Lego Mech Contest
Posted 17 April 2017 - 12:12 PM
Posted 22 April 2017 - 01:32 AM
Posted 22 April 2017 - 08:58 PM
Finishing the legs. It has actuators and a skeleton with missile bays and armor plates.
Posted 23 April 2017 - 05:27 AM

I have just discover the thread today, so let me put a humble participation that i have just build (with old and new elements) :
The Fire Fox :
A 30 tons clan omnimech based on the IS battlemech, the Firestarter. So it's basically a light mech with energy and missiles hardpoints : A 250XL, a couple of Flamers for anti infantery purpose, two medium pulse lasers in the Torsi for dealing with bigger targets and an head mounted Streak SRM 4 missiles.
I hope you will enjoy the design, i have take a lot of pleasure to create this new light mech of my own

Of course it is largely based on the firestarter design. But i have made chicken legs and a head missile hardpoint to put some new flavour on the design. I have choose a red-grey-black pattern for colours cause it suits the Flamers based mech well. Sorry for the quality of the pics, i am not a king at making pictures, plus i have use a phone for this...

I wish good luck to the others mechwarriors fans of Lego and see you on battlefield

There is a lot of Lego gems on this thread !!!
Posted 23 April 2017 - 07:17 AM

Posted 23 April 2017 - 08:14 AM
They were all made for MFZ tabletop gaming, by the way.

Edited by VitorFaria, 23 April 2017 - 08:14 AM.
Posted 23 April 2017 - 12:39 PM
Edit: Damn I forgot to add the 1x1 round bricks to finish the Jump jets for both mechs. Rear shots will show what I mean.

Edit 2: The pics are very small on my screen, but can be zoomed in far better on flickr once it redirects.
Thank you for the contest. If not for this contest my Vulture would still be just a thought on my HDD and not a 27 cm tall model on my desk. I present my Vulture as 1# and my Bushwacker as 2# entry. Both are minifig scale and in scale to each other with the aid of these pictures which served as the reference to both mechs:
About the mechs:
-The Vulture is 100% my own design from brick 1. I rushed it for your contest so it is not yet fully posable. You can check the progression here:
-The Bushwacker started out as a modification to Primus' 2009 Bushwacker but since I changed everything internally and externally I consider it totally my own design though the model clearly still bows a head to Primus for his original. Unlike Primus' model, mine is fully posable
So here I go. My Lego Mechwarrior 4 version Vulture / Maddog:

My Lego Mechwarrior 4 version Bushwacker:

Congrats to all of you here. I love your lego mechs guys. My Mechwarrior buddy wants me to design a Dire Wolf next, but I want to try a Madcat / Timberwolf instead

Edited by Tyutyu, 23 April 2017 - 12:43 PM.
Posted 24 April 2017 - 06:23 AM
Currently I have contest #1 entries from:
Bishop Steiner
Levi Porphyrogenitus
Cole Slaw
And contest #2 entries from:
Aleski (1)
Cole Slaw (1)
dak irakoz (3)
Darksoul719 (1)
DragoWolf (3)
Maljenio (1)
Neroc26 (3)
Tyutyu (2)
Willothius (8)
If your name does not appear on one of these lists and it should or if I have the incorrect number of entries for you, let me know. Robomomo2000, your images are not visible, so I have not been able to enter you.
Edited by Rekkon, 24 April 2017 - 06:24 AM.
Posted 24 April 2017 - 12:46 PM
A working battlemech for lego minifigs.
Posted 24 April 2017 - 04:05 PM
More details to come.
Posted 24 April 2017 - 04:31 PM
Utilizing armored compcomments and state of the art weapons, the
Snow Leopard is one of the most durable heavy clan mechs. The "fangs", ears, and antenna are
An advanced target and sensor array. The snow leopard has twin iatm3's and twin snubnose ppc's in it's torsos. One heavy small laser and Hyper velocity autocannon 5 is in each arm. The snow Leopard benefits from an integrated arm-torso system in order to reduce weight to mount more weapons, ammo, and armor while retaining a speed of 81 kph. The snow leopard also mounts ecm and masc.
The Snow leopard was designed as an insult to the entire touman of clan smoke jaguar after tensions arose between them and the wolf's dragoons. The wolf's dragoons had noticed a bolstering of the clan's forces after plans for a new mech were stolen. Suspicious and angered, the wolf's dragoons created the "bloody" Snow Leopard as a new concept designed to infuriate and challenge clan smoke jaguar.
Posted 24 April 2017 - 05:12 PM
Edited by DragoWolf, 24 April 2017 - 05:16 PM.
Posted 24 April 2017 - 05:37 PM

