in TT 30m is 1Hex so MWO LRMs would have a 33Hex Range,
however in TT LRMs have 21Hex Range 12Hexs Less,
now most if not all weapons in MWO have 30m/Hex range
so should LRMs be brought inline with all other weapons in MWO,
(to keep LRMs Ranged Viability lets assume 40m/Hex)
=the Concept=
LRMs would have 840m(40m/Hex) Range,
this would bring LRMs closer to all other weapons in MWO,
and perhaps they would gain better velocity or spread or both,
this also will have the secondary effect of forcing LRM Only Boats Closer to the Front lines,
having them Share their armor more so than they currently do sitting back at 950m,
Thoughts, Comments, Concerns?
Edited by Andi Nagasia, 01 April 2017 - 11:47 AM.