El Bandito, on 26 March 2017 - 11:09 PM, said:
Well then, it is clear that LRMs should get velocity increase without range decrease. Maybe it will be less situational then.
I recall when that happened last time. So many people whined that "LRMs are hitting me, this isn't right. Make it stop" that it was rolled back.
So, basically people complained that LRMs where everywhere and was actually hitting. They where everywhere because the change was still new and people where still checking it out. They where hitting because opponents no longer had 5 seconds to react, but instead something like 3-4 seconds.
Oh, and many of said people didn't bother with AMS and didn't keep cover nearby. I also don't believe (but could be wrong) that ECM was in the game back then. Now that ECM is in the game, Radar Deprivation, AMS and soon to be LAMS... I think LRMs could just straight out use a velocity buff. There are enough counters out there that it should be feasible to make this change and not have it be overpowered.
Then, instead of changing it within a few days, it should be seriously tested for a month. PGI should announce that it will stay in the game for a month to collect data, and if the people continue to complain about it and it is showing numbers being too effective, than bring it back down.
With LRMs, higher velocity is a doubled edged sword as much as other people don't think about it. It means that the missiles don't have as much time to correct their position (track), if I lose the lock I have less time to get it back, etc. However, it also means that more missiles will hit more often as the target will have less time to react.
As something that can go hand in hand with increased velocity, AMS could have improved shooting rates (dealing more DPS to missiles) so that they will retain their current effectiveness. This would be a counter to LRM increased travel speeds, so the two systems remain equal. (And, of course, this time if the velocity gets nerfed back down, change the AMS fire rates back down too.)
Threat Doc, on 27 March 2017 - 10:06 AM, said:
Boy, remove that warning for indirect LRM fire, and that would REALLY piss some people off, LOL.
I must say, as much as I agree with your about the LRM warning and how it can be a hindrance to their use, I kinda believe that removing it at this point in the game would be a little late and unwanted. Impart for the last line you wrote. It would get people angry.
Faster velocity alone should do the trick. Let them known missiles are coming. They will have less time to react to it. Although, without that warning, AMS would gain a new purpose, as a warning signal to people. Hear it going off? Find cover...