Posted 24 April 2017 - 08:42 PM
Griffin LAM:
Helm's Harold:
Edited by Robomomo2000, 24 April 2017 - 08:49 PM.
Posted 24 April 2017 - 09:55 PM
Rekkon, on 24 April 2017 - 06:23 AM, said:
Willothius (5)
(unless you're counting the small extra's on the pic with paper

EDIT: But really, just count the 2 big ones and the small Marauder. I just needed a reason to show some more tiny LEGO Mechs!
Edited by Willothius, 24 April 2017 - 09:56 PM.
Posted 25 April 2017 - 06:42 AM
First, the answers! A key thing to remember here is that I made these in the 90s. I had no TROs at the time, so my references were the novel illustrations, the TCG and MechWarriors 2-4 (“Hey mom, can I leave dial up connected all night to download the MW4 demo?”). Included are the number of people who correctly identified the model (out of 10).
1. Summoner (7). Not too difficult this one, though its weapons violated the closest thing I had to conventions for the autocannon and PPC. You cannot really see it in the photo, but the bottom of the feet have those little circular disc pieces, which were how I designated jump jets.
2. Centurion (8). I am not certain I got both correct arms on this one, but the key features were the mowhawk and the LRM rack in the torso.
3. Bombardier (2): This one was pretty obscure, generic looking enough to be confusing, and not being in MWO probably hurt its identifiability. If memory serves, the bit on top is an AMS.
4. Victor (3): Pretty darn basic here, but we have the Gauss Rifle in the arm and the SRM-4 in the torso. I think he was missing the jump jet disc. Could be I ran out or simply did not care because this was a late model that got last pick of the pieces.
5. Penetrator (4): I thought this one was pretty obvious, but it is not in MWO.
6. Banshee (1): You can tell from the legs this was made from the bottom of the barrel. The SRM rack helps a bit, but it is still pretty generic. I am pretty certain this one was based off a TCG card.
7. Executioner (7): I could not find the other arm, and the head was always a terrible step pyramid, but plenty of people got it. Must be the jump pack.
8. Rifleman (6): Based off older art of course, but the arms are reasonably distinctive.
9. Nova (4): The arms are completely missing and might only have been 1x8 blocks representing the PPC variant. Key features are the low profile, torso and arms attached directly to the main body.
10. Cyclops (5): I remember being relatively proud of the head on this one, not that it worked for people given the average ID rate.
11. Owens (7.5): Half credit was given for Jenner/Jenner IIC answers. Deal with it in therapy. Key bits were the legs, antennae and LRM-5 arms.
12. Sentinel (1): Someone actually got this one! The design makes way more sense (still is terrible) when you see the TCG art upon which it was based. It was also a way to get another mech out of weird, bottom-barrel pieces.
13. Locust (7): Tiny, spindly legs. Not having much in the way of official stats, my weaponry depictions were not always the most accurate.
14. Panther (2): I am reasonably sure those are the original arms, but the head was missing, and I took a stab at what it might have been. Pretty generic, but the PPC and SRM-4 are there.
15. Shadow Cat (8): I thought past-me did quite well with this one (indicative of a later gen model), and I must have because plenty of people got it.
16. Marauder (10): Also one of the better looking machines, and one of the few with a perfect identification rate.
17. Archer (7): Taken from the cover of Wolf Pack, one of the first Battletech novels I got to read (had no idea of the context of anything happening).
18. Hellbringer (2): Pretty sure this was copied from the A’s TCG art. Part of the searchlight is missing; probably just a flat plate. This one was way tougher for people to ID than expected.
19. Mad Dog (7): I had to reconstruct the arms a bit, but the design is fairly distinctive.
20. Unkown (0). I really think this was based off some piece of TCG art, but I was unable to deduce what it was. Had I felt someone guessed close enough, they would have earned a point, but no one did.
21. Timber Wolf (10): Easy peasy.
22. Blackjack (0): This one is super bland, but I never expected no one to get it. AC-2 gun arms and four medium lasers.
23. Warhawk (9): I distinctly remember having an older, much more terrible version of this. Clearly it got destroyed and reworked into this much better design. Identification rates agree. No LRM rack because I always wanted to rip it off for more heat sinks. I had a Dire Wolf too at some point.
24. Adder (7): Pretty identifiable, though apparently its photo partner confused a few people enough to label it “tiny Warhawk,” which it technically true but yields no points.
25. Stormcrow (8): After taking the photos it occurred to me that I should not have paired mechs that were the same chassis, but I was too lazy to take new photos. I do not know whether that would have made things more or less confusing. Not everyone IDed these as the same mech though.
26. Stormcrow (6): Specifically the B. I was going to use IDing this one specifically as the B as a tie breaker, but no tie breaker was necessary. The Stormcrow got two models because the B was one of my favorites from MechWarrior 2.
27. Kit Fox (2): The resemblance is pretty close to the TCG’s A art. No idea why I made two of them or made the left arms slightly different.
28. Kit Fox (2): Gauss Rifle and two ER medium lasers.
29. Ice Ferret (4): I thought the CT profile was reasonably distinctive here, but not many people got this one.
30. Gargoyle (3): The shoulder grills are SRM racks, and I put some effort into making the head unlike certain other models.
31. Original (0): I have no idea what past-me was going for here other than it was an original model, and I think a test bed for (terrible) articulating legs (they had to be held together with sticky tack). An autocannon of some sort, two SRM-6s, four? medium lasers and maybe a machine gun. I probably just stuck on things that looked cool.
32. Unknown (0): I have the vague sense this was supposed to be something canon, but it was A) badly designed and

