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Mechs associated with specific houses

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#1 lonewolfsx


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 11:04 PM

Hey all, I'm mostly a Clanner, and my expertise pertains to those societies and technologies. I'm familiar with a lot of the Battletech lore, but most of my IS knowledge relates to the clan invasion. Anyway, could anyone with the knowledge tell or direct me somewhere where I could see which makes were most commonly used by which inner sphere houses?
Not specific to the years this game is taking place, I mean all time. I just want the knowledge and figured a few others might want to know as well. I'm familiar with Sarna.net, so don't say that unless you have a specific page I should see.
I already know a few,

Capellan C:

Federated C:
-Penetrator (probably..)

Lyran A:
-Atlas I suppose? But the Atlas is pretty evenly spread, the Lyrans just have a reputiation for using assault mechs a lot.

Free Worlds L:

Draconis C:

Free Rasalhauge R:
-Nothing specific?

Basically what I'm getting at is, what are the stereotypical mechs of each house?

Edited by lonewolfsx, 07 July 2012 - 11:10 PM.

#2 deharmony


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 11:25 PM

most of the knowledge i got on this topic concerning what mechs where or are used mainly by which house are from the table top source books of the houses and factions. capellans. vindicator,raven cataphract.federated suns. valkyrie,enforcer,blackjack and jagermech, lyrans zeus,commando. free worlds league awesome,hermes and draconis combine dragon and panther.there are more listed in source books of the houses and technical readouts. hope that helps if even a little or at least points u in the general direction to find more info.

#3 lonewolfsx


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Posted 07 July 2012 - 11:54 PM

Thanks man. I have pretty much every source book in PDF format, but that's a lot of material to read since I figured somebody here would already know. But hey, I have time. Might as well read up... the one time I wish I had an iPad haha

#4 DFDelta


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Posted 08 July 2012 - 01:10 AM

Some that I can name:

- JagerMech and variants/upgrades.
- Templar
- Centurion
- Musketeer (Blitzkrieg clone, not quite as good)
- Valkyrie
- Bushwacker (joint project with the Lyrand back when they were the FedCom)

Lyran Alliance/Commonwealth
- Atlas (they have the biggest factory)
- Commando
- Zeus
- Barghest (awesome quad)
- Banshee
- Griffon
- Penetrator
- Hollander
- Bitzkrieg
- Avatar (not theirs, but they buy a lot of them from the Dracs)
- Bushwacker
- Hauptmann

- Avatar (they sell a huge chunk of their production to the Lyrans)
- Jenner
- Owens
- Tai Sho
- (Grand) Dragon
- Mauler

Rasalhaque: (they build their mechs in cooperation with ComStar, so they also have a lot of them)
- Beowulf
- Viking

Free Worlds League:
- Eagle
- Albatross (awesome mech)
- Awesome
- Shirocco

- Men Shen (better Raven)
- Raven
- Katapult
- Yu Gung (or something like that)

#5 Odanan


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 09:23 AM

There are some tables of most common mechs for the houses in the books. Someone got a link for the internet?

#6 ScrapIron Prime


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 09:39 AM

At this point in time (just prior to 3050), the "favored" mechs of the houses are as follows:

Steiner - Commando, Hatchetman, Zeus
Marik - Hermes II, Orion
Liao - Vindicator, Raven
Davion - Valkyrie, Hatchetman, Enforcer, Victor
Kurita - Jenner, Panther, Dragon, Hatamoto Chi

The houses used and manufactured other mechs as well, but these are the models that are very hard to acquire outside that particular successor state.

