The Steiner Blue Man, on 10 March 2017 - 09:49 PM, said:
I know right? She looks more like Rosie O' Donnell and we all know how crazy she was. I can't take someone like that too seriously lol

. Hey Davions look out because our Archon is Rosie O' Donnell, and she's gonna getcha.

FedRats beware!
Rosie O'Donnel might be terrifying,
but Katherine killed her own mother and framed her Brother.
Melissa Steiner, btw, was a f$%ing saint too.
And if that isn't bad enough.. Katherine Steiner ALSO had
Omiko Kurita murdered as well. Anyone who hasn't read the books might
write her off as just "Victor Steiner's lover". But she was amazing in her own way. As Keeper of the Family Honor and daughter to Theodore Kurita and love interest of Victor Steiner-Davion she managed her political, traditional and romantic position with the utmost decorum and cunning. She was everything good about House Kurita.
Who really wants to wave a Steiner flag and die or kill for Katherine Steiner's ego? How much more blood do you want to shed for her petty revenge and psychopathic ambition? Maybe I am just confused, maybe over here in the FRR the air is just different; but I don't see how any Mech Warrior with a modicum of honor would lift a single SLAS for her cause. If you lack the moral fortitude to turn on her and execute her yourselves, at least throw your weapons down and force her to fight her ridiculous '
Civil War' by herself.
I am sorry, I just do not see anything redeemable about Mother-Killing Katherine Steiner and the reality of the Civil War.. is it is
ALL ABOUT her. You can hate the Davions for being Davions, but Victor was a solid dude and had Katherine been killed as a baby, I think the future for both sides of the FedCom would have been brighter.
Does anyone seriously disagree with that?
Edited by Mech The Dane, 10 March 2017 - 10:39 PM.