33. Awesome (8): Nailed it. Not sure where his feet went, but they would have been the usual, lazy 2x4 blocks on the end of 2x2 blocks. Probably blue.
34. Thug (0): Ya, not good. The ridged blocks under the PPCs were supposed to be fists, but this was definitely a bottom of the barrel design based on a single perspective TCG art piece.
35. Vindicator (1): I have spare arms, but I am not entirely sure his are there or which ones they might have been. Without those there is not much to go on, but someone managed to get it. *golf clap*
36. Fire Moth (2): I thought the nose and arm profile would be distinctive enough, especially once you added in the five laser armament. Perhaps I was mistaken or it was hit by the “not in MWO” tax (*glares at PGI*), but only two people got it.
37. Original (0): Another original. I think this was my 100-ton Terminator with two ERPPCs, four ER medium lasers and an Ultra LBX-20 with ten tons of ammo. Because inventing weapons is fun and Mr. Original simply made a double-fire LBX. It might be missing a missile rack of some sort too. Ridiculous ammo capacity because look how fast I burn though it in MW2!
38. Catapult (10): Pretty straight forward.
39. Catapult (8): I am 99% sure this is just another catapult with different arms for… reasons. In any event, that was how it was scored, and the feet are the same. Science!
40. Unkown (0): Another “I think this might have been based on something” relic. No one’s guess jogged the memory, so zero points all around.
41. Ebon Jaguar (8): Another design I was rather proud of at the time, and lots of people got it.
42. Hatchetman (7.5): It is maddening that I could not find/ID his arms. I know for sure it was supposed to be a Hatchetman, despite the axe design (and there is no gun on the other side of the head, but in a bout of incomprehensible mercy, I granted half points to Axeman guesses.
43. Unknown (0): Um, er, nope, got nothing. Possibly something cobbled together to use the articulated claw. Zero points for Gryffindor.
44. White Tank (0): I seem to recall this tank and its black counterpart were loosely based off something (2x PPCs and missiles), but none of my research produced a satisfactory answer and no guesses were close enough to earn points.
45. Tall Tank (0): Same kind of story as above. Looks like LRMs, SRMs and four lasers?
46. Black Tank (0): Black makes it scarier.
47. Warrior? (4): I am not entirely certain this was actually based on a piece of art vs. randomly cobbled together. A Warrior VTOL seems the most likely match and was scored accordingly.
48. Stingray? (3): I am 50/50 on whether these were based on art or assembled to look cool using leftover wing pieces. Points were awarded for Stingray.
49. Stingray? (3): Double word score.
50. Chippewa?/Shilone? (4.5): I seem to recall basing this one off the aerofighters visible on the TCG card Aerospace Fighter Mission. Originally I thought it was a Shilone, but research showed it is more likely a Chippewa. Half credit was given for the former answer.
51. Unknown (0): This is an accidental repost of #32. Everyone’s score for #32 was doubled.
52. Stormcrow (7): Es un Stormcrow grande! One of the few mini-fig(ish) sized models I ever made (I also made a Hellbringer based on instruction from an old website/Lego MechWarrior comic). Pretty sure this was based on someone else’s instructions. The mounting points are still there for the torso SRM racks (and I have the rack pieces), so I either modified the original design to the B config (presumably from the A) or the original design was a mishmash designed to look good.
53. Original (0): Another of my original designs. I want to say it was call the Tiger. Heavy, 2x ERPPC, A/C-5, 2x ERML and 2x SRM-6s (probably streaks). Mainly build to look cool while using that long cockpit nose piece from a space set (spaceship!).
54. Mist Lynx (1): Way too big for a light mech, but I went for proportions and the head/torso shapes. And not very well given its low ID rate.
55. Original (0): Another original cobbled together to make use of a cockpit piece. Missing an arm and I am not even sure those are the correct legs.
56. Urbanmech (10): Shunned even by his peers, this Urbanmech is square. Made to use that dome top and the arm piece from an underwater set.