#7 Seabear


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 02:44 PM

The 3025 TRO specifically lists 14 mech variants associated with the FWL:
Centurion 9AL
Trebuchet 5M
Griffin 1S
Wolverine 6M
Ostroc 2M
Maruarder 3M
Orion m
Awesome base and Laser/LRM version
Battlemaster 1G
Atlas LL version

3050TRO gives the following as FWL variants with lostech:
Stringer 5M
Hermes 3S
Cicada 3M
Hermes II 5S
Vulcan 5M
Phoenix Hawk 3M
Hunchback 5M
T-Bucket 7M
Griffin 3M
Shadow Hawk 5M
Ostsol 5M
Quickdraw 5M
Rifleman 5M
Crudader 5M
THunderbolt 7M
Archer 4M
Grasshopper 5J
Guilliotine 5M
Warhammer 7M
Maruarder 5M
Orion 1M
Awesome 9M
Goliath 3M
Battlemaster 3M
Stalker 5M

This list does not include the "common" mechs found in every IS army.

#8 Migrayne


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 02:49 PM

So if a Jenner is only in one house and I pick that as my founder mech does that mean I have to be in that house?

#9 Rorik Thrumsalr


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Posted 16 July 2012 - 03:02 PM

View PostMigrayne, on 16 July 2012 - 02:49 PM, said:

So if a Jenner is only in one house and I pick that as my founder mech does that mean I have to be in that house?

I wouldn't think so. After all those centuries of war the machines trade hands a lot. The cataphract was designed by the CC but due to a plant being captured and a ton of salvage the fed suns are the biggest user. The Catapult is widely dispersed across the IS. It wouldn't even really stretch lore to have a Steiner Raven or a Kurita Awesome.

#10 Seabear


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 12:28 PM

Every mech will be available to every house, per the devs. There may be perks for certain mechs if you are in certain houses. For example, the FWL is known for its laser and LRM munnions developements. Davion is known for its interest in ACs. Hence, the FWL might have cheaper/better lasers while Fedsuns players might have access to cheaper/beter ACs.

#11 ScrapIron Prime


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Posted 20 July 2012 - 12:31 PM

View PostSeabear, on 20 July 2012 - 12:28 PM, said:

Every mech will be available to every house, per the devs. There may be perks for certain mechs if you are in certain houses. For example, the FWL is known for its laser and LRM munnions developements. Davion is known for its interest in ACs. Hence, the FWL might have cheaper/better lasers while Fedsuns players might have access to cheaper/beter ACs.

And ain't nobody make ER PPC's like the Draconis Combine. They love 'em.

#12 Soviet Alex


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Posted 21 July 2012 - 01:17 PM

It's true, we do have very fine PPCs. To answer Migrayne's question first:
"Bryan Ekman - Creative Director

Q: Will certain mechs be house specific and not available across the board, or is it a free for all in that sense

A: Mechs will not be limited to a house, however, we plan to adjust the C-Bill cost based on your allegiance. [BRYAN]"

(from a devs tweetchat transcript).

And to answer Lonewolfsx's original question, I'll turn it around for convenience. Here are the announced mechs with likely factions:

Commando - House Steiner, probably Free Rasalhague Republic.
Spider - Not exactly common anywhere, but House Marik & Kurita have the most.
Jenner - House Kurita, probably FRR.
Raven - House Liao, House Davion.
Cicada - House Marik, although the Cicada-3C is a House Liao variant.
Centurion - House Davion.
Hunchback - Everyone.
Trebuchet - House Marik. House Kurita have a variant which swaps LRMs for a PPC & an AC5, dunno if that's a variant in MW-O.
Dragon - House Kurita, probably FRR.
Catapult - House Liao (C1), House Kurita (K2).
Jaegermech - House Davion, House Liao.
Cataphract - House Davion, House Liao.
Awesome - House Marik, House Steiner.
Stalker - Everyone.
Atlas - Houses Davion, Kurita & Steiner.

Hope all that helps. :P

#13 JFlash49


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Posted 21 July 2012 - 07:30 PM

whoa i had some of these messed up thanks for info too

#14 Tennex


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Posted 21 July 2012 - 07:53 PM

According to Mechcommander 2 llol
Capellan C:
- Lao Hu
- Men Shen
- Sha Yu

Federated C:
- Mad Cat
- Shadow cat

Lyran A:

Theres more stuff but those are the ones that come to mind

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