Location: Any method of participation in the "Lucky Charms 3" Loot Bag Event
Reproduction Rate: 100% -- This is ALWAYS REPRODUCIBLE!!!
Steps To Reproduce:
- Play a match, but have it naturally result in Failing to achieve Victory, while still having more than the Qualifying 80 Match Score
- That match will then fail to populate the Loot Bag list, because it has more requirements attached than there are supposed to be
What should NOT happen: Matches that were not Victories, but had more than the Qualifying 80 Match Score, Failing to show up on the Loot Bag list
What SHOULD be happening: Matches that were not Victories, but had more than the Qualifying 80 Match Score, actually showing up on the Loot Bag list
Comments: This took me several days to discover after the HotFix 1.4.110 to Patch 1.4.107 happened. I'm not sure when it started happening during the Event, but if this can't entirely be fixed, then I hope you'll either extend the Event, or provide some alternate form of compensation to everyone. This bug is currently affecting the Entire Player Base, and has already caused a lot of people to NOT get Loot Bags which they are due. I'll be placing up a Duplicate Bug Report in the appropriate location of these Forums, due to how damaging this Bug happens to be. Also, here's a reference link with some info...
-> https://mwomercs.com/forums/topic/247289-lucky-charms-3-event/page__pid__5678395__st__160
...as it appears there may be people having problems in the other direction.

Connected Thread: -> https://mwomercs.com/forums/topic/248050-critical-failure-lucky-charms-3-loot-bag-event-qualifiers-that-are-non-victory-not-showing-up/
~Mr. D. V. "Likes Events, Hates Crippling Bugs..." Devnull
[Edit by Post Author to add Connected Thread.]
Edited by D V Devnull, 30 March 2017 - 01:49 AM.