Let me explain.
Currently those three fuel cell generators just have that one yellow icon on the map. You can't tell if a fuel cell generator has an available battery waiting there or not. This can lead to confusion, but also a lot of wasted time traveling to a generator where a battery was just extracted. Instead I would like to see the color change. A fuel cell generator with an active battery should have a green icon.
This would also help create some tension as players race to the fuel cell generator that just lit up green on the minimap.
Second issue is that control towers don't do a very good job of telling the player how much time is left on the charge. If I return to base and see the radar tower is activated I don't know if there is 2 minutes left, or 20 seconds left. I would like to see some sort of cooldown bar on the tower icon at the top of the screen.

Edited by Jman5, 25 March 2017 - 11:30 AM.