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Feed Back On Incursion

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#1 Snuggles Time


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Posted 29 March 2017 - 09:25 PM

Throwing my 2 cents into the mix


1. Add mobile repair stations
2. Asymmetrical ie attacking a base
3. Add AI tanks for the attacker
4. Make it worth playing by giving a moderate/large c-bill boost

Edited by Snuggles Time, 29 March 2017 - 09:26 PM.

#2 Cato Zilks


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Posted 29 March 2017 - 09:40 PM

This is sooooo much extra work for PGI. I am not saying that to mock the company, but they are small. Assym map layout plus real turrets powered by batteries seems way more feasible.

#3 Kojak Bear


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Posted 29 March 2017 - 09:41 PM

If they make it asymmetrical, the Radar and Air Tower should be nearer the attackers' spawn while the ECM should be nearer the defenders' spawn but ALL outside the base. I'd ditch the Dropship in favor of Shilone/Stiletto bombing runs like normal airstrikes every 2-3 minutes or so, as called by the Company/Lance commanders to encourage people to actually take on those roles. Yes to the NPC Tanks. Yes to more rewards by going for objectives as opposed to killing red guys.

Or maybe retain the symmetry, but make it more than one base per side to destroy, like maybe three smaller bases scattered around the map (with each lance spawning at each of the bases), and there will just be one kind of tower per base. Each base health should be considerable enough that it can't be destroyed by just a pack of light mechs in 10 seconds (maybe give each base a little over half the health of the Orbital guns in FP?).

And the... batteries? You have the tech to power mechs indefinitely but need batteries for buildings? Eh... And the name "Incursion" sounds a bit... underwhelming for the potential scope of the game mode. Perhaps... Onslaught? Blitzkrieg?

Edited by Kojak Bear, 29 March 2017 - 09:43 PM.

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