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Conclusion Of Skill Tree Pts - March 8 - 4 Pm Pdt

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#381 tokumboh


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Posted 13 March 2017 - 09:15 AM

View PostDr Angst, on 13 March 2017 - 02:17 AM, said:

I know that Steam doesn't include all the players in this game but these numbers speak for themselves:


Wow those figures look dire...............................

A more accurate representation is the current season statistics :


This is the last page of the leader board it show who has played this season (basically this month this is the last page)
as you can see there are 22020 that have played at least 10 games this season
The top 10000 have played 50 games this season
The top 5000 have played more than 92 games this season
The top 2000 have played more than 150 games this season
The top 1000 have played more than 198 games this season
The top 100 have played more than 374 games this season
The top 10 over nearly 600 games and the top person has 836 games (where do they get the time)

If the average player playing 50-100 games per month it is easy to see the grind for getting C bill being prohibitive
If you average 10 minutes a game 6 games per hour you are talking about 20 hours per month of game playing consider most of us are actually not teenagers but mostly working with kids and family giving up 20 hours a month would for me mean 3 hours at the weekend and the odd weekday night playing an hour.

I have 80 mechs and 90 modules all told so I am not in a bad position but there are people that are way worse off than me
I am currently doing a bit of grinding every evening I cheeky game here and there basically rotating through mechs to get th double bonus of first win of the day. I am at 46M C bills and 36K of GXP. I am not buying mechS and am not buying weapons or engines or the like. I am due the javelin and the roughneck so at the moment I am looking at selling some mechs and some excess weapons. it would mean being frugal. So I will buy the K9 but I will resist all the otherS in the resistance hero set for example I most probably would not buy a medium or light again due to the scaling issue and now with the mobility being a concern. My PHX is the same height as my WHM. which is ridiculous. I might buy some new mechs when this all settles down and I have got over the shock of the Skill Tree and have become mesmerised by the shiny new stuff coming down the line ( yes I am a sucker) but at the moment the i think the PGI is taking the piss and whilst I understand the people whom say wait and see I don't understand those that say it is all good.

#382 tokumboh


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Posted 13 March 2017 - 10:32 AM

View PostSuperFunkTron, on 12 March 2017 - 06:14 PM, said:

There are a lot of points to address but I'll keep it to just a few as this has been argued to death.
-Abilities and filler nodes: They intentionally put the most desired nodes at the bottom so that they would require greater investment. That is a means to prevent people from cherry picking all the best abilities and making overpowered machines. As nice as it would be to have full ECM or radar deprivation, Seismic, maxed out weapons, speed tweak, amazing heat efficiency and great info tech, it leads to a stale game when every mech becomes overly capable.

You are conflating the fact of navigating a tree with investment.
You could have a 4 trees with 5 nodes each and each node be worth 10 SP and you give people a maximum of 30 SP to use that produces choice or you could have 10000 nodes each worth 1 point and give a user 1000 SP. which would you prefer? Actually which am I arguing for and why may be the better question.

As Chris said the tree is that fashion because that is what they want to do, they want to make the 'investment' look like a tree traversal game. I want to to play mechwarrior not tree traversal game. I find it difficult to understand why playing a tree traversal game excites anyone. the intermediate node are virtually valueless that is why I said that they might as well not have anything in the intermediate nodes. hence in the mobility nodes they had arm pitch and speed which was complete and utter bullsh1t

The could make the tree much more streamlined. What they have also not explained is how a new player going to get value out of this. If you were a beginner and needed your mech to be better to compete what would you advise with 10 SP. The old system win a match and you get cool run of 5% here win a match and you start on which tree what does it do for you basically SFA so a beginner is traversing a tree with mostly filler, to get to a point where he can avoid lurms. 5 nodes get him 20% and it is not clear that 20% does than much of him as a beginner.

the pain for me is that I will make the choice I understand what I want I know what filler I can avoid it is just a waste of my time when I could be playing.

View PostSuperFunkTron, on 12 March 2017 - 06:14 PM, said:

-Size of trees vs. linear nodes. I understand the thought with linear trees and trees that require higher costs for better nodes and even the case for compression of nodes so that there are fewer nodes with a larger benefit. It's nice to see more impact from a single node purchase than having to buy more upgrades in smaller quantities. Your claim of insignificant percentages I feel lacks context. Despite this, I find the larger tree creates more of a spectrum than binary features. Some numbers are small (>1%), but if you consider what they apply to, they tend to be appropriate.
Of course, many players will be maxing out certain abilities on most of their mechs, which is fine. However, there are many players who will actually not prioritize certain "prime abilities" because they don't feel the cost is worth it. They can gain a portion of an ability without having to fully master it. That is what I like about the larger tree. It allows players to choose how far they upgrade on a spectrum, with some variation of the paths they choose to get to those final values. Granted, some trees don't offer much variation in arriving at certain prime abilities at the bottom of the tree, but having the freedom to be able to gain some degree of an ability is really nice.
Those who are looking to max out abilities won't understand it, but there are players who choose to complete only a portion of many of the trees because they feel that a certain amount of an ability is sufficient to their needs and thus have more nodes to place in other places.