And now the final scores!
1st Place: Marauder, Timber Wolf, Catapult and Urbanmech, all with 100% identification.
2nd Place: Warhawk with 9/10.
3rd Place: Centurion, Shadow Cat, Stormcrow, Awesome, Catapult and Ebon Jaguar with 8/10.
Haha, you suck: Banshee, Sentinel, Vindicator, Mist Lynx with one lowly point.
But not as much as these losers: Blackjack and Thug with zero, zip, zilch, nada (originals, unknowns and tanks were removed from consideration).
Oh, you wanted the player scores. Fine. This contest was run concurrently on my unit’s forum with separate prizes there and here. Feel free to check my math.
Night Lanner: 31
Bishop Steiner: 30
Neteye: 29.5
Levi Porphyrogenitus: 27
Horseman: 24
Cole Slaw: 22
Vtine: 18.5
Willothius: 18.5
FrostyBurns: 13.5
Tul Duru: 12.5
In first place for R79T and overall, with an impressive 31/56, we have my unit leader Night Lanner!
In first place for the MWO forum (second overall), we have Bishop Steiner only one point behind (and a mere half point ahead of last minute entry Neteye.
Honorable mentions go to:
Levi Porphyrogenitus: For being the only one to ID the Banshee and Sentinel.
Cole Slaw: For being the only person to ID the Vindicator.
Horseman: For being the only person to ID the Mist Lynx.
Night Lanner and Bishop Steiner, send me your choice of mechpack, reinforcement add-on or hero add-on. You may also choose two Clan light heroes.
Levi Porphyrogenitus, Cole Slaw and Horseman, we sadly did not get enough entries for me to give away additional mech packs, but each of you have earned a gift code for 7 days of premium time if you want it.
Posted 25 April 2017 - 10:07 AM
There were a lot of good entries, frankly more than I was expecting. I also did not expect there to be more entries in this contest than #1, but playing with Legos *is* more fun. Anyway, on to the scores!
Aleski #1 (Fire Fox)
Advantages: Red and black, friend of Jack. Appropriate use of flames. Hand actuator to pick up fuel cells.
Disadvantages: Is that a laser or are you going to fence someone? I think you need more antennae.
Score: 387
Cole Slaw #1 (Mad Dog)
Advantages: Excellent pandering to the judge’s color scheme preferences. Dynamic leg articulation.
Disadvantages: Asymmetric arms. Hideous abomination MW4 Mad Dog chin turret. That minifig is way too smug.
Score: ∑
dak irakoz #1 (Duelist)
Advantages: ComStar crash test dummy approved. Could almost be directly from a TRO. I really like the gear usage. AMS.
Disadvantages: The head looks so narrow I keep thinking another mech clapped its ears and squished the cockpit. Split missile racks hurt my OCD. Super low arm hardpoints, and it will have a hard time shielding that center torso.
Score: Oogly
dak irakoz #2 (Snow Rabbit)
Advantages: Fits its namesake. That SRM-4 rack totally looks like something a canon design would bolt on as an afterthought (and list as installed in the torso).
Disadvantages: Skipped leg day.
Score: Q
Dak irakoz #3 (Iron Golem)
Advantages: All ready for four-player co-op.
Disadvantages: No guys, this is MechWarrior. Heavy Gear is two doors down.
Score: No Following
Darksoul719 #1 (Abomination)
Advantages: I like gray. Looks like a badass automata with which you do not want to mess. Puny mechs in the way to smash.
Disadvantages: Mechs are not automata. Puny mechs blocking camera shot. Poor lightly makes things look more sinister. Tiger tank drivers had better visibility. And you thought the Awesome was a barn door.
Score: 42i
DragoWolf #1 (Skull Crusher)
Advantages: Assymetric hardpoints for sword-and-boarding. Dynamic pose. Flames decals make it go faster. Extra set pieces.
Disadvantages: Enough ammo feed to choke a moose. Accidentally put left arm through refrigerator.
Score: Caps with skulls on them
DragoWolf #2 (Prometheus Mk II)
Advantages: Taste the rainbow. High mounted missile hardpoints. Great visibility.
Disadvantages: Think of all the colors you would have to purchase. Street sweeper arm hardpoints. Skipped arm day. Archer cockpit problem.
Score: Yellow #5
DragoWolf #3 (Daishi)
Advantages: Satellite TV.
Disadvantages: Frequently mistaken for the Domination marker. Someone went too far on a “got your nose” joke to an Uziel.
