PM

The whole thread should be removed as unconstructive and abject nonsense.

Edited by Mechwarrior2470942, 09 March 2017 - 06:55 PM.

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