You can have that but I fear that I am repeating myself there are 330 nodes and 91 nodes you need to choose multiply that by 80 mechs (if you have the cash).

Even if you have a new mech you would clear not spend the point 1 point at a time as it make little sense. You are talking about beyond the no brainer, 1% improvements per node and a maximum of 5% in places please!!!. Now I accept that is to nerf thing to increase time to kill but please are you going to make such granular choices. In the main it make sense to min max much of these features.

For example speed tweek for a mech going over 120Kmph may be not a big deal even at 7.5% but acceleration at 50% is really key. straight line speed is not that important in MWO unless you are a light and then the tweak whislt nice is not as important unless you are really slow. So a DWF may actually want speed tweak but a KDK may skip it. the granularity in many cases is meh and unnecessary

View PostSuperFunkTron, on 12 March 2017 - 06:14 PM, said:

-tree coherence: I've been seeing a lot of posts saying that these trees are incoherent and it is making me wonder if I'm autistic because they make sense to me. Highly desirable nodes are at the bottom. A variety of related upgrades are above that. The upgrades closer to the top are used as a means to offer some buffs to a mech specializing in that tree while the highly desirable nodes at the bottom are elite upgrades for that field. It prevents a mech from accumulating an excess of elite upgrades and creating balance disturbances by becoming overpowered.
I could be wrong, but that sounds like a coherent layout with a well defined goal. I do concede that some of those earlier abilities could be made better, and I'm even sure that PGI would like to hear what those replacement suggestions are so that they can improve upon the tree.

The coherency issue I agree if you wanted to put blocks in the way of desirable nodes you can do two thing you can put fillers in the way or you could put the price up. What PGI has done has put fillers in the way and many of the fillers do not make sense and I even think that Chris actually used the term fillers. They basically said what is it that people would find useful and lets make it difficult to get. Ok what can we put in the way.

So lets take the beginner again he getting lurmed to death so he know needs Radar Dep to help him break lock however on the way he get target decay which promote lurming is that coherent? is that what they are trying to promote? So on top of the filler there is also the lack of awareness of what they are promoting

View PostSuperFunkTron, on 12 March 2017 - 06:14 PM, said:

We could really have an endless discussion about the different facets of this situation but there's no point to it. I believe that a simple, linear tree system allowed for balance, that it would have been the type of tree we ended up with. I am sure that a lot of thought and consideration was put into trying to find out the simplest way to implement a tree while accounting for all of the balance issues that could arise and find that there is a lot of sense in these trees (even with its admitted short comings). This won't be the end of the tree's development, but offers a step in the right direction and a system that improves on the status quo. Not everyone will see it that way, but a lot is being done both blatantly and subtly and I'm confident that PGI is neither using this to kill the game off nor to harm it.

As I have said previously we could have had a weekend of suspending the live server and replacing it with PTS2.5 and playing 12 v12 games and giving everyone 50M C bills for playing 25 games. That would have been a good shake down and I would have been happy if people turned around and said yeah that worked. We have a small community and PGI has a hard time engaging people to test stuff which is why we have 4 v 4s. 4 v4 are pretty much brawls there is very little in the way of ranged engagement because it make little sense even scouting which is 4 v 4 taking a raven 3L with ER large Lasers is not a good call.

In fairness you are correct, we are smart people, any change is assimilated like the Borg and have unintended consequences The more complexity the more complex the interaction the harder it is to unplck which is partly where I am coming from and indeed why PGI have had the issues they have throughout the game Once this goes live if you have to make major changes then it is a real sh1Tstorm. PGI have broken people that pay big dollars, economy, yes the ones that pay the bills essentially, before you even talk about the other changes. I understand that there needs to be a rebalancing fr the new tech since the old IS tech has been made have some equivalence or more appropriately the Clan weapons have had clunky nerfs. Now if someone was clever they would have advanced the timeline to 3060s and then introduce the clans but they didn't and again this was due to a lack of insight and testing. I feel that PGI are kind of blinkered and that is why I rail at this. it is poor engineering.

Lastly we have both spent to long crafting forum posts and not enough playing the game that clear we are both passionate about. (The whole debate felt like Brexit or Trump versus Clinton at times)
Posted Image

I respect your view point even though I do not agree with it. I am still open to be persuaded, but at the moment I don't see it. However, much as I have argued against it i will still be playing on 21st March and beyond and I trust if I ever get good enough I will see you either with a red or blue dorito

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#383 Crockdaddy


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Posted 13 March 2017 - 12:57 PM

I am looking forward to the change but only because I own around 325 to 400 modules and out of my stable of 250 or so mechs I use maybe 12 often and 30 regularly.