Score: News van decal
DragoWolf #4 (Snow Leopard)
Advantages: Awesome name. Looks a bit like a jumbo Cougar. Internal detail.
Disadvantages: Description makes no temporal sense since it is a snub on Smoke Jaguar but uses equipment developed after their annihilation. Wolf’s Dragoons also somehow getting Clan tech for which no IS counterpart exists.
Score: Paradox
Maljenio #1 (Unnamed)
Advantages: DISH and DirectTV. Missile covers. Appears to be piloted by Qui-Gon Jinn and/or Dr. Strange. The CLAW. B-wing cockpit.
Disadvantages: Will totally trip itself with that ammo belt.
Score: One large burrito, two tacos and a Gir take us back to the base right now.
Neroc26 #1 (Timber Wolf)
Advantages: Also pandering to the judge’s color preferences. Good use of detail for the cockpit. Natural environment.
Disadvantages: Was bitten by radioactive Hunchback. Foot parasite.
Score: 3.14159265 stars
Neroc26 #2 (Goliath-Devastator)
Advantages: Good looking proportions and weaponry.
Disadvantages: Cannot unsee cockpit as xenomorph face.
Score: LV-426.
Neroc26 #3 (Challenger)
Advantages: Use of Y-wing cockpit. Assume the vacuum tube is a fume extractor for the autocannon. Talons.
Disadvantages: Now I cannot unsee the head as an A-wing. Broken tail light.
Score: Koensayr
Robomomo2000 #1 (Helm’s Harold)
Advantages: Matches past-me’s preference for neon cones as lasers. Hurray gray. Interesting design. Clever arm construction.
Disadvantages: I cannot think of anything snarky to say here. Wait, needs more right shoulder pauldron.
Score: Burnt Umber
Robomomo2000 #2 (Griffin LAM)
Advantages: Can fly and jump good.
Disadvantages: We pretend LAMs do not exist these days. Totally OP in Scouting.
Score: Half a crate of Deus Ex LAMs
Robomomo2000 #3 (Blizzard)
Advantages: More gray. Missiles will blot out the local star.
Disadvantages: Pre-legged. Half the ammo of a Bane 3. Makes Urbanmechs look fast.
Score: All the missiles.
Tyutyu #1 (Mad Dog)
Advantages: Highly accurate to source material. Correct number of missile tubes. Nice articulation.
Disadvantages: Suffer not the MW4 Mad Dog to live.
Score: Beautiful Heresy
Tyutyu #1 (Bushwacker)
Advantages: Red. Great job with the arms. Decidedly did not skip leg day. Made by fellow E-wing enthusiast.
Disadvantages: Cannot unsee tires. ****** thermometer. Not going to hide anywhere.
Score: #FF0000
Willothius #1 (Marauder)
Advantages: Excellent Lego micro-artistry.
Disadvantages: Someone chewed on the PPC muzzle.
Score: 4 G'Quan-Eth seeds
Willothius #2 (Chimera)
Advantages: Excellent representation.
Disadvantages: Stubby legs.
Score: Mongoose Dog
Willothius #3 (“Big” Marauder)
Advantages: Excellent use of specialty pieces.
Disadvantages: Also midget legs.
Score: G2V
Do these scores actually mean something or was Rekkon just making random comments/references?
Internally, I had set 20 entries as the threshold to give away an additional mechpack. However, while that was sort of intended to be unique people not distinct submissions, it was never really considered or specified. I will have to take it up with accounting. Come to think of it, I am accounting. Tell you what, I do not want to get me in trouble over this so we will just give away two main prizes.
Top prizes go to:
Tyutyu for his Bushwacker.
Willothius for his Chimera.
Honorable mentions go to:
dak irakoz for his Duelist.
DragoWolf for his Snow Leopard.
The order of the listings is alphabetical and should not be used to construe first/second/third/fourth place. I had a hard enough time narrowing down the finalists. People who take the advantages/disadvantages too seriously should run their own contests.
Congratulations Tyutyu and Willothius. Send me your choice of mechpack, reinforcement add-on or hero add-on. You may also choose two Clan light heroes.
DragoWolf and dak irakoz have both earned a gift code for 7 days of premium time if they want it.
Edited by Rekkon, 26 April 2017 - 09:24 AM.
Posted 25 April 2017 - 10:56 AM
Anyone who won a mech pack may request gift store substitutions of equal or lesser value as well.
5.5 days left for early adopter rewards on the Civil War mechs.
Posted 26 April 2017 - 09:27 AM
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