Bud Crue, on 16 March 2017 - 10:33 AM, said:
I care that they are nerfing...and seemingly randomly so...what WE KNOW, objectively know...to be some of the worst mechs, and making them worse. Those mechs are not going to magically be made good in the new system.
No, it takes time and effort put into something different to make them good. The current system of making every mech have the same skills with the same grind turns people away from those harder to play mechs as they have to put more effort into trying to level. In a system where you can add reasonable capability without needing to grind out 2 other mechs that are also difficult to play makes it more reasonable to play that said mech. When you play that said mech longer, you start seeing better ways of how to play that mech, to do better. You also have to remember, those objectively worst mechs are centuries old in the lore, fighting mechs only decades old. The Victor was designed and built from the 2500s, and the Kodiak from 3001.
Bud Crue, on 16 March 2017 - 10:33 AM, said:
You asked about what I think is going to be meta in the new system? Same as the current system. New weapons might change that, but the skills tree changes nothing. Hunch IIc, Night Gyr, and yes even the poor, sad Kodak 3 are still going to be great (though as an exemplar I'm almost tempted to say Mad IIc). The skills tree is not going to make a newly nerfed St. Ives Blues the new medium of choice. Nor is the nerfed Orion going to suddenly become dominate over the Night Gyr. Etc.
Funny for you pick the Orion as an example of an "underperforming" mech. I nicknamed mine "Clan Hunter" as I just tear through clan Heavies and Assaults in it. With 2 Ultra 5s and some SRM backup weapons, I seek out those clan mechs seen as "Overpowered" (Timberwolf, NIght Gry, Mauauder IIC, Kodiak) and take them head on. Its really fun when you tear off a Marauder IICs ST while they attempt to twist and get an ammo explosion, run circles around a Kodiak and pop his CT from the back as they always seem to front-load all of it, or drill through a Mad Cat that doesn't even glance at you in a few second because you're in a "bad mech". The only 2 mechs I've been called a hacker in was that and the Mauler-2P, and neither of those were "mastered" in the current system.
The whole thought process of "
Players are going to naturally skill out and play the one or two variants from each chassis that have inherently better "baseline" characteristics." assumes that they don't already, which they do.
soapyfrog, on 16 March 2017 - 10:46 AM, said:
Well it has jumpjets so if it wants better jumpjets it might have to give something up for that maybe? Probably not though.
When they finally bring in Death from Above, JJs suddenly become more viable for those heavier mechs.
Edited by Athom83, 20 March 2017 - 06:34 AM.