#384 KrocodockleTheBooBoxLoader-GetIn


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Posted 13 March 2017 - 03:52 PM

Player base lowest it's been since dec 2015

#385 The Boneshaman


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Posted 13 March 2017 - 04:00 PM

View PostSuperFunkTron, on 13 March 2017 - 09:05 AM, said:

Why did they take out mechs falling down?

if I remember right. they were having trouble with the coding that caused mechs to teleporting all over the place and it was also interfering with collision. I think. I don't remember

#386 AnTi90d


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Posted 13 March 2017 - 05:36 PM

View PostThe Boneshaman, on 13 March 2017 - 04:00 PM, said:

if I remember right. they were having trouble with the coding that caused mechs to teleporting all over the place and it was also interfering with collision. I think. I don't remember

I'm pretty sure that was their excuse.. but this was the real reason:

#387 Wintersdark


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Posted 13 March 2017 - 06:27 PM

View PostSuperFunkTron, on 13 March 2017 - 09:05 AM, said:

I wish the mechs still moved the way they did that video!
Why did they take out mechs falling down?

Dragon bowling with Paul.

To be as fair and generous as possible, it's not a fun gameplay mechanic when a player can be stunlocked and not be able to do anything about it.

Now, there are solutions, but it was disabled then for that reason, though there were some severe other issues which I'll get to, but affected other areas of play too as that was an early beta build that had all sorts of problems.

A more interesting question is why we still don't have knockdown/collisions.

The answer is actually very simple. It's not about it being "hard to code" or due to a bug, but rather just simple lag.

We have HSR, so when you shoot someone, the game checks to see if you had a valid shot based on what you saw at the time you fired. This means that you can technically shoot someone after they've moved into cover (except on your screen they weren't in cover yet, because due to lag you're seeing an enemy mech some fraction of a second behind where it "actually" is on the server.

This works pretty well, and because the time periods involved are fairly small (it generally accounts for ~400ms lag, so just under half a second) it's generally not noticable. The end result is that you don't have to "lag shoot" - firing even hitscan weapons like lasers in front of your target, so you're hitting where the server thinks the mech is instead of where your client thinks the mech is.

Yay for being able to shoot things you can see!

It doesn't work for collision, though, because you have two people with two different views of where mechs are. Thus, you could try to pass CLOSE to another mech - and indeed fully miss it on your screen, but the server would know that despite what the players saw, they actually ran into each other. Now you have someone falling down, despite both players (or even just one of the two players, if one had a very low ping and the other a high ping) having seen the mechs clearly miss each other. A half second of lag in total makes a lot of difference in relative positions when you've got 150kph lights tear-assing around.

This is not a good situation. You *missed* the guy you just piloted past, but where knocked down anyways!

But the fun doesn't stop there.

Where do you fall? Do you fall down on the map where YOU see yourself? Where the server sees yourself? Where the other players client sees you? These are all different locations, and it can be a very important difference.

It's a huge mess, and very difficult to sort out when using server-authenticated movement which is largely necessary to prevent movement based hacks.

#388 Brakkyn


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Posted 13 March 2017 - 06:50 PM

...and there it is.


#389 Dr Angst


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Posted 14 March 2017 - 07:49 AM

As I posted elsewhere on these forums...


I'm impressed that feedback managed to prevent this incomplete and flaud system to be integrated to the game.

I was so prepared to quit the game but I guess I'm back instead.

Cheers !

#390 Arkhangel


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Posted 14 March 2017 - 03:15 PM

yes, congrats, Angst, 200 people bitching and moaning screwed up at least 20000 other people. There's really only so much PTS will ever do, and frankly.. well... this still needs to be out before July, or Clanners will be even saltier than usual, given the tech update.

#391 plodder


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 09:36 PM


Have whatever skill tree you have ready patched and run with it for 30 Days like you planned, but do a hard reset at the 30 day mark, where you will make all the changes to the skill tree, and guarentee the players get back their c-bills, xp, gxp, after you reset.
Everyone will experiment on everything if they get it back. Using the regular client as the test server..


Give prizes for time spent in Test client, Trees built and run. Tree Horns, Tree Mechs. Legacy GXP??????????????????????????????????????????????????

Edited by plodder, 16 March 2017 - 09:38 PM.

#392 D V Devnull


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Posted 16 March 2017 - 11:07 PM

View Postplodder, on 16 March 2017 - 09:36 PM, said:

Give prizes for time spent in Test client, Trees built and run. Tree Horns, Tree Mechs. Legacy GXP??????????????????????????????????????????????????

This second part to your idea is better. Best to keep PTS activity away from the Live Servers, and instead reward for coming to the PTS and helping out with testing things. ;)

~D. V. "Would be interesting to see PGI bridge the rewards across..." Devnull

#393 plodder


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Posted 19 March 2017 - 07:42 PM

View PostD V Devnull, on 16 March 2017 - 11:07 PM, said:

This second part to your idea is better. Best to keep PTS activity away from the Live Servers, and instead reward for coming to the PTS and helping out with testing things. Posted Image

~D. V. "Would be interesting to see PGI bridge the rewards across..." Devnull

The Beta did something like a hard reset. Eveyone knew it was coning and spent c bills and xp wildly because of it.

Yeah the hard thing about PTS is the numbers, and it seems like most everyone avoids it so they can make c bills and play with friends. If there were incentives it might help. Posted Image

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