oldradagast, on 05 March 2017 - 11:14 AM, said:
The skill maze is a mess. It shouldn't be a maze. When things have gotten so bad people are just clicking random junk to get "that one skill everyone needs in this tree," then the concept has failed.
There shouldn't be a "1 skill everyone needs," and hiding it behind an XP and cbill tax of junk does not in anyway change the fact that everyone needs that "one skill." That is GRIND, not CHOICE or ROLES. It just makes it take longer to get to that skill - wheee! more grind and more time playing a sub-optimal mech! - and it makes it harder for new players to find the needed skills amid the maze of trash.
There's no excuse for a skill tree to be this complicated, riddled with false choices, and burdened with utterly useless skills in this day and age. It is doubly problematic for a game that ALREADY has arguably "too many choices" to worry about, with hundreds of mechs and nearly infinite builds, the vast majority of which are also false choices and utterly useless in an actual game.
PGI needs to keep it simple. MWO is already a miserably complicated game to learn for new players. The last thing it needs is a tangled skill maze that becomes a frustrating XP and cbill sink as new players struggle to make workable skill builds and veteran players wistfully let most of their mechs rust because they don't have the time or resources to level most of them back to their previous state.
The thing is, you have a different concept for the Skill Trees than PGI has, neither one is better or worse than the other, but they lead to different outcomes.
On PGI's side, you have the current skill webs with "filler" nodes, this is to prevent min-maxing by requiring users to fill out most of the tree if you want to get all the nodes of a specific skill, this system eliminates bias towards boats or similar builds that the current module system has, but at the expense of choosing exactly how you want to spec your mech.
What you're asking for is linear trees, the benefit of this is the large amount of choice presented to players, but at the expense of offering no less advantage for specific builds than we currently have in live. This would mean that the game doesn't feel that different than it does now, but it's not what I want, I want a system that doesn't put me at a disadvantage because I like to run mechs with mixed weapons.
It's certainly possible to try an find a good middle point between the different concepts thrown around the forums, semi-linear trees with diminishing returns would lessen build-bias, but I don't think it would be worth rebuilding all the trees when I feel the current system works fine, aside from needing tweaks.
I get how much you despise this system judging by you making your point heard on every single topic posted here, but I want you to understand why there are people like me who like this system, it's not bad design, it's just not necessarily what some people were expecting.