So what brings people to skirmish and what could possible stop them?
There where different suggestions made:
- Better rewards for doing objectives
- Using FWs dropdeck
- "Endless" respawns
- Radar, Jammer and Airfield beeing more powerfull
- Repairbays
I think thats all I remember.
My first thoughts on these
- Better rewards
Would most likely bring some people to do the objectives, not everyone but the ones that wonder why they don't make money anymore with stoping others.
On the other hand it can lead to people just not voting the modes as they just want to stomp.
- Dropdeck
Haveing 4 drops gives you a bit of an option to either take a bit bigger risk on getting the objectives or change your tactis according to beeing defencive, capture energie or attacking.
It also works well in FW, I think and FW has a smiliar mode.
Problem is, none of the other modes uses a dropdeck and I am not certain everyone has even a dropdeck and using stock mechs isn't working that well.
- Endless respawns
Wouldn't go for endless but something similar to Battlefield or CoD where you have a fixed number of drops per team and every kill reduces that counter. Also taking objectives and holding them also reduces drops.
I think that this is a nice option as people who want to stomp can, they work for the goal of winning the game.
At the same time people who go for objectives also work on the goal if winning the game.
Problem I see here is how do we reward people. The current system rewards "damage done" (simplified). With a high number of drops the rewards for people could spike endless and that isn't something we and PGI might want. Also it still demotes the people who are doing objectives.
Quick idea would be to have all damage done by the team gethered and then devided by all.
Everyone getting the same (exept AFK) and I know you might carrie someone who isn't that good...yah that happens. No big deal IMO.
- Radar, Jammer, Air more powerfull
This is also something I could see as adding some balance. If one team just goes for the stop and the other has some people that do objectives they should get something in return that replaces the firepower lost by those running around and give them an edge over the stompers.
Let it rain fire from the sky...

Drawback to this..Map should be asymetrical, as mention in another topic, with the capturepoints not beeing in the middle of the map but the side. That way a stopping group would have to decide to go either to snipe the captureing units or go for the base. Spliting would reduce their effectiveness.
- Repairbays
I don't see this as a solution. It would be more like a way to make captureing "easier". Except a sniper takes you out in one shot you have a chance to get into the fight.
Also it might make people retreat as they could come back later. Maybe that make some people thing more tactical instead of just going in.
Has the danger of turning into the quite oposite direction as people might stomp, get back for repairs and then just overrun the enemy base.
What are your thoughts? Any improvemnts on the ideas or got something better?